The Killing Moon

Under blue moon, I saw you - So soon you'll take me - Up in your arms, too late to beg you - Or cancel it, though I know it must be - The killing time Unwillingly mine – Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin - He will wait until You give yourself to him In starlit nights, I saw you So cruelly, you kissed me Your lips, a magic world Your sky, all hung with jewels The killing moon Will come too soonEcho And The Bunnymen.

Below is a non-journalistic statement based mainly on Sinéad O'Connor’s Wikipedia page and an ‘article’ originally published in Les Inrocks in 1997, republished by Carole Boinet*(director of Les Inrocks since September 2022) in July 2023 following the Irish and activist singer’s death.

Non journalistic because I’m not an expert of the singer and I use what’s quickly available on her as well as using only the first paragraphs available of that ‘article’ – interview. I take a short cut on Sinéad O'Connor from her birth to 1997 when she was interviewed by Emmanuel Tellier.

Disclaimer: I worked for Les Inrocks in 1991-1992, replacing Emmanuel Tellier as admin’ – editorial assistant hoping to become a journalist and photographer, aged 23. He became a full-time journalist for Les Inrocks aged 24, left them for Télérama, a magazine where he worked for 19 years. In 2015, I spoke up by writing about sexual harassment and humiliation I was subjected to by him. Since leaving Les Inrocks and France, my life has been hell. 31 years later, Carole Boinet gives Emmanuel Tellier a window of rehabilitation…

Victims of sexual violence never heal. Victims of sexual violence in journalism is an ongoing violence!


Sinéad O'Connor was born on 8 December 1966 in Dublin. Her death was announced 26 July 2023.

Age 13, she left her mother and went to live with her father.

Age 15, shoplifting and truancy led to her being placed for 18 months in a Magdalene asylum called the Grianán TrainingCentre. When punished: "if you were bad, they sent you upstairs to sleep in the old folks' home. You're in there in the pitch black, you can smell the shit and the puke and everything, and these old women are moaning in their sleep [...] I have never—and probably will never—experience such panic and terror and agony over anything."

In 1987, aged 21 and pregnant with her first child while making her first album, she released The Lion And The Cobra which charted worldwide, reaching number 27 in the United Kingdom and number 36 on the US Billboard 200 "I'm really proud of them [album's songs]… For a little girl to have written some of those songs… I wrote my songs as therapy, if you like. I don't go back to it. I don't want to go there emotionally. I haven't paid all this money for therapy for fucking nothing", earning a Best Female Rock Vocal Performance Grammy nomination.  [sidenote: Les Inrocks were one year old!]

1989, aged 23, she joined The frontman Matt Johnson as a guest vocalist on the band's album Mind Bomb; made another foray into cinema, starring in and writing the music for the Northern Irish film Hush-a-Bye-Baby; had an abortion after things did not work out with the father. She later wrote the song My Special Child about the experience.

1990, aged 24, she released her second album I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got – gained considerable attention and mostly positive reviews: it was rated "second best album of the year" by the NME. She was praised for her voice and original songs, while being noted for her appearance: trademark shaved head, often angry expression, and sometimes shapeless or unusual clothing. The album was nominated for four Grammy Awards in 1991: Record of the Year, Best Female Pop Vocal Performance, and Best Music Video, Short Form for Nothing Compares 2 U, winning the award for Best Alternative Music Performance. However, O'Connor refused to accept the nominations and award… but accepted the Irish IRMA in February 1991.

I don't do anything in order to cause trouble. It just so happens that what I do naturally causes trouble. I'm proud to be a troublemaker.

22 September 1992: album release of Am I Not Your Girl? The album is dedicated to the people of New York City and especially the homeless whom O'Connor met at St. Mark's Place; the album did not gain much critical acclaim, perhaps also because of an introduction in the album in which she mentions sexual abuse, addiction, emotional abuse…

3 October 1992, aged 26, instead of performing songs to promote her album in the U.S. late-night television program Saturday Night Live, she performed an a cappella rendition of Bob Marley's 1976 song War with revised lyrics protesting child abuse. At the end of the performance she softly shouts evil” while tearing up a photograph of Pope John Paul II, which she later said she had taken down from her mother's bedroom wall eight years earlier (her mother died in 1985). 

In May 1993, she said in The Guardian that singing lessons with Merriman were the only therapy she was receiving, describing Merriman as "the most amazing teacher in the universe."

June 1993, aged 27, she wrote a public letter in The Irish Times which asked people to "stop hurting" her: "If only I can fight off the voices of my parents / and gather a sense of self-esteem / Then I'll be able to REALLY sing ..." The letter repeated accusations of abuse by her parents as a child which O'Connor had made in interviews. Speaking of her mother, she revealed having suffered "extreme and violent abuse, both emotional and physical"… "Our family is very messed up. We can't communicate with each other. We are all in agony. I for one am in agony."

At the time, she did not mention the Roman Catholic Church as a culprit nor distinguished between forms of abuse but in January 1995, in an appearance on the British late-night television programme After Dark during an episode titled Ireland: Sex & Celibacy, Church & State ( ||, she linked abuse in families to the Church "Sinéad came on and argued that abuse in families was coded in by the church because it refused to accept the accounts of women and children." In 1994, Antonia Bird excellent film Priest featuring Robert Carlyle depicts the situation giving a view on incest not being a sin (another lost in the ether film directed by a woman).

October 1993, while in Los Angeles, she took too many sleeping pills, inciting media conjecture about a suicide attempt. She said she “was in a bad way emotionally at the time, but it wasn't a suicide attempt." She left Peter Gabriel’s Secret World Tour suddenly. Three decades later, she wrote in her memoir Rememberings that she left Gabriel because he treated her casually, and would not make a commitment.

December 1993, Jim Sheridan’s In the Name of the Father is released featuring O'Connor's You Made Me the Thief of Your Heart (the song was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Short Form Music Video).

In 1994, aged 28, she appeared in A Celebration: The Music of Pete Townshend and The Who.

13 September 1994: album release of Universal Mother.

In September 1995, O'Connor announced that she was pregnant with her second child whose father is Irish columnist John Waters. Soon after the birth of her daughter Brigidine Roisin Waters in March 1996, O'Connor began a long custody battle that ended with her agreeing to let Roisin live in Dublin with Waters.

In 1996, O'Connor guested on Broken China, a solo album by Pink Floyd's Richard Wright.

Mid July 1997, Neil Jordan's The Butcher Boy is released in Ireland featuring O'Connor as Virgin Mary.

Sinéad O'Connor according to Emmanuel Tellier (ET) in Les Inrocks, July 1997:

Il aura fallu trois ans de repli volontaire pour que Sinéad O’Connor retrouve le goût de l’écriture et de la vie publique”: Either ET is an intimate friend of the Irish singer or he is a petty journalist!

Transformée par la maternité, c’est en femme apaisée qu’elle s’apprête à tourner en France pour présenter Gospel Oak EP”: Thanks GOD, giving birth mutates women into calm & peaceful creatures!

Gospel Oak EP is a “collection de chansons où la plus belle voix d’Irlande éclaire enfin sa mélancolie d’un peu de soleil.The activist singer with a soupçon of rage is described as being melancholic who thanks GOD has injected a bit of sun into her mental state... I wonder what ET would have written if one of his favourite bands Joy Division had injected sun into their songs? (I’m not talking New Order here)

À New York, rencontre dans les coulisses du fameux show télévisé de David Letterman, passage obligé de sa réhabilitation médiatique” Thanks GOD David Letterman is here to rehabilitate a woman in the public space!

Tout le monde devrait avoir en sa possession une copie du nouveau disque de Sinéad O’Connor, le bien-nommé Gospel Oak EP, petite chose précieuse, nécessaire, où l’on entend les mélodies les plus vitales de ce début d’été. Chacun devrait pouvoir se plonger à heures régulières,­ tôt le matin, tard le soir ­dans ces océans de calme, aller y chercher un peu de cette sérénité rassurante dispensée par la chanteuse irlandaise.Prescription / description of EP as a fragile and precious chocolate gem sugar-coated in an ocean of caramel and peanut butter.

Fort comme le vent du large, beau comme un coucher de soleil, le genre de slogan ringard qu’on verrait bien inscrit sur la porte d’un centre de thalasso pour citadins usés­, ce disque devrait être remboursé par la Sécurité sociale, pris en charge au même titre qu’un calmant ou qu’un excitant. Des chansons comme This Is to Mother You ou This Is a Rebel Song remplissant d’ailleurs les deux fonctions à la fois. Qu’est-ce donc que ce Gospel Oak EP ?” Extra coating of previous paragraph. Is the EP an over-filling Gaelic galette for a spa resort treatment located by the seaside or is the petty journalist a boring old-fashion conformist at 29 years old?

Une brève collection de ballades et de marches irlandaises, traditionnelles et neuves à la fois, dont la plus incroyable des qualités est certainement d’avoir été pensées, écrites et chantées par une femme transformée, apaisée. Six chansons qui montrent la lente maturation, l’arrivée à bon port d’une artiste que l’on croyait incapable d’une telle clarté d’écriture car interdite de paix intérieure.” The EP is no longer located by a peaceful ocean over-coated with calming waves but a collection of Irish trekking walks that crosses paths between old and new… An EP that has been thought, written and sung, an incredible asset (for a woman I guess) by a mutant woman at peace! Six songs that demonstrates the slow-burning maturation process of a woman who finally moors at the correct harbour, back in the ocean then; a woman whom everybody thought as inapt and inept of writing with such clarity quality (aren’t we all, women, confused and mistaken?) because access to internal peace was made forbidden to her (maybe by GOD?).

Sur les quatre albums de sa turbulente carrière, Sinéad O’Connor aura pourtant souvent tenté de convoquer calme et sérénité au chevet de ses chansons, mais sans grand succès.” Anyway, her four albums prove a troubled career, yet she often tempted to convoke calm and bliss (thanks GOD, a man is out there letting us know how hard a woman is desperately trying to be a good girl) within her songs bedside but failed dramatically... Well, one can’t blame child abuse while sitting in a lotus position reciting rama rama, can she? (Could you?) I wonder if anybody @ Les Inrocks blamed Lou Reed each time he talked – wrote - sang about receiving electroshock therapy in his teens?

Pas tout à fait prête pour les armistices ou les grandes remises en question, l’Irlandaise est longtemps restée ce soldat sans armée, cet intrigant combattant au crâne rasé et à l’âme torturée : une vaste contradiction vivante, jurant à la terre entière qu’elle souhaitait la paix tout en se sachant incapable de déposer les armes. De toutes ces guerres menées le couteau entre les dents contre sa propre famille, le Vatican, l’occupant anglais ou bien encore les traditions familiales de l’Irlande­, Sinéad O’Connor ne parle plus aujourd’hui que pour admettre, un peu boudeuse, qu’elles ont été perdues.” After taking off with a sugar-coated dithyrambic description of EP, we are now rough-landing: Irishwoman has no (intellectual?) ability to forgive or to self-question due to her being a lonely soldier, no army around for far too long (that must be brain-damaging?)... An intriguing shaved-head warrior whose skull down under shelters a tortured soul (definitely brain-damaged!). So, does giving birth a trump card for women in order to pacify or not? Does the petty journalist know that by the time he interviewed her, a year after giving birth, the protest singer actually gave birth 10 years earlier? Now, we learn that she is a living contradiction creature because she has been swearing all along she only wished peace while knowing she couldn’t drop the guns! (Is she disturbed then more than brain-damaged?). [My advice here: do your best for not being a victim of predators nor general violence because some guys are out there to get at you!]. We further learn that out of all wars she conducted with a knife between her teeth – her family, catholic religion, the English occupant, and the Irish non-secular traditions – she admits being the greatest sulking loser. [My advice here: if you persevere in willing being a victim, shut the fuck up... don’t cry over spit milk because some geezer is out there to judge you for moaning!] I don’t recall ET or anybody @ Les Inrocks mocking Kurt Cobain*for his mental health issues that led him to trigger a bullet onto his skull! Nor do I recall any of them humiliating Vic Chestnutt for his depression leading him to OD!

Mais depuis ce Gospel Oak EP en forme de bulletin de santé, on sait aussi que Sinéad a appris à se moquer de ses revers passés et s’est trouvé d’autres motifs d’inspiration. “Toutes ces erreurs commises dans des moments de détresse, toute cette infortune, je les effacerai en t’embrassant, en te donnant de la tendresse”, l’entend-on souffler doucement sur le superbe This Is to Mother You.With great relief, petty journalist sacked in 2019 from the magazine Télérama for being a sexual oppressor at work informs us that the EP has to be approached like a health report: Sinéad O'Connor has learnt to laugh at herself (thanks GOD for that) from her past failure [My advice here: don’t be a victim of toxicity] and she is following a path full of tranquil inspirations like knitting, crochet, washing dishes, sucking husband cocks or sewing his socks while singing motherly lullabies.

Après avoir donné la vie pour la seconde fois – sa fille de 15 mois se prénomme Roisin –­ et s’être éloignée de la vie publique pendant trois années, Sinéad O’Connor revient donc au monde en souriant. Pour la première fois de sa difficile carrière, elle peut donner à voir ce visage radieux, cette mine d’ange débarrassée de ces tristes rictus de rage et de frustration qui en ont longtemps déformé les traits. À 30 ans, Sinéad revient heureuse, transformée et diablement inspirée. Avec le retour en grâce d’Echo & The Bunnymen, c’est l’autre miracle de l’année.” Landing continues... this time we learn that petty journalist who favours the term ‘sexist outrage’ instead of ‘sexual and sexist violence’ (the man knows what is right for a woman to say), knows she gave birth twice... is now reversing in describing her face and personality. She is now an expected docile & smiling woman for the first time following a tumultuous career: her face is angelic due to have scrubbed off her sad stormy grin bearing frustration signs that have distorted her traits for a long time... Aged 30, like the petty journalist, she is a happy Stepford wife who has devilishly mutated into an inspired woman. 

I wonder if ET has written a proper transcript of his interview with Sinéad O'Connor, or pushing my luck... has he twisted her answers? Yet he swears he’s all about integrity and discretion  ||

27 July 2023 "Un grand merci à @Fran_MMartinez  at @lesinrocks d'avoir republié mon entretien avec #SineadOConnor en 1997 à New York." "Anecdote en bonus : je ne suis pas près d'oublier cette rencontre dans les loges du show de David Letterman, sur Broadway
1 - parce que Sinead O'Connor était charmante et très concentrée pour l'interview. 
2 - parce que pendant qu'elle était sur le plateau avec Letterman... (1/2)" "... l'invité principal de l'émission est arrivé, et a été accompagné dans la petite loge où je patientais, pour attendre son tour. Je suis donc dans la légendaire green room de Letterman, seul, avec une télé allumée. Et à ce moment, seul également, pénètre, dans la loge..."

29 July 2023: ET rt Sinéad O'Connor act of generosity in 1991-1992 while in those very two years he constantly asked me to perform a blow-job on him @ Les Inrocks!

* Carole Boinet: 31 July 2023 sex promo for Les Inrocks À ne pas oublier sur la route des vacances :la dernière édition du numéro sexe @lesinrocks”; 6 August 2023 feminism concern “Légère angoisse… le but féministe estdésormais d’avoir sa barbie à son effigie ?; 9 August 2023 where were people when Kurt Cobain died in April 1994? Vous étiez où quand vous avez appris la mort de Kurt Cobain ?

* After leaving France in 1992, I went back as an Au-Pair in London. An ex friendly colleague Pascal Arvieu told me to meet his very good French friend, designer for the NME. Lad liked my photos and considered hiring me. On second meeting in the IPC buildingthe lad said he had spoken to my ex sexist & misogynist colleague Renaud Monfourny, then mocked me, took me to the lift with some NME guys, got to MelodyMakers’ floor where more guys got into the lift: all laughed at me in lift until ground floor! Then:  

8 July 2023 Planet Earth pays respect to Sinéad O'Connor: O’Connor’s funeral cortège has just left the Funeral home on its way to Bray seafront.. O’Connor arrives into Bray for the last time. More @tomhappens for @SeanMoncrieff @NewstalkFM 2pm #SineadOConnor” The tune being played is Natural Mystic by Bob Marley. campervan playing #SineadOConnor’s music before her funeral in Bray County Wicklow Ireland. More on @tomhappens for @SeanMoncrieff @NewstalkFM from 2pm GMT Bob Marley playing on a van stereo, Sinead O'Connor's funeral cortege passes along the Bray seafront  as thousands turned out to pay their respects. @irish_news #sineadoconnor #Bray and baby home survivors gathering in Bray to say goodbye to #SineadOConnor of mother and baby homes, Magdalenes and former foster children gather to pay their respects to Sinéad O’Connor who “spoke up for us” #SineadOConnor stations across Ireland all playing Sinead at the same time today 🙏🏻 @Corks96FM #RIPSinead #SineadOConnor #Celebrities #CelebBites, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to lead the Muslim funeral prayer for the daughter of Ireland, Sinéad O'Connor aka Shuhada Sadaqat. It is an honor to be part of this occasion, and I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the family for recognising and embracing her Muslim identity. #SineadOConnor #Sinead to the incomparable artist & activist #SineadOConnor. Survivors of mother & baby homes, women & working class people seemed most prominent among mourners today for her funeral cortège. Glad some @RosaSocFem activists could attend. 🌹 Sinead. You are so missed. I lived on Bray seafront myself for a while as a teen, next door to where James Joyce once lived (the scene in Portrait). It's a special place with a lot of heart. 💚” [Lucy Siegle is a whistleblower on Nick Cohen of the crowd start to sing along as Nothing Compares 2 U is played #SineadOConnor Sinead O'Connor's funeral, alongside her close family and fellow Muslims. The Janaza prayer led by Dr. Shaykh Umar Al Qadri. Sinead was truly beloved in Ireland. Rest in peace, Shuhada Sadaqat. 'Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam.' 🕊️ #SineadOConnor #RIP Sinéad Thanks for everything! #Sinéad #SineadOConnor #GoodbyeSinead in peace #SineadOConnor A fantastic turnout in Bray this morning to say farewell! Beautiful atmosphere! Lots of singing! All on a stunning morning! “"In the motorcade accompanying Sinead O'Connor's body to her final resting place after the funeral. Witnessing people lining the road, showering their love through applause and cheers. A bittersweet yet profoundly beautiful moment. 🌹 #SineadOConnor", Live, Sinead O’Connor Funeral: Aerial Photos Show The Funeral Possession from above with millions of people gathered at the seafront to say their final goodbye #SineadOConnor gathering outside the home of Sinead O'Connor to pay their respect. ️ #SineadOConnor on the singer #SineadOConnor @SineadOConnor final farewell in Bray for @DublinLive @EmmaNevin__ “#SineadOConnor farewell our beautiful warrior. Will always remember your beautiful smile sitting on your porch on Bray beach smiling your face to the sun. Thinking of your family today. In the arms of Shane. 💙😥💫 McAnaspie’s brother Keith joins guard of honour with survivors of the country’s state & religious institutions at #SineadOConnor’s funeral in Bray, “Sinead reached out 2 me after her son died in care, she knew Daniel was murdered in the state care. She spoke up 4 us”. thousands of people who have turned up today to give the biggest hug of all. So sad but people are celebrating the life of an incredible, trailblazing woman. #SineadOConnor have gathered at Bray seafront to pay their respects to #SineadOConnor’ Sadaqat will be laid to rest today. Once again, msm erasing her Muslim identify & referring to her Islamic burial only as a 'private service'. We will pray for her. May her soul be at peace & be blessed Inshallah.  #SineadOConnor 🤲🏽 “#SineadOConnor's funeral will be held today in Ireland. She will have and Islamic funeral. She had converted to Islam in 2018. and tributes outside Sinead O'Connor's home in the seaside town of Bray this morning, with media and fans gathering ahead of the funeral. @irish_news #sineadoconnor #Bray “"I'm someone who left Ireland in the 80s for London.She mattered musically but also as someone who spoke for my generation at the time.. The emotion here today. It's respectful, it's sad, but it's also a celebration." Cuan MacConghail (55) from Dublin. @irish_news #sineadoconnor and tributes outside Sinead O'Connor's home in the seaside town of Bray this morning, with media and fans gathering ahead of the funeral. @irish_news #sineadoconnor #Bray"I grew up in the 90s and Sinead was a warrior. She said everything you wanted to say and took all the flack. She did it her way, she was authentic and never lost that part of herself." - Maria Towey (45) from Roscommon. @irish_news #SineadOConnor #Bray resident Adrian Duggan (69) - "Sometimes she'd walk into my cafe  and you had to look twice. She was always shy and didn't want to be a pop star, she was a protest singer. That false glamour didn't interest her." @irish_news #SineadOConnor Fans, friends and neighbours gather in Bray ahead of Sinead O'Connor's funeral as far as the eye can see have turned out to say a final farewell to Irelands queen of hearts. #SineadOConnor #SineadOConnor” memorial outside #SineadOConnor's former home in Bray the night before her funeral cortege passes by. 💔 the day we say goodbye to Sinead O'Connor, here is a NME cover, plus some gig tickets and wrist band I found from seeing her live over the years 💙 #SineadOConnor moving watching #SineadOConnor funeral. I will always remember seeing her perform Troy at London Lesbian & Gay Pride in 1988. Saw her many times afterwards, an incredible performer. She also used to drink at The Bell in Kings X, she was a very shy and sweet person.  RIP. of people lined the streets of Bray in County Wicklow to pay their respects to Irish singer and activist #SinéadOConnor lyrics have such significance today. Rest easy #SineadOConnor family of Sinéad O’Connor plans to give the singer, who converted to Islam in 2018, a private Muslim burial on Tuesday. But, in accordance with an old Irish custom, her coffin will first be carried past her last home in Ireland. a moment that holds a universe of emotions. Forever grateful for the music and legacy of Sinéad O’Connor.  May Allah rest Shuhada Sadaqat's soul in peace. 🕊️ #SineadOConnor giant installation honouring the late musician and activist Sinéad O’Connor has been unveiled on Bray Head, Co Wicklow. Video: The Tenth Man


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