Elucubrations clownesques I

Caroline Woodley, Mayor of Hackney since November 2024, has achieved a lot in one year!

I have revisited my correspondence since winning Court Case against landlord and flat agent on 7 September 2023 and put in (almost) all together: correspondence with Hackney Council (Housing/homeless/Council Tax), my ward Cllr, landlord, Caroline Woodley.

I’m realising the heaviness of dehumanisation that’s been ongoing; my brain is constantly occupied with never ending aggressions. The cruelty or even criminality of those involved in preventing homelessness is savage!

At no point, any of these female social actors offered a decent job! Instead, they relentlessly conducted a sort of vulgar war on a victim of sexual and sexist violence!

The read is far too long, so I divided into two sections: one, from court case win to end of 2023; the other from January 2024 to (so far) October 2024.

Due to its length, I highlighted in bold what’s relevant or what’s super relevant in larger letters in bold. Anything to do with mental health issues is stabilo-ed in purple whether it’s describing the condition, the triggering or the acceptance of pain from other parts. I have also stabilo-ed in blue comments that were not part of emails. I guess it doesn’t make the reading too easy.

Though revisiting the whole process is sickening, it gives a great bird view on how to become homeless. It is Hackney but it could be anywhere... I don’t know, it’s my experience with a background of abuse of power!

Caroline Woodley has banned me from going to my local community garden invoking unpredictable behaviour and abuse of language; is making me homeless, has booked without my consent a RDV with a rat laboratory expert in psychosis and schizophrenia for deaf and menopaused women!

Woodley goes a lot to events posing here and there, if you see her, ask her why wasn’t it possible to make a deal with landlord of a year stay at £1046 a month with Hackney incentive; find me a safe place in housing for women aged 55+; redo the landlord flat for £5000:

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk Thu, 7 Sept 2023 at 13:52

Bcc: m.g@hackney.gov.uk (ward cllr); journalists

Subject: court case verdict + robinhood community garden


Today was the verdict hearing for court case: landlord + flat agent vs myself.

My rent arrears has been cancelled + I should receive some (pocket money) compensation. Landlord and flat agent have to pay the court fees entirely. The landlord has not been granted my eviction.

Barrister said I was free... I won. My reply was: I'm free in the mouth of two male vultures!

I live in a place where two masculinists / virilists/ patronising cunts have been protected by Hackney Council since Summer 2020!

What's next? They increase the rent (I already have to put £75 a month as benefit won't cover it; They will evict me without using the law and I have two months to move out = I have no money for a next deposit, no reference!

Patriarchy has not won in the eye of law but they will still make my life a hell place, they can! I'm in the street by the end of this year!

Sunday 3 September 2023, Robinhood Garden was closed when I got there at 1.30pm. I walked around, went back home and on the way, there was that new girl working for Shelter who i think is friend with my aggressor's son. She avoided me and when I asked her if she was going to garden, she said yes but it was closed; she has the padlock code because she does the website for the garden... so I imposed myself in. When she asked if I was ok, I asked her how she would feel to have worked somewhere for three years and having to ask permission to enter a place that a new person has access to. She said she didn't want to get involved... When I picked up apples, she said it was not allowed because garden was closed: I said I didn't care as the garden is a community garden where I work hard and it supposed to be open! Then, she  refused entry to a very old man, so I open the gate to let him in saying it's a community garden and if she chose to come on a day that is supposed to be accessible by its community, then she has to leave it open.

All in all, she doesn't want to hear the politics but want to improve her CV thanks to Vicky and Peter Moore!

Garden was also closed previous Sunday 27 August when I got there at 1.20pm...


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk Thu, 14 Sept 2023 at 13:10 + at 13:12

caroline xx woodley @hackney.gov.uk (responsible for parks and green areas) rebecca.housing needs @hackney.gov.uk philip.glanville@hackney.gov.uk (mayor of Hackney) mayor@hackney.gov.uk

Subject: when a piece of land triggers greed / sexual violence

 [AUTO REPLY from Philip Glanville and Hackney Town Hall: "Mayor Philip Glanville has temporarily stepped aside from his leadership of the Council. If you are emailing the Mayor in his Mayoral capacity, your email will be passed to Statutory Deputy Mayor, Cllr Anntoinette Bramble and/or the relevant Cabinet lead for information / action. Cllr Bramble has assumed temporary leadership of the Council in line with the Council’s constitution." 16 September: Philip Glanville, Hackney mayor resigns after photo with disgraced councillor https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-66830901 ]

Dear all,

Some of you received my Mailchimp post Rising Voices on 21 September 2021. The Guardian decided I was mentally ill and in distress; complained to the marketing campaign company which banned me from… writing further on sexual violence! Days later following the ban, my landlord issued me with an eviction letter.

On 21 July 2023, after refusing to settle out of court, I sat six hours in the court room supported by a solicitor and barrister. I wanted to know why I didn’t have a bath, a shower, working heaters for over seven yearsafter hearing I was mentally ill, I had a bad reputation, I had tantrums, I was difficult, and shouting at electricians and plumbers as well as refusing them access to do the repairsI heard that they couldn’t change my bathtub because of the metric system (they use the imperial one)! The judge was supposed to give her verdict on that day but decided to adjourn the hearing, so she could analyse (my?) evidence.

On 7 September 2023, my landlord and flat agent were found guilty and the judge rejected my eviction! I think they have lost around £50 000 (court fees etc). If it’s a huge victory, I still face homeless as they can still ask me to leave the flat: I have no money for a deposit nor will they give me a reference...

After many visits at Raven Row Gallery and being struck with colonisation and slavery stories, I realised how my own story or many stories relate to these violence. How a piece of land triggers greed! How abuse and power happen within a limited border, how a body / a mind is a piece of land: https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2023/08/soleil-o.html

When Sinéad O'Connor died, I wrote two pieces: https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-killing-moon.html;  https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2023/07/in-between-days-of-sinead-oconnor.html

Are French male journalists in the culture domaine sexists and misogynist? https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2023/08/no-mans-woman-in-womans-world.html...     Or are they discreet and full of integrity https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2022/07/french-journalism-integrity-discretion.html? Maybe they want to change while remaining the same https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2023/01/dov-alfon-changer-libe-rester-libe.html?

Eight years since I have spoken out about being sexually harassed at Les Inrocks, French press is being reluctant in admitting their complicity / giving me a job, yet I think they believe me now. Tonight, former colleague at Les Inrocks JD Beauvallet and friend with The Guardian Laura Snapes might be auctioning his art collection https://www.tateward.com/auction/details/070-urban--contemporary-art/?au=98?  I only guess as it’s very similar to https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2023/03/auction-urban-contemporary-art-date.html and https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2023/07/auction-urban-contemporary-art-part-ii.html! But maybe I’m just mentally ill and in distress...

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk Wed, 20 Sept 2023 at 15:15

To: London Borough of Hackney General correspondence (ref: 16966561)    g.d@hackney.gov.uk

Cc: m.g@hackney.gov.uk (ward cllr)

Bcc: journalists

Dear Hackney Council,

I have written to you on 25 May 2023 and again 14 June 2023 as below. You haven't replied to me. Why?

You have increased my rent arrears. Why? You have increased my Council Tax / year. Why?

Both landlord and flat agent that you have protected via Josie C (her nice emails to them were read to the judge after my barrister showed via my emails I was constantly cooperative from 2014 to 2019!) were found guilty following court case 21 July 2023, verdict 7 September 2023! However, putting me on some scheme because you reviewed my case to my disadvantage, I have £75 per month to pay for my rent. How do I do that? An unemployed neighbour living in identical flat as mine whose rent is higher than mine doesn't face my problems with rent. Why?

I mention you here https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2023/08/soleil-o.html

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


On Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 15:24:04 BST, M G (ward Cllr) m.g@hackney.gov.uk  wrote:

Dear Sybille

Thankyou for copying me into your emails. I understand you have a number of complex issues going on.

I have a surgery on Saturday at 10.00am at the Mount. You are welcome to come along if you are free & see how I can help you or we could speak on the phone.

All the best, M


Council Tax and Housing Benefit

On Thursday, 21 September 2023 at 09:40:27 BST, London Borough of Hackney wrote:

Dear Councillor G

RE: Ms Sybille Castelain of 152 Riverside Close, London, E5 9ST       RE: 16966561

 Thank you for your enquiry about Ms Castelain's issues with Council Tax and Housing Benefit.

 On 7 February 2023 Ms Castelain made an arrangement to pay £140.96 owed in Council Tax balances from 2021/2022 [I couldn’t possibly made arrangements as I never received any Council Tax bill for 2021-2022] and 2022/2023 tax years. She did not keep to the arrangement and the Revenues Team rightly made a demand for her to pay the amount in full as previously notified.

 On 18 May 2023 Ms Castelain made a new arrangement to pay the remaining £110.00 due. I can advise that she has paid 2 instalments so far and the arrangement will continue so long as she keeps to the agreed repayment schedule.

The £95.83 Housing Benefit overpaid from 6 October 2022 to 27 March 2023 was originally calculated on 22 March 2023. The overpayment was due to an increase in her income notified by the Department for Work and Pensions [that never happened as I didn’t have any increase payment]. Benefits and Housing Needs Officers have since revised the decision to apply the change from when the Department from Work and Pensions told the council about it. The £95.83 which had been overpaid and subsequently recovered from payments made to her landlord has now been paid to her landlord. [they messed up and they repaid landlord]

 I trust this answers your enquiry in full.

 If Ms Castelain has any enquiries about her benefits she can contact our benefits helpline on 020 8356 3399 [they know I’m deaf!].

Jennifer W Assistant Director of Benefits and Housing Needs


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk Thu, 21 Sept 2023 at 09:56

To: London Borough of Hackney

Cc: m.g@hackney.gov.uk (ward cllr)

SUBJECT: Re: General correspondence (ref: 16966561) [Hackney Council took £95 off my benefits with no clear explanations!]


Why haven't you responded to my previous emails in May and June 2023?

Why is there conflictive arguments "Regarding the £95 I owe you, I have received a few different versions and it's very confusing." I still don t' understand

"On 7 February 2023 Ms Castelain made an arrangement to pay £140.96 owed in Council Tax balances from 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 tax years. She did not keep to the arrangement and the Revenues Team rightly made a demand for her to pay the amount in full as previously notified.": I didn't make any arrangement, you did and again I have different versions; I was late to make one payment and received a letter three weeks later as a notification...

"The £95.83 Housing Benefit overpaid from 6 October 2022 to 27 March 2023 was originally calculated on 22 March 2023. The overpayment was due to an increase in her income notified by the Department for Work and Pensions. Benefits and Housing Needs Officers have since revised the decision to apply the change from when the Department from Work and Pensions told the council about it. The £95.83 which had been overpaid and subsequently recovered from payments made to her landlord has now been paid to her landlord." How was I overpaid? Then your department said it was to do with Benefit Cap? How can I understand these various narratives? Can you clearly explain "The £95.83 which had been overpaid and subsequently recovered from payments made to her landlord has now been paid to her landlord." because I understand from the Court Case they didn't receive payment...

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


Hackney Council - Community Garden

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk   Tue, 26 Sept 2023 at 17:05

To: Caroline Woodley…..@gmail.com (responsible for parks and green areas; representing Labour for Mayor of Hackney following Philip Glanville’resignation)

Hi Caroline,

Congratulations for being selected as Labour candidate for Mayor of Hackney. I see M G is supporting you and was with you on Sunday next to a community garden where I volunteer.

I met M on her Saturday's surgery on 22 April regarding Hackney Council and I wrote to her regarding some issues about discrimination and toxic behaviour from Garden manager at Robin Hood Community Garden. I'm not sure you are dealing with the issue, but I was wondering if elected you would tackle those issues?

I happen to have written an article about colonisation / slavery... and the issues in Robin Hood.


‘Sad’ reaction over winning Court case

On Friday, 29 September 2023 at 13:40:25 BST, Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox)  wrote:

Our ref: 60643378

Dear Miss Castelain

Congratulations on the outcome of the court case which enables you to stay in the property.

You have requested that future Housing Benefit is paid direct to you.

Please can you provide an up to date rent statement from your landlord to show that the rent arrears have been cleared.

If there are rent arrears over 2 months then we will continue to pay directly to the landlord.

You have said that you think Housing Benefit does not cover the full rent

We are currently paying you Housing Benefit at £225 per week. This is the maximum we can pay and covers the full rent that we currently have proof of on file.

This is based on the rent of £975 per month. The weekly rent is calculated by multiplying the monthly rent by 12 to get an annual amount and dividing this by 52 to get the weekly amount (975x12/52 = 225).

We are paying the rent 4 weekly payments of £900. This is different to the monthly amount but over the full year the full rent is covered by Housing Benefit.

I have shown this below:    £225 x 52 weeks = 11,700.              £975 x 12 months = 11.700

If your rent increases from £975 per month please provide the notification from the landlord of the rent increase and we will recalculate your Housing Benefit to take this into account.

You have asked if the landlord can pay the amenity bills and Council Tax.

Regarding who pays the amenity bills this will be specified in your tenancy agreement. You will need to check the terms of this. If the tenancy agreement says they are your responsibility then you need to pay them unless the landlord agrees otherwise. You would have to speak to him yourself about this

Council tax is payable by the liable person which in your circumstances is yourself. You are the sole resident of the property and the liable person.

The charge would only revert to the landlord if you moved out and the property was empty.

I hope this is useful

Josie C  Tenancy Sustainment Team  Benefits and Housing Needs Service 


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk Fri, 29 Sept 2023 at 13:53

To: Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox)

Re: Housing Benefits 60643378

Thx. Landlord and D K owe me compensation (over £2000) which means I'm no longer in arrears. I'll put things on hold now as landlord just wrote this to me: "Re your payment suggestion [over £2000] - that's fine - I'll hold off until we can decide the best way forward.

I am in the process of finalising a few more things with D K. Once I've done so, I'll write to you setting-out how I would like things to work in the future. That should hopefully be no later than the middle of next week."

This is my reply to him just now "I was going to suggest to get rent payment to you directly as I asked to have Benefits payment back to me. But it might mean you want them to pay you directly which would be fine, therefore the missing money from rent, you can directly take it from the compensation. Sybille Castelain"


Hackney Council messing up with my benefits and giving conflictive evidence:

On Monday, 2 October 2023 at 21:34:18 BST, M G (ward Cllr) m.g@hackney.gov.uk  wrote:

Dear Sybille

It was good to see you at my advice surgery.

Please see below for a draft email back to Hackney. Please let know if you are happy with it before I send it off.

Dear Jennifer

Thank you for your response to my enquiry about my constituent Ms Castelains council tax and housing benefit.

We are very concerned and confused by the decision that has been made about Ms Castellains housing benefit & the payment being made directly to her landlord.  Ms Castellain has been engaged in a long standing dispute with her landlord in relation to disrepair & has recently had a judgment in her favour in these proceedings.  As far as Ms Castellain is concerned there was no payment owed to her. Please supply full details of her housing benefit account for the relevant period & the basis on which this calculation was made.

In relation to the areas of council.tax please can you supply full details of how this calculation was made... M G


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk Tue, 3 Oct 2023 at 18:46

To: M G (ward Cllr)

Re: General correspondence (ref: 16966561)

Hi M,

Thx for your email. The landlord has given me the latest payments made by Hackney Council and they gave back £95 back in May 2023, soon after you wrote to the Council - thx for that. Hackney Council sent me a letter with figures which I didn't understand but they didn't apologise for messing around with my benefits, nor did they stipulate they paid back landlord.

Sorry to be abrupt but J is a multiple times liar and never responds to my quests, so if you want to go ahead, good luck: this point you are addressing "As far as Ms Castellain is concerned there was no payment owed to her . Please supply full details of her housing benefit account for the relevant period & the basis on which this calculation was made" concerns me as J or whoever else seems to have the power to take money off my housing benefit as they please. They pretend I had an over payment, which is false, then change their narrative to "it's all to do with benefit cap". It actually worries me they can do that to vulnerable people.

Regarding Council Tax, they never sent me any letter for the Council Tax 2021-2022 and say I failed paying. If I had failed paying, they would have sanctioned me within a week of non payment, not two years later.

I think they use the cyberattack to their advantage.

Otherwise, regarding the RobinHood garden, it was closed last week when I turned up; On Sunday, we were five white people and the garden will be closed until 22 October because garden manager works... What's the point in having a community garden that is constantly closed? What's the point in paying a gardener who can't open on Sundays? My bet is that the RobinHood Will be open on Sunday or the following Sunday.


Security in Riverside Close, E5, hundreds of CCTVs, women are not safe!

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk

Thursday, October 12, 2023 1:34 PM

To: Mount Pleasant Hill (Hackney) Management Company Ltd

Cc: landlord

Subject: entering building in Riverside Close

Message to: CCTV monitoring for Riverside Close

Hi J [CCTV operator],

I understand from various people (tenants, flat owners) in Riverside Close, E5 (Blocks A, B, C, housing association) that D K is no longer chair or part of Riverside Close Directors, therefore he has no access to buildings - block of flats / flats he is not managing / does not own. You might also know that D K is no longer my flat agent and that I've been dealing officially with landlord since last week.

Do you know if D K has still access to my building?

Is it possible to know who entered my block of flats (apart from us, residents for 143 - 154) between 11.45AM and 6PM on 11 October 2023?

Apart from yourself, who else has access to CCTV and knows who's in / who's out of their flats?


On Thursday, 12 October 2023 at 13:58:05 BST, MPH (Hackney) Management Company Ltd wrote:

Hi Sybille,

Thank you for your email.

 The CCTV should only be accessed by myself or the bike administrator

I do not know if D K has access to your building, as he may/may not still have a fob from when he was the managing agent.

I can only disclose the movements of people entering and leaving the premises to official bodies such as the police unless, of course, the person requesting the information is in the CCTV footage under GDPR.


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk  Thursday, October 12, 2023 2:05:10 PM

To: Mount Pleasant Hill (Hackney) Management Company Ltd

Cc: landlord

Subject: Re: entering building in Riverside Close

Thx for replying. If you can't disclose who entered the building because I'm not the police, is it normal that potentially D K still has access to my building and has access to my flat in my absence?

On Thursday, 12 October 2023 at 14:29:55 BST, MPH (Hackney) Management Company Ltd wrote:

Hi Sybille,

D K manages another property in the same entrance as yours, so I imagine he has access [That’s a lie!]. It would be down to the leaseholder to recover keys and fobs from D K if/when he no longer manages the property.


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk  Thu, 12 Oct 2023 at 14:40

To: Mount Pleasant Hill (Hackney) Management Company Ltd

Cc: landlord

Re: entering building in Riverside Close

Thx J.

To landlord: Yesterday, my flat was visited in my absence without breaking locks or door. This is the third time since the Court verdict on 7 September 2023. As I mentioned last week, I wished the locks on my door to be changed which you agreed. Hopefully that would resolve my flat being entered in my absence and without my consent. [October 2024: locks still have not been changed]

Sybille Castelain -

Door Locks

On Thursday, 12 October 2023 at 17:43:48 BST, landlord wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain,

Thank you for your recent email about the security of your flat.

I hope to be in a position to contact you early next week to arrange a periodic inspection of the flat. We can discuss this and the change of locks during the inspection.

Have the three trespass incidents been reported to the police? If so, would you kindly forward me the call or crime reference numbers for my records.



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk  To: landlord

Thu, 12 Oct 2023 at 17:57

Hi Landlord,

You might remember that I mentioned to you on your very first visit in Spring 2022 (that you visually recorded) that my flat was entered on a regular basis in my absence. There is nothing broken, therefore the police wouldn't do anything.

I also put it in my tribunal folder. I'm sure you remember all this.

I'm absolutely appalled that J C can't check the CCTV and let you or me know about D K or anybody else entering the building... But please, if you have friends in the police, feel free to let them know so they can check the CCTV themselves. This is someone who has the keys of my flat and got in in my absence between 11.45AM and 6PM. We have CCTV in the main entrance and a few CCTVs in the communal garden where there is also access to our building.

Sybille Castelain -


CCTV operator / administrator for Riverside Close, London E5

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: some flat owners - journalists

Fri, 13 Oct 2023 at 11:55

Hi all,

As you know flat agent of my flat D K and landlord have lost their court case against me.

Last week, landlord informed me that D K was no longer managing my flat. I asked him if it was possible to change locks on my door (for years, my flat was entered in my absence / even in my presence at the very beginning until CCTV were installed at the building entrance). I have always suspected D K entering properties in their absence without tenants consent. Landlord accepted to change key locks, but I have no idea when it will be done!

On 11 October 2023, my flat was entered without breaking in in my absence between 11.45AM and 6PM.

Yesterday, I reluctantly contacted administrator for Riverside Close asking if he could check CCTV: it's very troubling to enter my flat knowing that someone was in... This is his reply:

"The CCTV should only be accessed by myself or the bike administrator," [Sidenote: 19 April 2022, 10:21:28 BST, Mount Pleasant Hill (Hackney) Management Company Ltd <...@btconnect.com> wrote: The CCTV cameras are not monitored. If there is a crime (e.g., stolen bike/car), the CCTV footage is searched, downloaded and held until the police collect it. I hope this clarifies things"]

"I can only disclose the movements of people entering and leaving the premises to official bodies such as the police unless, of course, the person requesting the information is in the CCTV footage under GDPR."

I can't possibly see myself going to the police and tell them someone got into my flat but my flat was not broken in... they will either think I'm psychotic or I'm crazy!

What's the point of having an army of CCTVs?

How many crimes in Riverside close have been resolved thx to CCTVs?

How can we, residents, feel safe when administrator is unhelpful?

18 months ago, I asked CCTV operator  who had the keys of our building:

"S the maintenance man has a fob to all entrances, also the cleaner. S checks the block for fire risks each day, making sure prams etc are not blocking the communal areas. He also checks lighting and reports any anomalies back to me." "Block A is due for an FRA soon, and I have no doubt the same issues will be addressed. A point to note is that in every leaseholders’ lease it is stated that all communal areas should be kept clear at all times. All items, including prams etc., should be stored within the flat."

I have 0 trust in S like many of us!

Also, I have been complaining for years about the reason why women who just gave birth have to climb stairs with baby and prams! I have no understanding on how prams staying below staircase affect access in case of fire.

Between 2019 and 2022, there was a drone on a regular basis flying above CCTV by my flat, this is the latest conversation I had with CCTV operator https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2022/05/drone-at-my-window.html and then no more drones! Over these three years I received constant threats via email / snail mails / twitter. My mobile and address were given to my aggressors... The police didn't help!

I wish residents could live in Riverside Close without feeling anxious; have someone friendly as administrator; know who the directors are when administrator signs "directors"

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1

[One of the Director for Riverside Close management replied besides the point on 23 October 2023]


Landlord - Re: Periodic Inspection

[One month following losing his court case against me]

On Monday, 16 October 2023 at 10:26:20 BST, landlord wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain,

Would it be possible for me to visit the flat at 11.00am this Thursday 19 October? I appreciate this is fairly short notice, so don't worry if it's not convenient - we can always arrange another day.

For completeness, I have included a copy of my Privacy Notice as an attachment to this email.


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk  To: landlord

Mon, 16 Oct 2023 at 10:40

Hi landlord,

It sounds very much like the army.

I'm a menopaused woman who has lived in London for 30 years and I'm now inspected when there's been no issues before with my tenancies! I got taken to court when I had no bath, no shower, no decent heaters for years: I won the court case against me.

Someone has entered my flat last week and I still don't know if D K has got the keys? [landlord told me early December 2023 that DK still had the keys of my flat!]

This is very stressful and am sorry due to hurting my back, this week is not possible

Sybille Castelain


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk

To: m.g@hackney.gov.uk (ward Cllr)

Mon, 16 Oct 2023 at 10:56 + at 11:33 + (11.44 to residents)

hi M,

This morning I received this notice from landlord. He seems to want all my details as attached

Last week someone who has the keys of my flat entered and though landlord said he will change the key lock, he doesn't seem to rush

This is a copy of what he sent as attached. Is this legal?

This is absolutely invasive especially that he wants my National Insurance Number, next of kin etc. I have contacted the email on his PDF and it returned to me as non existent!

(In total panic, I have contacted the email address at the bottom of PDF that is supposedly looking after his case and it's fake!)

Sybille Castelain -


On Monday, 16 October 2023 at 19:17:45 BST, landlord  wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain,

I apologise if my last message sounded too regimented. It wasn’t intended to cause stress or concern. I am hoping that the periodic inspections will be fairly informal and we can use them to rebuild trust between us.

I am also willing to take up the issue about the satellite dish (if it hasn’t already been resolved) [satellite dish has been blocking the view by window since 2014, landlord promised in Spring 2022 to have it removed – it is still by the window!)]. Once things settle down fully, we can then move to yearly inspections/meetings. [landlord, as part of a settlement out of court, wanted me out of the flat by 12 July 2023 at 12PM]

Sorry to hear about your back. If you are feeling better by the end of this week, would next Monday 23 October be convenient? Failing that, we may have to wait until the week commencing 6 November.



In total panic, I contacted Hackney Council etc.

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk

To: tenancysustainment@hackney.gov.uk  + ward Cllr m.g@hackney.gov.uk

Tue, 17 Oct 2023 at 11:08

To: journalists, councillors, Hackney Council (visible), residents of my area, Human Rights solicitors, landlord treating me like a delinquent when I won my court case against him!

As you all know, yesterday I received a very disturbing email from the landlord of my flat: his wants to retrieve personal information about me... I have lived in his flat for 10 years, nine without proper heating; seven without bath; six without shower etc.

As you all know from a recent article, I was menopausing from 2015 to 2019 having to wash by a wash basin in a cold flat.

As you all know, I was on rent arrears due to flat agent DK ignoring my plea! I never dreamt of ‘riping off’ benefits or squatting a flat! I just wished I had a decent life but sexists, misogynists, masculinists, army devotees decided otherwise!

As you all know, following the court case that landlord and flat agent lost, my rent arrears has been cleared and they owe me compensation. On the court papers, it is stipulated that I’ve lived in my present address since January 2013! I signed a contract for 1 April 2013 and met the photograph journalist that occupied my present address upon visiting the flat one or two weeks before moving in. Surely, Hackney Council can confirm that I wasn’t paying tax for that address before April 2013, someone else was!

In court, it was said that this neglect situation put me in high stress and depression (proved on various emails). I was hoping to be able to recover slowly since the verdict on 7 September 2023 but the landlord keeps harassing me and this is below his latest email from last night [followed by my reaction] (I’m attaching the state of bathroom – May 2023, June 2023, August 2023, October 2023 - that landlord hasn't been willing to repair prior to court case in July 2023 + his invasive datas he wants about me):

 I apologise if my last message sounded too regimented. It wasn’t intended to cause stress or concern. I am hoping that the periodic inspections will be fairly informal [?] and we can use them to rebuild trust between us. [how can we rebuild trust if he hasn’t changed the locks of my flat since my request on 5 October 2023 “Since D K won't manage the flat anymore, would it be possible to have a change of locks on my door, at least one of them?”; flat owner has still not responded whether he has taken the keys off DK! He knows someone who has the keys has entered my flat in my absence (thx to CCTV!) This is nonstop, I just wish to be left alone; landlord receives rent payment; he has lost his court case against me and he treats me as a delinquent! This is highly stressful and I feel nauseated by his constant harassing emails!]

I am also willing to take up the issue about the satellite dish (if it hasn’t already been resolved).” [This is a promise he made in Spring 2022 when I first met him after living in his flat for nine years!; DK installed a satellite dish by the living room window without even telling me. I went back home one afternoon to find it blocked the view... for years] Once things settle down fully, we can then move to yearly inspections/meetings. [I don’t want anybody to inspect me, this is extremely intrusive to have a man checking me; I have lived 30 years in London, had extremely good relationships with flat owners and now, in depression and stressed following a two years court case (+ sexual violence landlord knows about) where he dragged me in dirt in a six hours hearing, he wants to meet me regularly... does he fancy me suddenly? Is he going to assault me?]

Sorry to hear about your back. If you are feeling better by the end of this week, would next Monday 23 October be convenient? Failing that, we may have to wait until the week commencing 6 November. [that is so harassing! I don’t want to see him, I’d rather hang myself!]

Sybille Castelain -

A neighbour emailed offering help with changing locks on door, I replied Tue, 17 Oct 2023 at 11:12: “Thx D, I hope he is going to stop harassing me. I'm in such stress and depression.”


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk

To: private people

Wed, 18 Oct 2023 at 15:21


Today, I strangely received these mails by post, as attached. In the past 10 years, the only times I have received a letter addressed to "homeowner" are from state agents or from Hackney Council telling me that I have to register to vote if I'm new at my address.

These letters from today are about plumbing & drainage and broadband for landlords; both envelops from Sunderland, SR5 9QY. It forces me to contact him about it... I won't.

Today, I received a notice from Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/landlord-a3a086159/ has visited my profile. Landlord seems to have just created his LinkedIn profile. I don't know if he is an "Event Coordinator at London Bus Preservation Trust", but I know him as a taxi driver.

The first time I met him, I thought he was someone violent though he was on his best behaviour; I wrote to my solicitor he was a wife / child beater: I have no proof of it.

I'm not surprised but it is scary. To me he is a predator, he premeditates, calculates.

Sybille Castelain -


Female Director for Riverside Close responds to my email dated 13 October 2023 11:55 - Subject: Re: Riverside Close, E5 - CCTV monitoring etc.

I believe she has access to CCTVs but here she sort of accuses me for not recording the crime myself... as if women wearing short dresses are calling for rape... yet she strongly feels she is helping me! These are the actual questions I wished she had answered: What's the point of having an army of CCTVs? How many crimes in Riverside Close have been resolved thx to CCTVs? How can we, residents, feel safe when administrator is unhelpful? [Fun Fact: in the 90’s she works with my aggressors!]

On Monday, 23 October 2023 at 09:37:24 BST, Director of Riverside Close wrote:

Hi Sybille,

Hope you're very well. Quick one on your suspicion of people entering your flat - I had this in the flat I was renting before I moved to Riverside Close. I was able to use an old phone as CCTV and caught my landlord entering with other people without the required notice. It's not a foolproof system and works ok for a one off monitoring (it uses a lot of battery) and I only managed to catch him as I had the link set up to my own phone which I had propped up on my desk at the time. Ie it only worked a I was able to keep an eye on the comings and goings in real time, it doesn't (or at least the free version doesn't) record footage.

If you look in the app store I think you will find it under AVS or 'at home video streamer'. This was a few years back and there maybe better versions now.

Hope that helps.



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Director

Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 9:44:35 AM

Hi Director,

Thx. I know but I have a very cheap mobile. A neighbour suggested the same thing, but I can't do that though I know of course flat agent enters the flat. He's been doing it to so many people.

I hope you are well


On Monday, 23 October 2023 at 09:47:57 BST, Director wrote:

Maybe try freecycle or next door to see if anyone can donate an old one? You’d need two and be able to hook them up to wifi. You could also get a v cheap camera for indoors from Argos. V frustrating for you would be good to get certainty.



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Director

Sent: 23 October 2023 09:51

Thx. I don't have WIFI. I'm not that rich, they know that

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


On Monday, 23 October 2023 at 09:54:55 BST, Director wrote:

Ok so there are other things you do. I think a smart phone is a very useful tool here, even if no wifi. You could set it up discreetly to film the front door while you're out and check the footage when you get back.

You can also set it up to record audio and very usefully with an iphone, you can record for hours but ask the phone to replay the audio ONLY where there is noise - ie movement or speaking. You would definitely pick up a door being unlocked / opened and closed.

I would try freecycle for someone who has an old iphone lying around in a drawer and try it. Nothing to lose!



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Director

Sent: 23 October 2023 10:03

I really have no money... I'm out of a two year court case + my French aggressors are still after me and connected to landlord and flat agent + other things.

I don't need a smart phone to know who enters my flat.

I just wish CCTV would be more friendly to residents and check those who constantly enter the buildings and/or our flats without breaking in

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


On Monday, 23 October 2023 at 10:06:29 BST, Director wrote:

Freecycle is free! Clue is in the name

CCTV as it is now wouldn't help though - you'd never be able to be 100% sure whose flat they were in unless we had CCTV inside all the landings.

At least a recording would give you proof.



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk  To: Director

Sent: 23 October 2023 10:11

“Freecycle is free! Clue is in the name”: not sure if it's aggressive, if it is, it's a bit early for me

CCTV as it is now wouldn't help though - you'd never be able to be 100% sure whose flat they were in unless we had CCTV inside all the landings” : well if i give the time I'm out and flat agent enters the building within that time, surely it would be a big clue

At least a recording would give you proof” : then go back to court? it's up to me to spend time and energy then?

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


On Monday, 23 October 2023 at 10:13:58 BST, Director wrote:

The wink would say not aggressive 

The recording is only a suggestion - am sharing what worked for me and what I would do in this instance.

Only trying to help Sybille! Hope you can get it sorted somehow.



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk   To: Director

Mon, 23 Oct 2023 at 10:19

if you write from your phone, i won't have the wink, i'm on computer. if i had seen the wink i would have understood...

i didn't ask for help, i know all this. i was making a point

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


Landlord is back on his inspection duty... this time with the help of a woman (who happens to be his wife)... working for a ghost company!

On Wednesday, 8 November 2023 at 13:01:38 GMT, landlord wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain,

In order to give you added peace of mind, I will be using XXX Decorating (a decorating/property maintenance company run by a husband and wife team) to assist with the periodic inspection of your flat. I would also like to be present during the inspection. In addition, I would be happy for you to arrange for a friend or relative to be present during the inspection.

I have been given the following available dates in November 2023 by Lynn G (XXX Decorating) who has agreed to assist with the inspection at 11.00am: Tue 14, Fri 17, Mon 20, Thu 23, Fri 24, Sat 25, Sun 26 or Mon 27.

Please let me know which one of these dates is most convenient for you.


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: landlord Cc: Hackney Council Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox)

Wed, 8 Nov 2023 at 13:08

What's the inspection for?

Why do I have to bother a friend or relative?

Why can't I live in a place in peace without being disturbed?

Sybille Castelain –




From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk

To: tenancysustainment@hackney.gov.uk

Bcc: landlord, m.g@hackney.gov.uk (ward Cllr)

Thu, 9 Nov 2023 at 11:20

Dear all,

On Tue, 17 Oct at 11:08, I sent you an email from this point below sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk 

I was supposed to write a few articles by the end of October and it stressed me so much that I couldn’t write! I have now to the end of December to write them and yesterday, he came back (I’m attaching the Q&A between him and myself) now requiring to open my door to a random woman which is supposed to ease the pain!

In April 2016, flat agent had a satellite dish installed by my window (as attached – view from inside + view from outside) without my consent [excerpt of email to him on 25 April 2016 at 9.45am: “Also, I wish I had been consulted about the satellite being placed by my window as it blocked the view. Any way to have it removed some other place.”] Nothing has been dealt with and landlord discovered it when visiting the flat in Spring 2022: he was quite unhappy as it would make it difficult to sell his flat as he planned to do… but he hasn’t dealt with it either, yet promising to have it remove extremely quickly!

Since the Court verdict on 7 September 2023, I have received 16 emails from landlord. He has promised to change key locks, he hasn’t done so. A neighbour has offered help on this with a professional, landlord just needs to pay the bill without bothering with hiring / looking for a professional.

I keep saying of being extremely stressed with him around, being harassed by email, trying to recover from depression for letting me rot in his flat with no facilities for years, and yet he keeps harassing me, expecting me to cooperate. I have work to do, to send and he prevents me from doing so!

I can’t deal with him. If anybody can suggest anything, please help. I’m putting my email on auto-answer.

Sybille Castelain


Landlord now wants £1350 a month for a flat that hasn’t been upgraded since the 80’s with features that will never qualify as vintage!

On Monday, 13 November 2023 at 12:51:27 GMT, landlord wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain,

Please see attached covering letter and Form 4 (also sent today by first class post).



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Josie C Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox) Hackney Council

Tue, 14 Nov 2023 at 13:01

Hi Josie,

Please note I'm not copying to landlord of my flat.

He has written two emails yesterday: complaining I haven't replied to let him in; my rent goes from £975 to £1350. All attached.

How do I deal with this?

Shall I take him to court for harassment?

Sybille Castelain -


On Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 13:13:57 GMT, Josie C @hackney.gov.uk wrote:

Hi Sybille,

I only got the email yesterday but I was very concerned at the amount the rent has gone up.

I am planning to talk to him.

I will get back to you when I have spoken to him.

Benefits and Housing Needs Office Tenancy Sustainment Officer


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Josie C Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox)

Tue, 14 Nov 2023 at 13:19

Thanks Josie,

I know he can't rise the rent so high so suddenly despite the level of rent in the area. But I'm concerned about the reasons he wants to come in. I have so many versions of the reasons he needs to get in, I'm constantly shaking when I receive his emails. This is too much for me

Sybille Castelain -


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: m.g@hackney.gov.uk (ward Cllr)

Tue, 14 Nov 2023 at 13:35

Hi M,

On 23 September I saw you at the surgery at the Mount.

Have you managed to get answers?

The landlord has written two emails yesterday and am attaching his PDF.

I am in terrible conditions because of all of this. Hackney Council has said that the amount of rent he is requesting is far too much, but what else can be done for him to leave me alone?

Also, each time I write to you, I receive a text from my GP. She thinks am paranoid, psychotic, I suffer from persecutory delusions and so on, so going to my GP is no help! [Also, I never told my ward Cllr who is my GP]



Hackney Council has once again suspended my benefits!

Housing Benefit cut off / Proposed Rent Increase

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To:Josie C Cc:Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox), m.g@hackney.gov.uk (ward Cllr)

Wed, 15 Nov 2023 at 14:29

Cc to Councillor  as I emailed them yesterday (we spoke on my many complex issues on 23 September 2023

Hi Josie,

Following our exchange yesterday, I came back home to find two letters by landlord and a letter from the Housing benefit saying they cut my benefits (all attached) because I didn’t tell them / you to get the Housing Benefit paid to landlord directly.

Here is a chronology of what happened:

         As attached, I came to Hackney Centre on 28 September 2023 to say they lost their Court case against me; I was getting compensation; I wanted Housing Benefit to be back onto my account instead of D K (flat agent);

         On 29 September, you wanted to make sure I was no longer in rent arrear “If there are rent arrears over 2 months then we will continue to pay directly to the landlord.”

         Same day I replied I was no longer in arrears. In the meantime, landlord wrote to me and this is what I emailed you “I'll put things on hold now as landlord just wrote this to me

Landlord: "Re your payment suggestion [over £2000] - that's fine - I'll hold off until we can decide the best way forward. I am in the process of finalising a few more things with D K. Once I've done so, I'll write to you setting-out how I would like things to work in the future. That should hopefully be no later than the middle of next week."

This is my reply to him just now "I was going to suggest to get rent payment to you directly as I asked to have Benefits payment back to me. But it might mean you want them to pay you directly which would be fine, therefore the missing money from rent, you can directly take it from the compensation."” [Sidenote: I haven’t requested the money so far as I expected him to rise the rent]

         On 2 October, you [Josie C] advised the Housing Benefit to be paid direct to landlord “I would advise that you continue to have the Housing Benefit paid to your landlord. It just makes it easier for you as you will know it is paid by Housing Benefit (HB). You added “I understand that the landlord wants to take back management of the property from D K. I have sent information on what he needs to do if he wants to ask for the HB to go direct to him - with your agreement.” as I suggested on my reply to you just above” I agreed as mention in yellow above.

         On 5 Octoberlandlord sent me a PDF (as attached, please note he doesn’t mention a rise of rent!) letting me know D K was no longer managing his property – the flat I live in. I assumed he was already getting Housing Benefit from early October. However, on PDF, he wants me to pay the rent direct to him from 1 December 2023

         Same day, this is my reply to landlord “Hackney Council (via Josie C?) wrote on Monday 2 October "I understand that the landlord wants to take back management of the property from D K. I have sent information on what he needs to do if he wants to ask for the HB to go direct to him - with your agreement.In my end, I would prefer them to pay you direct until my situation changes.” Landlord agreed “agree that it’s best for Hackney Council to pay your housing benefit direct, so I’ll send them the relevant details tomorrow morning.I assumed he was getting the Housing Benefit from 5 October 2023.

I have no idea what I did wrong or what else I was supposed to do? I no longer receive benefits; landlord threatens to enter my flat without my consent [Yesterday, while I was out between 12.30pm til 6pm (I was in Clapton library using internet), someone who has my flat keys entered the flat!]; landlord keeps putting me distress etc

Josie, if you want to visit the flat, please come. This is no luxury: they installed a new bath in Spring 2022… bath taps are between my legs because shower head is far from the taps! £1350 for a tasteless decoration, not even rubbish IKEA!?! Whenever you want to come, it’s fine apart from Monday morning as I distribute food in R Community Centre.

[Also my rent is £975, not £931: I guess D K gave landlord £931 and he took the rest of the money]

Sybille Castelain

On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 at 17:41:01 GMT, Josie C @hackney.gov.uk wrote:

Hi Sybille,

First of all can I reassure you that your Housing Benefit is still in payment.

We changed the payee from D K to landlord.

When doing this the claim had to be cancelled, then changes to the payee input and then your claim was reopened.

This is just part of how we had to process the change and the letter you got should not have been sent to you. I do apologise for this error.


When you can challenge your rent increase

Josie C Benefits and Housing Needs Office Tenancy Sustainment Officer Benefits and Housing Needs Service


sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Josie C Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox) m.g@hackney.gov.uk (ward Cllr)

Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 09:47

Thanks Josie.

This is the third time this year Jennifer W is wrongly treating me: saying I missed Council tax payments when I missed one, then asking for the full amount at once; taking £95 off benefit randomly with conflictive narratives, then replacing the money; suspending my benefit. 2023 was the court case... as if I needed extra stress!

Are you still planning to speak to landlord?

As you know I'm pretty deaf and in Hackney we can only call Citizen Advice Bureau [CAB].

Sybille Castelain


On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 11:59, M G (Ward Cllr) wrote:

Hi Josie

Thanks for responding promptly to Ms Castelains query.  The email did cause her anxiety and distress as you acknowledge. Ms Castelains disability makes it much harder for her to access telephone support. I think a face to face meeting about the support available for her may be helpful and I would be happy to attend any meeting to support her.

All the best


There was so much oppression, I put myself on auto-response:

On Thu, 16 Nov 2023, 11:59 Due to stress and depression because landlord harasses me, I will answer job related emails as well as those willing to help. Many thanks. Sybille Castelain


On Thursday, 16 November 2023 at 12:04:01 GMT, M G (ward Cllr) wrote:

Hi Sybille

I wonder if the following organisation maybe able to support you better than the CAB .


They provide benefits and other support for people who are hard of hearing.

The whitechapel centre supports Hackney residents.

Im looking into your other issues [RobinHood Communiity Garden]



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: M G ( ward Cllr)

Thu, 16 Nov 2023 at 12:07

Hi M,

Deaf Plus were supposed to help me with the court case, then they went silent, so I visited them. They promised to help and despite my emails to them, they went silent.

Thanks for your email to Josie

Have a good day

Sybille Castelain -


On Thursday, 16 November 2023 at 16:55:30 GMT, Josie C @hackney.gov.uk wrote:

Hello M and Sybille,

I am just emailing you quickly as I am off tomorrow.

Sybille, do you have any support workers that I can link up with so we can work together to help you?

If not, would you like me to see if I can get you some support?

I don't want to be intrusive but if you could give me details of your disability it will help me to see if there is anything we can offer you.

Regarding your rent increase it seems to be very excessive. I have not had a chance to talk to landlord yet.

There is some information here which indicates that you may be able to appeal against the rent increase. M - could you look into this - is it worth  trying?


I will respond in more detail on Monday.

Josie C Benefits and Housing Needs Office  Tenancy Sustainment Officer


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: M G (ward Cllr) Josie C Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox)

Fri, 17 Nov 2023 at 09:50

Hi Josie,

I left internet yesterday around 1PM. I guess you will have this message next week.

Regarding my disability: I call myself deaf though I'm HOH. I wear hearing aids. I haven't applied for disability because I'm tired, afraid of paperwork, pretty sure I won't pass the test.

I don't have a support worker. Someone yesterday at the R Community Centre has offered to help. So I am now at RCC waiting for her and see what she can do [Finn of R Community Centre never turned up].

I do appreciate the link for CAB, but I just would like to say that my brain is so puffy that it's like asking a woman who just got beaten up in the face and she is asked to take pictures of herself.

My life is around being psychologically punched up constantly:

by my French aggressors who have put online the state of my flat;

the police who never dealt with threats I have received online and at home;

D K (flat agent) who called me 'mentally disturbed' in court (just like my French aggressors who have magically my address and mobile number);

Landlord  who called me a dirty woman in court (just like my French aggressors);

Vicky at RobinHood Garden who constantly challenges my deafness;

Peter Moore (a gardener imposter?) at RobinHood Garden who shows no respect to female volunteers.

I wish I could focus on some journalistic work.

Sybille Castelain –


Compensation, open mail delivered through my letter box, leak in bathroom

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk

Wed, 29 Nov 2023 at 15:18


To: my solicitors who helped me with the eviction case (they required not to be mentioned)

To: Josie C, Benefits and Housing Needs Office for Hackney Council

Subject: leak in bathroom; rent rising; no support yet

To: M G, Ward Councillor

Subject: all above + RobinHood Garden

Dear solicitors,

Many thanks for the Court case result papers I received yesterday (there are quite a few mistakes in dates). The envelop which bears the name of your solicitor office was open. Though I have no proof, I strongly think the former flat agent of my flat DK retrieved it from my letter box. Strangely enough, the postman never puts my letters through the box: my mail always sticks out! Attached are the three photos showing the envelop you sent + I’m attaching how I usually open my letters (which I have already sent over the past six months to journalists and one to M G).

Thank you very much for looking after me at Court hearing and afterwards; emailing me your Court notes from July. Regarding the compensation the landlord owes me, I’m a bit confused. He was supposed to pay me by the 21 September 2023. This is what he wrote on 26 September: “On 19 September 2023 I wrote to your solicitor asking how I should make the compensation payment ordered by the court recently. I have not had a reply to my email so I am writing to you direct. Please confirm the amount of compensation you are expecting... Please provide details of the account into which I should pay this money, or advise to whom I should make a cheque payable... Are you still represented by the same solicitor?” I told him to keep the money as I thought the Benefit was not paying the entire rent (which they do actually) and I expected him to raise the rent. I didn’t know you were to receive the money from him on my behalf. I’m not sure what to do now... [Solicitors showed me proof they replied to him]

As mentioned in Court papers to my original solicitor, two identical leaks below washing basin in bathroom appeared and disappeared magically. Someone entered my flat in my absence and repaired the leaks without informing me in 2020 and 2022. Yesterday, after my shower I thought my carpet was wet. But I didn’t pay more attention: the bath is brand new from Spring 2022. As my original solicitor knows, neither flat agent nor landlord checked how the works were done in Spring 2022 and Autumn 2022. They didn’t ask me either and the barrister challenged them in Court. Both admitted not checking anything. By the end of the day, yesterday, a piece of the carpet by bathtub was definitely heavily wet. Today, still very wet, I washed by the washing basin and will tomorrowFriday 1 December, I will dismount the board that covers the bathtub and check – hopefully with a neighbour as witness – if there is a leak. The work on the side of bath, hidden below washing basin is terribly damaged: I’m just assuming the work was poorly done.

That’s it for the solicitors’ bit – I will send you the paperwork you required by post soon. Many thanks again for your and original solicitor’s help as well as big thanks to the barrister.

Hi Josie,

The person [Finn from R Community Centre] I was supposed to meet on Friday 17 November didn’t turn up, so I wonder how you got on with landlord about rent raising. There is a friendly plumber who once fixed a leak in toilet, shall I give you his contact? I’m not sure I want to contact landlord. Since the verdict on 7 September 2023, a few property owners told me that pipes in Riverside Close are very damaged and dangerous; some of them had the bathroom above them falling to their bathroom! I was accused in Court of throwing coffee ground on kitchen sink and damaging the pipes... I’ll be checking my emails today at the library until 4PM and tomorrow from 10Am til 11.30AM: afterwards, I have to store things from bathroom to living room, so I can dismount bath board. Friday at some point, I’ll be back to library.

Hi M,

I really hope the new Mayor of Hackney Caroline Woodley can help private renters https://news.hackney.gov.uk/mayor-caroline-woodley-responds-to-autumn-statement/ 19 and 26 November I went to RobinHood Garden but it was closed! Since July 2023, the community garden has been open once or twice a month: two people are in charge and they can’t open it...

If anybody wants to suggest anything, feel free. I won’t publish Court notes / Court verdict, but am happy to show them face to face.

Josie C responds to landlord rent increase from 13 November 2023:

On Thursday, 30 November 2023 at 15:07:31 GMT, Josie C wrote:

Dear Landlord,

I am sorry for the delayed reply. I do appreciate you letting me know of the proposed rent increase.

I am advising Ms Castelain on what she should do.

My feeling is that she will need to go to the tribunal as it is such a large increase. She will not be able to afford to pay it from her benefits and it will make her potentially homeless.

I do understand that you have not increased the rent for 10 years and I appreciate this. However this is not Ms Castelain's fault that increases have not been implemented so this is a huge jump of nearly 40% . [Why isn’t she telling him it would have been difficult to increase rent when there were no bath, no shower, no heaters?]

I do hope you understand that, whilst I empathise with you in the current financial situation, it is my duty to primarily give Sybille the best advice for her.

We can offer some incentives to encourage landlords to allow the tenant to stay in the property at an affordable rent.

In this case we could offer a one off payment of £2000 if the rent was maintained at the maximum she would receive in Housing Benefit which would be £1046.46 per month.

We may have some discretion around the incentive amount but I am aware that it is considerably below the rent you have proposed even when the incentive is taken into account and averaged over the year.

Please let me know if you want to discuss this further.

I have copied Sybille to this email.

My thanks again for your cooperation.

Josie C Benefits and Housing Needs Office Tenancy Sustainment Officer


Leak - Rent Increase

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Landlord

Cc: Josie C

Fri, 1 Dec 2023 at 10:51


I'm copying this to Josie C with her email below.

I do contest the rent rise of 40%.

I have contacted my solicitors and I hope you can rethink the amount of the increase.

18 months after the new bath, the bathroom was flooded. I have tried to dismount the board protecting the bath, but it's too strongly screwed.

Though my phone number was given against my consent by D K to John the plumber who professionally fixed my toilet and many pipe works around Riverside Close, I would appreciate if you could call him 07xxxxx. I am washing in the kitchen as I heard pipes are defective in Riverside Close and a few bathrooms have fallen in bathrooms below as you might be aware.

Residents / flat owners are very satisfied with John the plumber. He is also a nice and decent person.

I don't understand how a leak could appear so soon after bath was fixed! Please let me know when he can come.

On Saturday, 2 December 2023 at 12:44:54 GMT, Landlord wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain,

Thank you for your email. I will deal with the rent issue separately as I am currently considering the proposal from the London Borough of Hackney.

If I’ve understood your email correctly, you are making a complaint that your bath or the pipes underneath are leaking. I have therefore made arrangements for John E (plumber) to attend the property at 11.00am on Tuesday 5 December 2023 to inspect and carry out repairs if necessary. I shall also be present and will need to produce a written record of the inspection/repair and take photographs for our records.

Also, I have arranged for Ed McK (AXXX Electrical Ltd) to attend the property to fit a new smoke alarm and heat detector at 8.00am on Tuesday 12 December. Regulations regarding smoke alarms have recently changed. These are a legal requirement in rented properties and the council require their fitting prior to making rent payments to landlords.



sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Landlord

Cc: Josie C

Sat, 2 Dec 2023 at 12:54

Regarding bath, I'm reporting what has happened! Not sure how it translates as a complaint...

"John E (plumber) to attend the property at 11.00am on Tuesday 5 December 2023" = fine


Monday 4 December 2023, I reported abuse in Robin Hood Community Garden that took place on 3 December 2023 to Caroline Woodleymayor@hackney.gov.uk, m.g@hackney.gov.uk (my ward Cllr), Christopher Kennedy (Voluntary Sector), Joseph Ogundemuren (Mayor's Hate Crime Champion)


5 December 2023, Landlord came to flat due to a bath leak which certified plumber came to fix [I’m pretty sure he is the only certified person who fixed something in flat to date]


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Landlord

Cc: tenancysustainment@hackney.gov.uk Josie C

Tue, 5 Dec 2023 at 14:43

Please note I'm CCing to Josie C as you mentioned taking the money she might allocate me due to raising the rent. [I misunderstood about the incentive process: originally I thought the incentive money would have been for me, so I could pay the rent]

Hi Landlord,

Regarding the documents you have just sent following our conversation, when you came back 1/2 hour later, I also mentioned the satellite dish which you said you couldn't do anything about it and asked me to send photos to you: I have! On the 9 November 2023.

In our conversation, you asked to receive (£1500?) part of the money Josie C might allocate me to help me prevent from being homeless due to the rent increase because you had to pay for the repairs [landlord accused me for the repair costs...]; then trying to convince me that the rents for one bedroom flats in Riverside Close are about £1500/month. I asked you if you visited these flats, you said 'NO'. I told you I had: they are quite luxurious comparing to the flat I live in.

I asked you if you thought you could get a tenant paying £1350 monthly with a bathroom featuring a brand new white bathtub with a pinkish sink and toilet from the 80's; if the large holes (which you accused me to drill at the Court hearing) in bedroom (18) and in living room (10) would be a huge hit for a potential tenant?; if the kitchen' cupboards from the 80's which don't even qualify as vintage could really make a tenant ecstatic?

Some residents pay the amount Josie C has proposed [to landlord: £1050]. These flats are in pretty derelict state.

Since you are often complaining on how much you paid for repairs and how the rent was never increased, I'd like to remind you that neither D K nor you showed any compassion to let me live in a Western property without being able to wash or get warm. My heaters are mostly off because now as I have trouble paying. As being unemployed, I get around £330 / month. If you are Catholic (I am assuming because you swore on the Bible at the Court case) and send your children to a private or Catholic school (again I'm assuming), then it would mean that the Hackney money Josie C might allocate would pay for your kids' school fare when far too many kids in the Borough go empty stomach to school!

I asked you why you got rid of D K as flat agent, you said because I asked... I didn't. You admitted he still has my flat and building keys. Two months ago, you promised to change the locks. Today, you said you would arrange for a locksmith from Riverside Close to change the locks next week (hopefully). The locksmith person in Riverside Close also works for      D K. Out of the three sets of keys, you want two... I have offered another locksmith. I need to feel and be safe. My flat is constantly visited in my absence. You also said when I'm in and locked, someone need to be able to access the flat... £1350 for being visited at night?

Sybille Castelain


On Tuesday, 5 December 2023 at 16:00:54 GMT, Landlord wrote:


Satellite dish: I may be able to take this up with the freeholder in January [2024 - October 2024, satellite dish is still by my window]

Rent: You may have misunderstood my proposal so I’ll set it out in a detailed email to Josie C tomorrow or Thursday. [I did misunderstand: he wanted £1500 of the £2000 he owed me to participate to incentives as incentives were intended to him, not to me]

Locks: I’ve already arranged the locksmith from Riverside Close to attend at 11am next Tuesday 12 December. If you have an alternative suggestion - please email me the company details and job quote - preferably before the end of tomorrow (Wednesday).


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Landlord

Tue, 5 Dec 2023 at 16:52

This is what a neighbour suggested a few weeks ago as I said a few weeks ago:

"Dxxx security - they have a very good reputation: 0208xxxxx"


Ward Cllr replies to my email dated 4 December 2023 reporting abuse in Robin Hood Community Garden

On Wednesday, 6 December 2023 at 21:34:53 GMT, Ward Cllr wrote:

Dear Sybille.thanks for copying me into this email. I'm sorry to see this situation is ongoing. I would be happy to attend a meeting with Robin Hood gardens with you to discuss the situation and to seek.support from Hackney voluntary.services to do so. Would you like me to pursue that? [This is weird she wants to organise a meeting; I’m reporting abuse towards me but also towards my community: Turkish women, people who are Black, women wearing hijabs etc]

Also I just wanted to make sure you are aware of the Money Hub

https://hackney.gov.uk/hackney-money-hub/#apply which supports residents with finances. 



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward CLLR

Thu, 7 Dec 2023 at 10:12

Hi M,

Do you think it's normal for a garden manager to act as she does?

Why should I sit with her and discuss anything? I'm not sure I understand why I should stand guilty and get more abuses unless you have heard I have done something extremely out of order.

Sybille Castelain -




On Thursday, 7 December 2023 at 11:50:03 GMT, Josie C wrote:

Hi M,

I hope you are well? Thank you so much for your help with Sybille.

Sybille has also contacted the solicitor who worked with her in the previous court case concerning her tenancy. Hopefully they will give her legal advice on this matter.

If you could help Sybille fill in the form that would be a great help as it registers her appeal. This does have to be done before the rent increase date has passed - which is 1/1/24.

Sybille - are you able to go to Cllr 's surgery on Saturday [9 December 2023]? It is a great opportunity to get help with the form. The sooner it is submitted the better.

I have also referred your details to the Money Hub Team. They will go through your circumstances to see if you qualify for other benefits. I feel that you may be entitled to Personal Independence Payments (PIP). If you are then this means that the benefit cap will not apply to you which will increase the maximum help you can get with rental payments.

Josie C Benefits and Housing Needs Office


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward Cllr, Josie C Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox)

Thu, 7 Dec 2023 at 12:19

Thanks Josie,

In September, when I went to Hackney Centre, the lady at the desk told me about Money Hub. They gave me £50 in food vouchers as attached (part of their email). They wrote I couldn't apply anymore, it would be one off. I don't know about Personal Independence Payments (PIP).

Regarding the rental payment, I haven't replied to you because the landlord owes me £2000+. As mentioned before, I told him to keep it as I thought I didn't receive the entire rent through Housing Benefit and he could use it to complete it.

On email, landlord said to you and myself, he was considering your offer, but on Tuesday he came to my flat with a complete different amount as I wrote to you: for me, accepting your offer while I still have £2000+ is not correct. I'd rather him to accept a rent at £1046 (this is from memory) that you proposed and use the compensation he owes me to cover what's missing. Maybe at a later date, I could ask you for that one off payment?

My solicitor has been off sick for 6 months, she could cover the trial sadly. She was pretty bad ass against landlord: Each time he came to visit my flat, he blackmailed me or put a lot of pressure on me. So I am searching a solicitor...

Landlord is happy to change locks on door from a friend of D K, but they need access to flat even if I'm locked in... They can get in in my sleep and landlord has no issue about it.

I might see M on Saturday [9 December 2023] but for another issue

Sybille Castelain


On Sunday, 10 December 2023 at 20:52:43 GMT, Ward Cllr  wrote:

Dear Sybille

It was really good to see you yesterday. We discussed the rent tribunal.application which needs to be completed before your rent is increased on 1st of January. I am happy to complete it on your behalf but will need you to send me a copy of your tenancy agreement and your notice of increase as I will need those details and they will need to be included with the form. It would also be helpful to get a copy of the recent judgement.

We discussed finding someone to represent you . I am approaching a solicitor who may be able to assist and also Deaf Plus who I know you have approached in the past who are funded by Hackney to represent residents with hearing disabilities. [Deaf Plus are crap and creep]

We also discussed the judgement from your previous claim against your landlord. You told me that your lawyer is on sick leave and that you were awarded around  £2000 in compensation  by the court but that this has not been paid to you . I think we need to chase this up as well although if I have understood correctly you initially considered not claiming it so  that you would be in credit with your rent.

I look forward to receiving copies of the documents. I am copying in Josie so she is aware. I have emailed separately on the other matter.



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward Cllr, Josie C Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox)

Mon, 11 Dec 2023 at 14:16

Hi M,

Many thanks indeed for your help. Tenancy agreement is attached - 6 pages -

Please note that flat agent D K is no longer flat agent since October 2023 as attached (New arrangement) - On this PDF, landlord doesn't mention any rent increase!.

Rent increase attached - 2 pages - received in November 2023

Copy of judgement - 1 page - attached

This morning I have sent an email to landlord regarding paying me compensation and this is what he replied "I have been in contact with the council this morning about the rent. They said that they will contact you today. Although I am able to make the compensation payment to you at any time, it may be better to wait until we agree the rent first. Can I ask you to get back to me once you’ve spoken to the council?"

Have a good day

Sybille Castelain –


Landlord insists on getting a dodgy locksmith;

Josie C made a deal with landlord:

I have to stay two years in flat with dodgy landlord and let him keep my compensation money he owed me!


On Monday, 11 December 2023 at 09:56:59 GMT, landlord wrote:


I contacted Dxxx Security last week and after lots of discussion they have just told me they cannot guarantee any availability tomorrow morning. So we now have two choices:

(1) I can contact the local locksmith on Riverside Close, or

(2) We can wait until Dxxx can give a morning appointment - which may not be until after Christmas.

What do you think?

Ed McK is still on for 9.00am tomorrow morning to do smoke/heat alarms and extractor fan.



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Landlord

Mon, 11 Dec 2023 at 10:13

I can wait for Dxx until after the New Year. Due to me reporting my door being open in my absence or sometimes at nights when I couldn't lock bottom lock, I am not happy about anybody being able to open my front door when I am in. Please make sure this is not going to happen.

Regarding Ed Mc K, you originally wrote he was coming at 8AM, Can you confirm the exact time please?

Due to the bills I have to pay and you saying you can pay the compensation right now, how soon could you pay the amount you owe me please?

Sybille Castelain

 Hackney Council acted as if on my side:

Hackney Council changed their narrative in landlord's favour:

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Landlord

Mon, 11 Dec 2023 at 15:40

Hi Landlord,

I have spoken to Hackney Council.

I am assuming you will cancel rent agreement we have to a new one: what would be the changes?

At present, I have a satellite dish at window that is a sore eye. You wrote last week, you will change it. When?

I can't live in a property if you constantly visit it, especially if I can't safely lock myself in with a possibility of you coming in because you want access from outside.

When you first visited the flat, you said you wanted to sell it... I am not sure why you want to keep me here for two years? [landlord, as part of a settlement out of court, wanted me out of the flat by 12 July 2023 at 12PM]

Sybille Castelain –


On Mon, 11 Dec 2023 at 15:32, sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

Hi M, Josie,

At the moment, landlord has harassed me with willing to inspect the flat on a regular basis; changing the lock so he can get into the flat even if I am locked inside... two years of this?

How much am I losing if my status change "The rent that landlord has agreed to - if we go ahead - is the maximum you would be able to afford on your current benefits - with the Benefit Cap. If you agree to this then we will report it to Housing Benefit and they will reassess your current award to take this into account" - How is it going to affect my benefits?

I can't pay my electricity bill and he gets £4000... This hard-core!



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Josie C, ward Cllr

Mon, 11 Dec 2023 at 16:32

Sorry to bug both of you again, but I am totally panicking at the idea of being harassed for two years (nobody even asked me if I was happy living in flat for two years).

Below it stipulates that no rent increase for 10 years is not my fault (I lived with no heaters, no bath, no shower) to this

"It is really important that you understand a couple of things:

The rent that the landlord initially requested of £1350 is not unreasonable for a 1 bedroom flat in the area you live in. In fact generally properties are rented for more than this.

You have not had a rent increase for a considerable time."

I'm really sick and feel let down by these conflictive narratives


Depressed and unwilling to give out my compensation money / stay in a flat with dodgy landlord, ward Cllr and Josie C wanted to visit me in flat:

This is a two day emails exchange between myself, my ward Cllr and Josie C about coming to my flat regarding me letting the landlord keeping my Court Case money in order to participate to Hackney Council incentives.


In short: they pressured and harassed me by email on coming Thursday 14 December 2023; I couldn’t because an electrician was in my place and I don’t trust him – Also they wanted to see the flat in day light but chose to come at 4.15PM when in UK it’s already dark. Did they see the satellite by the window? They pretended they didn’t!


On Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 18:30, Ward Cllr wrote:

Dear Sybille

It would be good to discuss this in person rather than by email. I ... could potentially visit you at home at 1pm on Thursday this week if that is convenient for you so I can see your flat . If she is free I think it would be useful to ask Josie to join us for a meeting so we can have a 3 way discussion around different options. 


On Wednesday, 13 December 2023 at 09:02:36 GMT, Josie C  wrote:

Dear M and Sybille,

I am able to come and visit you on Thursday at 1pm if you are happy for this to go ahead.


Wed, 13 Dec 2023 at 11:14 me to Josie C and ward Cllr


There is an electrician coming. Could you come at 5 or 6PM to be sure he is not in the flat? To be honest I feel I'm going to be set up / being pressured!

Also, yesterday when I went back home, sellotape on bottom keyhole was missing. I had a look on device I was lent... so it's going to be hard to continue saying I'm psychotic, disturbed, making stuff up!

Sybille Castelain


Wed, 13 Dec 2023 at 11:35 me to Josie C and ward Cllr

...  just realising you might want to see the flat daylight. If it's the case, I can email you once electrician has gone. Alternatively, you can come Friday any time

Sybille Castelain


On Wednesday, 13 December 2023 at 11:40:02 GMT, ward Cllr wrote:

Thanks Sybille I would prefer to see your flat in day light.  Shall we provisionally stick with 1.00 and if the electrician hasnt left I may be able to come a bit later depending on meetings


Wed, 13 Dec 2023 at 11:45 sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward Cllr, Josie C Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox)

Once he has left, I'll let you know. If that doesn't suit, Friday anytime, or next week apart from Monday morning

Sybille Castelain


On Wednesday, 13 December 2023 at 16:22:55 GMT, Josie C wrote:

Dear M and Sybille,

Can we go ahead with the meeting tomorrow, Thursday, even if the electrician is still there? He can work around us surely? I am on leave Friday and unavailable Monday due to other work commitments.

Tuesday I can meet up to 12pm and after from 3pm onwards. Wednesday I am free. Thursday and Friday I am not available.

Tomorrow is definitely my preferred option.


Wed, 13 Dec 2023 at 16:26 sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Josie C Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox) Cc: ward Cllr


Tuesday morning then.

This is an update https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2023/12/peeping-tom.html


On Wednesday, 13 December 2023 at 16:34:21 GMT, Josie C wrote:

Hi Sybille,

Let's not write off tomorrow. We can come even if the electrician is there can we not?

Or if there is a reason why we can't then if he leaves we can be there for 1pm as planned.

It is the best day and both M and I can make it on that day.

We don't know if M is available on Tuesday. I know she is very busy with many demands on her time.


Wed, 13 Dec 2023 at 16:39 sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Josie C,  ward Cllr

It really feels like I am not allowed to decide on anything about my life! Am I being set-up? Tuesday Morning is fine up to 12pm Wednesday whenever


On Wednesday, 13 December 2023 at 17:00:09 GMT, Josie C wrote:

Dear Sybille,

I am very sorry you feel like that. You are definitely not being set up. M and I very sincerely just want to help you. I feel that you are a very strong and resilient woman and I respect that. I hope we can sort out a time that suits us all. [I will learn from ward Cllr that Josie C and her colleagues at Hackney Council find me difficult!]


Wed, 13 Dec 2023 at 17:03 sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Josie C,  ward Cllr

Tuesday afternoon after 3PM is fine as well ( I forgot to put it)

Also you can come separately if M can't make the dates you can


Thu, 14 Dec 2023 at 08:16, ward Cllr wrote:

I am still available at 1 00pm today for a visit and that is my preferred option if we can make it work.

I could also 4 15 next Tuesday 19th at the moment ...We do need to meet in advance of the Christmas break.


Thu, 14 Dec 2023, 12:32 Josie C  wrote:

I am ready to come today if we can. I can be there in 30 minutes.




Thu, 14 Dec 2023 at 13:04, ward Cllr  wrote:

Hello Sybille

As I havent heard from you I am assuming that today no longer works for you. 

Would 4.15 on Tuesday work for you?


Thu, 14 Dec 2023 at 13:20, Josie C wrote:

Hello Sybille,

I am in a meeting from 1 - 2 pm. I would be there about 2.30.


Thursday, 14 December 2023 at 13:51:01 GMT, Josie C wrote:

I can make 4.15 - in fact that is easier for me.


Thu, 14 Dec 2023 at 15:21 sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward (Cllr), Josie C

Electrician just left.

Tuesday 4.15 is fine for me as well. It might be a bit dark... there is coffee and sugar.




Thursday, 14 December 2023 at 15:43:15 GMT, Josie C wrote:

I'm so glad we managed to get a mutually suitable time.

I look forward to a nice cup of tea -


Thu, 14 Dec 2023 at 15:45 sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Josie C, ward Cllr

What type of tea do you drink?


On 19 December 2023, they stayed two hours in my flat bullying me; they offered nothing, my mental health issues were not considered, then, via email, Josie C admitted things were tough on me...


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward Cllr

Wed, 20 Dec 2023 at 14:26

Hi M

After weeks of telling me to get my compensation from landlord and seek a solicitor because he wants to increase rent of 40%, you and Josie C decided, without consulting me, to give £2000 he owes me as well as giving him an extra £2000: yesterday I felt cheated when you came to my flat.

He is getting £4000 and I can't pay my bills.

After reporting abuse in Robin Hood Garden to you since May 2023 (I have seen you twice and send you many emails) and nothing was addressed. today I'm asked to produce a police number by Hate Crime Hackney officer Bennet Obong...

I wish I had been taken seriously: please tell Josie C to ask landlord the amount he owes me. These decisions were made without my consent. I want to use the money while it lasts


On Wednesday, 20 December 2023 at 15:14:37 GMT, ward Cllr wrote

Dear Sybille

Thanks for getting in touch and for your hospitality yesterday.

I think there has  been a misunderstanding. At the end of our meeting yesterday I understood that you wanted to explore options to stay in your flat.

The first option, as you say, is for you to agree to accept the two year fixed  tenancy at a a fixed affordable rent by  Hackney Council. If you wish to leave earlier it is almost certain that your landlord would agree to that. The offer is based on your landlord receiving a payment from Hackney and the compensation that  was awarded to you by the court.  I appreciate that you have a number of issues with your landlord and having won a court case against him you are reluctant to enter into this agreement. However this   arrangement  would give you some medium term stability and the chance to focus on other areas of your life.

You explained to us that you are understandably reluctant to relinquish the damages that were rightly awarded to you by the court and that you have urgent bills that you need this money for. Accordingly I have contacted the head of Revenue and benefits and have asked her to increase the discretionary payment so that you can keep some of the money. I don't know whether she would agree to this or not but I am doing my best to push her as I expect is Josie.

Josie also offered to mediate with your landlord re visits and decorating.


I appreciate that you do have a number of urgent bills although I'm not sure of the exact sums involved. The money hub may be able to help you with these.  They can also advise you about eligibility for are the benefits such as personal independence payment which may increase your income.

Before he agreed to offer you the two year tenancy your landlord served a notice of rent increase to  amount  that you cannot afford with your current level of benefits.  You can make an application to the rent tribunal before the 1st of January appealing this rent increase. The tribunal will make a decision on the basis of average rents in the area. You may be able to argue the rent should not be increased as you  have recently been successful in your previous case and landlord is trying to get you out of the tenancy. I don't know whether this arguement would be successful. As its a tribunal hearing it will be quite hard to find a solicitor and deaf plus have said they're not available to help you with this.  However  if you decide this you would be able to remain in your flat  if and until your landlord manages to evict you.

If you were to be  evicted you can make an application as homeless to Hackney Council and you may be placed in temporary accommodation which is likely to be hostel accommodation likely  far from Hackney . You may be eligible for over 55s  accommodation.

You can obviously find your own place though as we discussed yesterday rents are very high and as you are currently benefit capped it will be very hard for you to find an affordable place.

At this range of options is so narrow. I really wish the government had funded Hackney to build social housing so you would have a better range of options.

I  would advise you to wait to see whether we can get any more money need to pay your landlord before making a decision but I will also try to send you a draft rent tribunal form before Friday so you can submit it if you decide to turn down the two year tenancy and go to tribunal.

Sorry that you weren't happy with the outcome of the visit yesterday and I will let you know if I get any further updates. I will consider  the issues about Robin Hood garden separately I think it's unlikely how much progress of this before the holidays.


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward Cllr

Wed, 20 Dec 2023 at 15:48

Hi M,

Everything was dealt between Josie C and landlord in my back. I was hoping yesterday there would be some options> All I heard is maybe this and maybe that. Nothing concrete.


landlord is being given the money I won for the court case when nobody asked my opinion all while it's up to me to go and beg money from the council for this and that and fill paperwork.

In the court paper, Josie C was backing landlord and flat agent, so for me to make an effort to receive her was a big deal. Nothing came up in my favor. When I met you Saturday 9 December, you had a solicitor on the ready for me, now nothing.

I just want to have the money I'm due now


On Wednesday, 20 December 2023 at 17:01:14 GMT, Josie C wrote:

Hi Sybille,

Thank you for making us feel so welcome at your flat last night.

I just wanted to clarify a few things that I am not sure I got across clearly enough.

No decisions have been made without consulting you and there is no 'done deal' with the landlord.

Nothing has been signed and it has not been processed. Nothing will be without your agreement.

My purpose last night was just to explain to you what your options are.

It is entirely your decision how you want to take this forward.

I do have an update which may help you to decide.

I have spoken to my manager and unfortunately we are not in a position to offer the additional funds to the landlord. I did say that I could not guarantee that this would be possible.

So - to recap - these are the options that appear to be available to you and it is completely your decision which route to take. M and I will both support you whatever you decide to do :

You can decide to go with the offer made to keep the rent at £1045 per month and you have a fixed term contract for 2 years. This will mean that as part of that arrangement the landlord keeps the £2000 compensation along with the £2000 that Hackney would pay.


You can put in a form to request a tribunal to look at the rent increase to consider if they think it is reasonable. We cannot predict the outcome of this.


You can do nothing and allow the rent increase to go ahead.

If you decide to do this then because you will not be able to pay the full rent you can come to Hackney Council as 'potentially homeless' and we will help you to find suitable alternative accommodation.

On a positive note we do have more access to properties for people who are over 55 which would apply to you. [how funny she didn’t mention that on her visit; she knows my age!]

They are self contained flats for independent living.

They are Housing Association properties and have rents that are affordable and comparable to council rents.

This would be a long term and affordable housing solution for you and offer you security from having to move in the future.

Please consider all of these options and tell us what you would like to do.

Josie C Benefits and Homeless Prevention Officer


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward (Cllr), Josie C

Wed, 20 Dec 2023 at 17:10

Hi Josie,

Your colleague offered my money to landlord without consulting me. The two years deal was also made without consulting me. There might not be done deal, but I was not consulted prior to her talking to him.

All your emails backing flat agent and landlord and criticising me were in the court pack: they were so happy to tell judge you supported them; you put me in six months arrears

I was hoping to have a serious offer yesterday... I just want my money and enjoy it while it lasts

Sybille Castelain –


On Wednesday, 20 December 2023 at 18:04:41 GMT, Josie C wrote:



Hi Sybille,

As I said - I have given you the options available to you.

Nothing has been agreed - we would not proceed without your permission.

We spoke to the landlord with all good intentions to see what options would be available to you but with no obligation for you to proceed.

It is our duty to explore all options where we see there is a possibility of someone being vulnerable to becoming homeless  to try and prevent this.

This includes when there is an unaffordable rent liability.

The choice of how to proceed is all yours. We have not taken this away from you.

I am happy to step back if you do not want me involved. I understand how stressful this has been for you.

A two year court case would be exhausting for anyone. and I respect you for going forward with it.

I am very sorry that you have been through this.

Josie C


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To:Josie C, ward (Cllr)

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 at 10:15


I want the landlord to put the money he owes me here:


Ms S Castelain

sort code: XXXX

account number: XXXX


Following a meeting I had with my ward Cllr on the 9 December 2023, I sent her on 11 December a copy of my rent agreement + tribunal paper stating landlord and flat agent lost their court case against me. Ward Cllr is a lawyer in the regulations field: she said she knew people who could help / advise; I repeatedly told her Deaf + helped nobody. When she and Josie C from Hackney Council came to bully me in my flat on 19 December, they said the rent my landlord wanted was below rent market in my area; I told them some flats were in such derelict state that tenants had similar rent as mine. Josie C said it was not true: she knew I was right because tenants I was mentioning were unemployed and on Housing Benefit!

Suddenly, landlords / landladies dealing direct with tenants decided to raise their rent up to £400 by March 2024.

My ward Cllr filled Section 22 instead of Section 13 which would have allowed me to defend the 0 upgrading of the flat since the 80’s; from my surname to the rent amount to the floor I live on, absolutely every single detail concerning myself and the flat were wrong. I corrected the ‘errors’ but I had no idea I should have sent a Section 13!

On Thu, 28 Dec 2023, 14:04 ward Cllr wrote:

Dear Sybille

I hope you are well and having a good festive season.

I have attempted to complete the tribunal form for you.

Please can you check it through  and send it off to London.RAP@justice.gov.uk attaching the tenancy agreement and the notice of increase before 1.1.24 . I would advise you to serve it today or tomorrow  as they are working days.  You also need to serve it on your landlord before 1.1.24.

It appears that if you dont request an oral hearing the application will be considered on the papers. I would advise you to  request an oral hearing at this stage and flag in the covering email that you have a hearing disability and require adjustments . Its likely that you can change to a consideration on the papers at a later date.

It also appears that you don't need to state your grounds at this stage and will be asked to supply evidence at a later stage . There is nowhere on the form to state your grounds but I would suggest that your grounds could be :

1 You have recently succeeded in defending  possession proceedings brought by your landlord and were awarded damages for your counter claim so this increase amounts to unlawful harrassment. [this utter bollox for Section 22]

2 You do not accept that the increase is a fair market rent. [also utter bollox]

According to the guidance the tribunal will when determining a rent will look at comparable or market rents payable for  similar properties in the locality. Parties are encouraged to provide evidence of comparable rents.  I would advise you to  obtain any evidence you can from adverts or  otherwise of lower rents for similar properties in E5 .

I hope this is of some assistance and let me know if you have any questions. I have no previous experience of rent tribunals but there is some advice on the shelter website. Im afraid it is very difficult to find any representation  for rent tribunals . I have approached deaf plus who say they cant help and a retired solicitor who also cant help [On Sunday 10 December 2023, she wrote “I am approaching a solicitor who may be able to assist”]. The shelter website has some advice and you can approach them for further support. [As if... 28 December 2023, she knows I use the library internet which is mainly closed between Xmas and New Years Day!]


On 30 May 2024, Tribunal refused to go forward with dispute because I should have filled Section 13 for the arguments I was putting down; landlord had not increased the rent in the past six months + rent required was below rent market!

Elucubrations clownesques II


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