Dov Alfon “Changer «Libé», rester «Libé»”

WARNING: mentions of incest, sexual abuse, and paedophilia in text, includes a graphic indecent image.

[This post has been ‘hacked’ & then denounced to be taken down! Also received une mise en demeure...]

Work in progress from (*)this is no work of saga, there is no joy in digging crap! But I’m funny.

[The perfect film to watch on International Woman's Day -  Sarah PolleyWomen Talking Out in France on that day:]

Serge July, Libération creator 1973- 2006
Louis Dreyfus, General Manager @ Libération 2001-2006
Denis Olivennes, General Manager @ Libération since June 2020
Dov Aldon, Director @ Libération since September 2020 
Serge July returns @ Libération in January 2023

On 7 January 2023, French newspaper Libération, led since Autumn Equinox 2020 by editor-in-chief and head of editorial strategy Dov Alfon, announces the return of politic expert journalist Serge July  who co-created the print title in 1973 with author Jean-Paul Sartre, a key figure in the philosophy of existentialism.

The news, highly praised by grandiloquent onomatopoeist Christophe ConteCahouètes !” (*), an ex-colleague at Les Inrocks – now writing for the daily paper, doesn’t hit a wave of warm welcomes though within the French media sphere: extreme-right weekly magazine Valeurs Actuelles (VA) reminds its readers that Serge July was condemned for racism “Libération l’antiraciste reprend Serge July condamné pour racisme” (full article available to subscribers only); Ojim criticises him for introducing Libé to capitalism “... c’est également lui qui l’a ouvert à la publicité et aux joies du capitalisme industriel”; Ozap highlights his heydays from the 70’s to late 80’s “Serge July a porté le journal durant sa période de gloire à la fin des années 1980”; newspapers left wing Le Monde along with right wing Le Figaro describe the journalist as a charismatic director who even had its effigy for Les Guignols on Canal+ in the 90’s “... sous l’influence de son charismatique directeur... Personnage du monde politico-médiatique, M. July a même eu droit à sa marionnette chez les « Guignols » de Canal+ dans les années 1990”  

If the French press write their fellow journalist Serge July was eventually pushed out in 2006  (along with Libé General Manager Louis Dreyfus(**) from the journal he created, they (unless VA reveals it in its article reserved for subscribers) seem to suffer from a bout of amnesia about how the politic expert promoted / published paedophilia content “Quand LIBERATION faisait l’apologie de la pédophilie !” and was condemned multiple times for debauchery in the 70’s-80’s (***). In 1977, in order to bring a goût d’avant-garde with a soupçon of provocation, July hired Bazooka, a ‘Punk Artytude’ collective who produced interesting graphic images which sadly fashioned criminal intent... (***)

Bazooka for Libération
5 November 1977

... at a time when in France, a country with a strong & long running tradition of hailing paedocriminals, author Gabriel Matzneff  (apologie de la pédocriminalité since 1974) was a (recurrent) worshipped TV guest for some revered literary programs (here in 1990 opposite euphoric Bernard Pivot and (Canadian) author Denise Bombardier at odds incriminating the devastating long term effects on victims). Filmmaker Roman Polanski, freshly accused of raping 13 years old Samantha Geimer in US, was bragging about his preferences for underage girls opposite a skeptical JP Elkabbach! Meanwhile, across the pond from Calais, when Punk was switching to a Post Punk-New Wave era, Siouxsie & The Banshees launched their debut album The Scream in 1978 ‘followed’ in 1986 by their single Candyman where Siouxsie opened up about being a molested child also addressing issues on incest. In a poverty stricken Thatcherian Britain, as The Cure released Charlotte Sometimes around Autumn Equinox 1981, Only Fools & Horses started their first season on BBC (plagued with famous paedocriminals employeesJohn Lydon of the Sex Pistols was banned from the channel after implying in 1978 that Jimmy Savile (JS) was a paedophile (****)) closing the season just before Winter Solstice with an episode, The Russians Are Coming, where 35 years old character Del Boy fantasies a sexual relationship with a 17 year old ‘aristocrat’ sandwiched between “The war is hell” and “The end of the world could be just the break we’re looking for” (perhaps a subliminal way of denouncing the BBC safeguarding JS & others?).

Five years on since the birth of #MeToo online, North American movement originally created by Tarana Burke in 2006 (coincidentally the year charismatic mogul had to resign (**) from his own pages in France), Dov Alfon also announces proudly Emilie Nicolas (specialist in feminism & anthropology from across Canada), Lola Lafon (author & feminist libertaire) and Magali Reghezza-Zitt (geographer tackling environmental issues) as Libé newcomers & regular writers for 2023. In short, three non journalist women covering up the mess of a dirty old man! 

In his very first written prose for Libé as its director, Dov Alfon gives a head on how a new era for the newspaper won’t suffer a drastic change “Changer «Libé», rester «Libé»” while commemorating... Serge July in its opening paragraph! Ending its chapter with a thought for... women “… Libération est un journal libertaire de gauche… toujours du côté des plus faibles… mener un combat au nom de ceux qui sont trop faibles pour le faire… les droits des femmes…”

On the day the world celebrated women’s rights, in between sabbats of Imbolc & Spring Equinox while the Year of Ox had entered its cycle, the spy from Israel Dov Alfon apologised for publishing / promoting a letter from a rapist on their front page... on International Women’s Day (IWD).

Autumn Equinox 2022, French national radio France Inter - Radio France appointed journalist & spy Alfon as editorialist while still managing the Paris-based libertarian left wing pages. Political party France Insoumise spokesperson as well as being a member of the National Assembly Adrien Quatennens was the object of his reflection.  After Quatennens admitted committing violence and abuse against his wife, Libé director called for the politician to step down from his duty and seek professional help “… Ses électeurs et ses électrices se retrouvent aujourd’hui représentés par un homme qui les a manipulés… Quatennens a besoin d’aide et doit suivre un traitement… expliquer à Adrien Quatennens les principes les plus élémentaires de décence, pour qu’il démissionne immédiatement de toute représentation politique.

Dov Alfon is lucky to have had an exciting journalistic career since the 80’s, leading him to be editor in chief for Haaretz. In 2011, he received a ‘Peace Through Media Award’ for making public political affairs while protecting journalists working on sensitive stories. His time as a spy when doing his military service in Israel helped him focus on a career in investigative journalism. Between Spring 2016 & Autumn 2020, the journalist is based in Paris: first, as a correspondent for Haaretz; then as Libé Director thanks to General Manager Denis Olivennes’s suggestion to the newspaper’ staff. He was elected at 90,8 %Despite organising a journal entirely written by women for International Women’s Day in 1994, he doesn’t display a great interest in them as credible journalists outside their ‘day off’ at IWD o’clock.... rather, women serve him as a shield.

Soon after Alfon’s arrival at the French newspaper, I congratulated him cynically / jealously… he blocked me…

… and in no time, ex colleague at Les Inrocks JD Beauvallet (*****) signed a piece in the music pages led by Tunisia born – Israel spy educated – Paris based director followed by another music piece 
followed by an interview a year later!

A week after apologising for publishing a letter from a rapist on Libé front page, he blocked my ‘twin sister’ PandoraVox as I dared say the newspaper was mutating into  an Inrocks refuge

Winter Solstice 2022, ex colleague at Les Inrocks JD Beauvallet (*****) is happy to be interviewed once again in Libé Culture  by Olivier Laam who regards my ex colleague as a hero... what a hero:

A journalistic world of men:

Changer «Libé», rester «Libé»”, what a prophecy… what clairvoyance! A world of men made by men for men backed up by men or at war battling male egos where women are glamazones in golden capes preciously guarding penises crass… in French journalism

[Hours following this post, Denis Olivennes, Libé’s General Manager, twitted about female journalist Sophie Des Deserts  joining ‘his’ team - ex L'Obs, Vanity Fair, Paris Match 
From 22 January 2023: 
TERF & masculinist Nadege Alezine 
coming to Dov Alfon rescue!

Abel Mestre of Le Monde happy for Serge July to be back at Libération 

Once again
Ni Una Menos France pillaging
my work without mentioning this post...
them raping my content/
mansplaining me about UK over the past two years: 

From 17 April 2023: Libération is 50 and a few weeks old 
(first published 3 February 1973)! 
In 1987, Jean-Marie Le Pen (creator of French extreme right politic party FN in 1972) said a first time gas chambers were a detail in History. 
Abject that nobody, while celebrating the French newspaper, dared mentioned the multiple issues of paedophilia in journalism as if it were a detail of its history!]
[22 February 2024: Dov Alfon write on #MeToo in French cinema while Edwy Plenel of Mediapart celebrates on 24 February 2024, in a thread of 14 Tweets, how his media has been prominent in #MeToo investigation / journalism with nothing in journalism but PPDA in his 70's
and still nothing on Emmanuel Tellier since 8 February 2024 despite 30 years of predation!]

(*) Christophe Conte of lesRT the news of politic expert journalist Serge July's return to Libération from Sandrine Treiner, France Culture Director: boss girl who resigned on 24 January 2023. Funny he celebrates the return of 80 years old Serge July when he mocked the ‘return’ of 85 years old JP Elkabbachpolitic expert journalist, in November 2022Tout sur la dernière déclaration du président René Coty


On 31 August 2019, me on Glam Rock pedocriminal Gary Glitter (GG) serving 16 years:  “dc la semaine derniere, #ChristopheConte dit sur son reseau que je suis psychopathe, derangee avec delires de persecutions, mais #GaryGlitter condamne a 16 ans de tolle pr pedocriminalite, ca passe” (Gary Glitter has just come out of his stretch since February 2023 after eight years behind bars) regarding Christophe Conte’s Glam Rock Splendeur Et Decadence on Arte TV where he is totally oblivious on GG’s crimes... 

20 September 2019 Christophe Conte Dans le poste, c’est vendredi prochain, maisen ligne c’est déjà l’heure de mettre des paillettes dans ta vie” Nobody at Arte nor Rebecca Manzoni (voice over for the documentary) ever edited the info... added that GG was a pedocriminal… not even one of his over 40K followers on Twitter that include a myriad of journalists & feminists has screamed about that lack of info! If it’s important to include GG in the doc, it’s also vital to mention how he used his fame to lure children in order to satisfy his sexual pleasures. Erasing that fact is undermining the crime, being complicit, perpetuating it somehow!

21 September 2019 on Europe1 Radio with Emilie Mazoyer, guest Christophe Conte from 26’’ to 45’’ is not challenged about GG being over decadent... a rapist who used the Glam Rock scene! Why hadn’t Marie Vaton of L’Obs (Groupe Le Monde) reacted? She must care about abused children for writing a book about it mustn’t she? She was surely annoyed with me in September 2021 for sending me a DM on Twitter after I reminded her, once again, that she followed me in February 2019 and unfollowed within hours... She is friend with Christophe Conte, JD Beauvallet, Emmanuel Tellier!

In the Autumn 2021, Arte broadcasted again the documentary but has taken down all links on its channel || & made private its Youtube link since at least December 2021 “Bonjour Christophe, je prépare actuellement une petite vidéo sur le Glam Rock et votre documentaire m'a énormément aidé, d'ailleurs félicitations ! Cependant, il semble ne plus être disponible ? Il y a un court extrait d'une interview de Gary Glitter que…

In December 2019, months after first broadcasting his Glam Rock doc on ArteTv, Christophe Conte joked about Gabriel Matzneff being a notorious paedocriminal, then mocked someone who wondered why he did nothing! Why had he never used his weekly #BilletDur page that he ran in Les Inrocks from 2010 until April 2017 or until August 2017 to report any paedophiles or men in the media abusing women? 

Why did Christophe Conte need to vomit his bile on South African music band Die AntwoodToujours détesté ces connards” when he could have shown compassion to their adoptive son who accused the duo of child abuse?

Why is Christophe Conte being so ‘sensitive’ & vulgar regarding PPDA’s sexual offenses  “Belle image pour dire sa bite”? Has he ever complained to his bosses at Les Inrocks about his pervert colleague? Or was he his friend? Has he ever contested Les Inrocks when they supported Roman Polanski after his arrest in 2009His new obsession for the growing number of PPDA’s victims might be admiration or jealousy? He can’t believe 45 women “45 ! QUARANTE-CINQ !” have reported TV superstar to the justice system!

Why has he taken down his post backing up Pierre Palmade when others were injured/dead? Is it really sufficient to be a knowledgeable journalist, so he can do whatever? Say or write whatever? Being casually sexist “Pas sympa de parler comme ça de Anne Hidalgo” “Des nouvelles de la femme de Zemmour” (original tweet has been deleted: it was about a woman having a cockroach inside her vagina) on a regular basis because behaving like a good boy on TV promoting his book on Alain Bashung will discredit his outspoken spiteful spurs on women? It’s in the open air of Twitter, while his friends like Pierre Lescure (PL) approves CC’s vulgarity “Bon maintenant qu'on a mis un visage sur l'origine du monde, on veut voir la chatte de la Joconde”. 

BTW, PL writes on social network that Kevin Spacey (KS) is innocent because he knows him well
 and blames social networks for accusing KS wrongly of sexual assaults… 
[on 26 July 2023, the day Sinéad O'Connor's death was reported, KS was cleared of sexual violence in a London tribunal which had Pierre Lescure reiterate his good faith in KS as they are very good friends protecting then all rapists (victims of incest, pedocriminality, sexual violence will surely appreciate his comment – How many times has PL reported rapists in his surrounding?) 5 August 2023, he reports rape by forced marriage between a Taliban and a 13 years old girl ||Province de Faryab, Afghanistan. Un taliban marie de force une enfant de 13 ans à son beau-frère, malgré les protestations des villageois @Mukhtarwafayee #BanTalibanAs for climate activist teenager Greta Thunberg, CC describes her as ‘une gosse giclée (a she-disturbed kid) to his 30 thousands of followers and near-nobody reacted 

As I’ve been writing for years on Twitter, Mailchimpblogs, emails, these sexist comments, sexist behaviours, sexist violence are visible, straight onto our faces and nobody moves... everybody / every woman might be afraid of reacting! Lenaig Bredoux of Mediapart, 11 April 2023: “… beaucoup de choses étaient sous nos yeux, dans l'espace public, dans des vidéos, des interviews, des livres... regarding Gérard Depardieu (GD), international giant of French cinema. Smaller acts, in journalism, exist too, but don’t bear a blockbuster outreach for the online investigative journal to bother scrutinising it! Perhaps they don’t consider these in the face crass of public interest? Or perhaps they protect their sexist friends? Music journalist Christophe Conte writes in November 2019 that actor Alain Delon offering singer/actress Marie Laforêt to fuck her is normal... 

... echoing film set members around GD on Mediapart's investigation on the actor published in April 2023! Curious how Pierre Lescure has had 0 reaction on GD being presumably a sexual predator from 11 to 13 April 2023 but RT Maïwenn’s film starring Johnny Depp accused of domestic violence. Perhaps they don’t want to jeopardise young female journalists’ career (i.e Marie Kirschen, Carole Boinet @ Les Inrockswho are the lucky #MeToo recipient since its online rise in 2017? Patriarchy using young & ambitious but docile women glutton for power! I’m still unemployed, signing on & facing eviction!

But all good for Christophe Conte who how he is a vigilant ally against patriarchy (117 RT); summer 2023

is full of him on ARTE (clapped by Pierre Lescure who also claps JD Beauvallet who also claps Emmanuel Tellier on Sinéad O'Connor’s sexist interview); on France Inter; on Libération (liked by his boss Dov Alfon)!

(**) In 2006 Édouard de Rothschild promised to save the daily paper on the condition Serge July & Louis Dreyfus (LD), then General Manager for Libération, would leave their positions. Louis Dreyfus: Nouvel Obs (2006-2008) LD resigned when Denis Olivennes arrived (DO is now General Manager at Libération); Les Inrocks (2009-2010); Le Monde since 2010.

(*****) JD Beauvallet told me in 1991-1992 when I worked in Les Inrocks that he hated Siouxsie & The Banshees and I had shitty taste in music for liking her. What has he / have Les Inrocks done to change women’s fate in the music industry since the magazine was created in 1986? Or what have Libération and all French cultural outlets done for women or under-represented people to safeguard them in the art world? Have they ever decrypted sexism, racism or / and homophobic content in lyric of artists they admire? How often have they deciphered abuse in artists’ artwork... as opposed to describe them as hysterical, on their periods etc? How can any French journalists in an art / culture field pretend to be a point of reference / knowledge / discovery when they systematically celebrate criminals? ...

3 February 2023, JD Beauvallet celebrates murderers

Matthieu Suc of Mediapart 
likes JD Beauvallet celebration of murderers

Les Inrocks in Jan 2017, months before
the magazine front covers Bertrand Cantat 
(interviewed by JD Beauvallet)
who killed Marie Trintignant

Has Laura Snapes ever wrote / said anything against 
Les Inrocks front cover of Bertrand Cantat
When #MeToo was being born online in Autumn 2017?

 “<3” 8:41 AM · Nov 28, 2018 to JDB leaving Les Inrocks 10:34 AM · Nov 27, 2018

She certainly sent her love
when JDB left Les Inrocks late Autumn 2018!
[Laura Snapes left Twitter in Summer 2021]

... erase women or / and vilify them? [Hence depriving part of a population to have access to some crucial information or worse misinform them]

JD Beauvallet & Christian Fevret of Les Inrocks, Bernard Lenoir on France Inter (Radio France)... excerpt from an email I received in November 2020: “Il n'est pas le seul journaliste au sein de la presse à vouer une haine cordiale envers la chanteuse des Banshees... en mai 1996... Ce soir-là, Bernard Lenoir avait invité l'inénarrable Christian Fevret afin de faire une spéciale Banshees suite à l'annonce de la séparation du groupe… il… annonçait d'emblée… ‘ce soir c'est une spéciale "Sheila & the Banshees" !!! … Cette soirée Fevret sur France Inter fut un festival non-stop de vacheries en tout genre. Il affirmait… que jamais Siouxsie n'avait influencé quiconque de valable en musique… C'est ce jour-là… que j'ai réalisé que les journalistes musicaux pouvaient aussi être partiaux, à l'instar des journalistes politiques… Par la suite, je me suis aperçu.e que toute la rédaction des Inrocks la détestait. En février 1991, les inrocks avaient publié un supplément photos… et le seul groupe… à avoir été omis de ce récapitulatif, était Siouxsie. JDB s'est ensuite fendu d''une multitude de saillies sur Siouxsie qu'il distillait au compte goutte au moins une fois par an… Dans une chronique sur une nouvelle venue sur la scène musicale, une jeune chanteuse était comparée à Siouxsie un jour de règles menstruelles! … Le pire fut atteint en 2007, où les Inrocks et JDB ont refusé de mentionner le concert de Siouxsie à l'élysée Montmartre dans leur agenda concert… JDB… le lien vers son article comportant cette phrase indigne sur Siouxsie, chantant un jour indisposé par ses règles menstruellesUniversal avait  voulu cette soirée sponsorisée par Coca Cola, avec pour lieu le premier étage de la Tour Eiffel, dans un des salons, avec JDB comme maître d'œuvre…  juste avant le concert de Siouxsie."
"... Cruauté pure... Bullying...Evil smile"

Yet, in his book Les Années New Wave 1978 – 1983 JD Beauvallet seems to write about Siouxsie & The Banshees  [When has JDB been invited to La Page, European Bookshop or the French Institute with its inhouse ‘Music Bureau Export’ in London for a signature since the release of his books Le Passeur in October 2021 & Les Années New Wave (1978 – 1983) in November 2022? Perhaps in May or June 2023 when his new book featuring 21 interviews of 17 lad 'acts is released?]

[When I started writing this post and mentioned Siouxsie in January 2023, she had three or four dates touring: two or three in Europe and one in UK. More dates have been added since. 23 February 2023, Siouxsie has been booked to her ‘first’ gig in France... Les Eurockeennes which is managed by Matthieu Pigasse who owns Les Inrocks(Pigasse thinks people need to be given a new opportunity – he never contacted me – as mentioned from 8’ in ONPC, example he also talked about in Ce Soir Où Jamais with Frédéric Taddeï] [13 April 2023, (French masculinist) site Gonzaï (run by masculinist Thomas Ducres aka Bester Langs) published an interview of Les Inrocks director Carole Boinet by masculinist Albert Potiron (two books on French music critics: 25 lads versus seven women). The ladette on ego trip confesses being a fan of... Siouxsie And The Banshees Je suis alors très sérieuse, mais je me passionne pour… Siouxsie and the Banshees

Former lad music journo for Les Inrocks (1990-2018) 
Christophe Conte bought a 
Siouxsie gigging back while Les Eurockeennes lad communicator is getting excited in Siouxsie gigging for Les Inrocks owned director festival!]

How can women and / or journalists celebrate those who have constantly been cruel?

Feminist Veronique Servat, PHD Inrocks & her threads where women are erased (she doesn’t even realise it)!:;; 

19 March 2023: male journalists, male photographers, male magazine designer.s on male artists where Toni Morrison – female author, Laure Narlian – female journalist, Agnès Varda & Jane Campion – female film makers -  appear on a thread of 15 Tweets promoting Les Inrocks:  

How can an ignorant girl like Marie Kirschen rehabilitate Les Inrocks with an extravagant feminist front cover (10 March 2020)  Cette semaine dans @lesinrocks : "Pour une contre-histoire féminine du cinéma", avec Céline Sciamma, Jodie Foster, Mati Diop et Agnès Varda en couv En kiosque demain et dès à présent pour la version numérique”?... 

11 March 2020, Marie Kirschen to me via DM: “Bonjour Sybille, cela fait plusieurs fois que vous me mentionnez, au sujet d'une affaire que je ne connais pas et que j'ai du mal à comprendre. Que s'est-il passé exactement ?”, about me being sexually harassed at Les Inrocks

20 July 2020Marie Kirschen – Les Inrocks website director (March 2019- October 2020)- published Emmanuel Tellier#EmmanuelTellier se dit victime de la 'cancel culture' mais #MarieKirschen vient de le publier” [in 2019, disgraced journalist Emmanuel Tellier was sacked for sexual harassment... losing their court case against him, Telerama of Le Groupe Le Monde is appealing the sentence]

Marie Kirschen, feminist & journalist who operated regularly on France Inter (Radio Francefrom September 2019 on gender issues! 

I contacted Giulia Fois, Sibyle Veil & Laurence Bloch a few times about that imposter with a flipped stomach   

Marie Kirschen RT Prix Albert Londres on 11 june 2022Merci @mariekirschen @lesinrocks pour ce bel hommage à Andrée Viollis, remarquable femme journaliste qui fit partie du jury du Prix Albert Londres.

Kirschen keeps making bucks for Les Inrocks in the name of feminism ...

31 July 2018, I tweeted about the lack of journalists investigating on sexual violence in journalism “III) si les journalistes 🇫🇷 n’enquêtentpas sur le harcèlement sexuel en milieu journalistique, personne ne le fera!(moi entourée de mes agresseurs vs la photo qu’ils utilisent (2eme del’article)

Following David Doucet being sacked from Les Inrocks in February-March 2019 (they lost their court case against him), ambitious Marie Kirschen got his job…

12 July 2019 Louie Media invites ‘Mother Teresa#MeToo journalist Lenaig Bredoux of Mediapart who performs orally my tweet “Louie Media @LouieMedia “Il est très dur d’enquêter sur ses collègues, mais si les journalistes n’enquêtent pas sur eux-mêmes, qui le fera ? Écoutez le dernier épisode de la saison 1 d’Injustices avec @claragarni @LenaBred et @alicecoffin👇

31 december 2019 IX) 12 July: @LouieMedia  w/@LenaBred borrow my previous year formula “if French journalists don’t investigate on sexual harassment injournalism, nobody will do it

2 February 2020Marine Turchi, the other #MeToo Mother Teresa journalist of Mediapart on listening to 96 episodes of Le Masque Et La Plume, cultural program on France InterRadio France and making an inventory on sexism, racism and homophobic content: Les critiques d’auditeurs se multiplient à l’égard du «Masque et la Plume» sur @franceinter @Mediapart a écouté 96 émissions et recensé un flot de propos sexistes et, dans une moindre mesure, des stéréotypes racistes ou homophobes.

1 December 2020, I wondered if Mediapart is only interested in a youth audience or if they are too lazy to read Les Inrocks old school in order to denounce their sexism etc! si non, votre facon d'enqueter n'existe-t-elle que pr vs faire valoir aupres des jeunes, omettant les + agees. votre prouesse "masque et la plume" (lue ailleurs) en citant les #Inrocks est-elle due a votre paresse de lire les vieux articles Inrocks?

19 October 2022Chelsea record sleeve

What could the Mothers Teresa of journalism at Mediapart, pseudo expert in #MeToo understand when Christophe Conte (CC) writes 19 October 2022J’aurais plutôt dit une pochette de Chelsea to Emmanuel Tellier (ET)? ET responding “Mais non !”. ET questioned a photo that was posted about women sitting on men chests (provoking a hard-on on the man in the middle). The photo was indeed used for the Inrocks Festival in 1991 (I was there) and Inrocks T.shirts (grey and white versions), photo apparently belonging to CC’s uncle. The private joke about the photo being a Chelsea record sleeve with women in swimming costumes & man with a hard-on relates to ET music band Chelsea. Was CC surreptitiously saying that ET was obsessed with sex? The advantage of constantly erasing women or keeping them at bay- leaving them precarious and ever so grateful to their male peers for hiring them, in the music industry (journalists, freelancers, photographers, musicians, press officers & so on) is that there is no collective memory at hand, the joke is pure private... nobody even knows it’s a (filthy) joke!

2 April 2022 JDB celebrating the month of May

2 April 2022 JDBeauvalletVivement joli mai !” celebrating the month of May as well as randomly introducing my flat agent surname . As soon as I was back home at 5PM from eviction court case first hearing with said agent & the landlord (3 May 2022), I received an email from Les Inrocks as I switched my computer on as well as an hospital invite to check in for being sectioned!

3 May 2022: Les Inrocks sent me an email 
when back home from court case 
(I left Les Inrocks in April 1992)

BTW: Ben Beauvallet (son of JDB) was near my house in River Lee in December 2021. [3 November 2021 he saw Baxter Dury at Forum Kentish Town in London with with the one that has plagiarised my articles since 2014 Thomas Andrei praising Audiobook who supported Baxter Dury]; JDB who knows & criticised where a female lifestyle journalist lives 


who pukes on female musicians / singers

JDB puking on female artists: 
Cat PowerSpice GirlsShirley Manson of Garbage - - who has disturbing journalistic techniques.

7 April 2022, I received four anonymous phone calls on my mobile at 7PM; at 8PM Emmanuel Tellier was in London [in November 2022, I complained via email to my solicitor that flat agent gave my number without my consent to a plumber I never met, didn’t know but who had to fix my washing machine – flat agent enters my flat when I’m absent].

28 April 2022 Christophe Conte is mysteriously in Shoreditch  (as pictured “disused Jubilee line train carriages on top of roof, Shoreditch,London, UK)

28 April 2022, Christophe Conte 
shoots disused trains in Shoreditch, East London

19 August 2019, Christophe Conte says

1 November 2018, Franck Annese of SoPress 

(Society, So Film, So Foot etc) 

tells me he is no doctor when I challenged him about 

Thomas Andrei plagiarising my articles

Emmanuel tellier RT an anonymous account 
saying I'm mentally ill on 22 June 2020

Other fleuron from my ex colleagues at Les Inrocks, decades after I left them: “personne dérangée” le 19 August 2019; 31 December 2020 I harvested their sentences describing me as a mentally disturbed person: “sa haine sourde et démoniaque depuis des années” (18 March 2020) + mocking me because I saw a drone a few times over the years since 2019 at my window

Tweet by SCSurveillance has been deleted (like many)  but said at this degree of mental illness, they advised to get checked…; 22 June 2020 “vos délires relevant probablement de la maladie mentale” – I’m in a delirium state due to being mentally disturbed!; I’m querulous,aggressive, crazy and so on. 

29 April 2022 I have a mental health test at a hospital in Shoreditch where psychologist asked “do you want to harm/kill people? do you have your aggressor’s address?  they tried to section me and sent me emails up to early July 2022. [From early July 2022, coincidently, a Francophone psychologist from Stoke Newington Common started coming to the community garden I’ve been going to since Aug 2020 and where I am regularly told I invent things; I imagine things when the chair of the garden I met in October 2022, coincidently a therapist (experienced in helping people with various issues such as stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, loneliness, depression, anger management, relationship issues, shame and loss), told me I was paranoid!]

On 7 December 2017, Le Monde broke the news about a picture with 10 French politicians: eight men became famous, two women vanished… Has Le Monde investigated on French women in journalism who also vanished? Not that I know of!  Perhaps French male journalists are flawless? FYI, in 2016, Le Monde created a ‘sexual violence’ page with two articles on the topic until Autumn 2017 (#MeToo arrives)… by 21 December 2017, Le Monde had 13 pages on the topic, 20 articles per page8 March 2018, International Women Day, Zineb Dryef (#MeToo investigator for Le Monde) blocked me for talking about sexual violence  I suffered in journalism. By July 2018 still no investigation on sexual violence in journalism; Mediapart had started investigating on sexual violence in 2011, nothing or not much on journalism. In 2017, Edwy Plenel of Mediapart thinks his outlet is at the forefront of sexual violence’s investigations and remarks that people causing harm should be condemned... A year after #MeToo birth online on 25 October 2018, I questioned Nous Toutes (Caroline De Haas) & Aude Lorriaux (then spokesperson for Prenons La Une) about the lack of investigation in sexual violence despite 15 journalists from Le Monde covering on the topic “'comment expliquer qu'avec 15 journalistes au #Monde enquetant sur les violences sexuelles, il n'y ait aucune enquete ds le milieu journalistique?'”. 17 July 2021 I questioned Lenaig Bredoux & Marine Turchi of Mediapart about their absence of investigations on sexual violence / sexism in journalism over their 10 years tackling the topic. From 2022 in Mediapart - Mediapart only investigates on big stuff, youth related or when old guys have finished their journalistic career: 28 January 2022 Mediapart investigates on #MeToo University, a work of general public interest Un travail d'utilité publique.”; 3 February 2022, all for public interest; 6 February 2022 Journalism of public interest; 14 February 2022, Mediapart investigates on 74 years old journalist Jean Jacques Bourdin accused of sexual violence “Propositions sexuelles, confusion entre sphères privée et professionnelle, plainte pour tentative d’agression sexuelle… Une enquête de @dan_mdpt @marineturchi sur un des journalistes français les plus connus; 20 February 2022 ... a work of public interest; 8 March 2022, Mediapart on a politician accused of sexual violence; 31 March 2022, Mediapart investigates on #MeTooMusic that is of general interestAlors que les choses soient claires : nous ne céderons pas à ces intimidations et poursuivrons notre travail d’intérêt général sur les violences sexistes et sexuelles dans l’industrie musicale comme dans l’ensemble des secteurs de la société. Et soutien total @dodonatien”; 9 April 2022, Mediapart, journalism of public interest; 23 April 2022, Mediaprt prefers stories on #MeToo with a wide echo (youth audience?); 10 May 2022 Mediapart on 75 years old disgraced journalist PPDA - I don’t understand why there is no psychology depth to explain why PPDA rapes some women and let others ‘escape’; Mediapart investigations on #MeToo is of general interest; 11 May 2022 Mediapart remarks how society silences womenNon, #MeToo n’a pas tout réglé. Non, ce n’est pas allé « trop loin ». Il suffit de regarder ce que notre société fait de la parole des femmes pour s’en convaincre. D’écouter le silence qu’on leur impose en réponse aux récits qu’elles formulent.; 24 May 2022 Mediapart investigates only on sexual violence focused on general public interest Inlassablement @marineturchi  rappelle que les enquêtes sur les violences sexistes et sexuelles sont d'intérêt public. Et que le rôle de la presse est de produire de une information, recoupée, détaillée, pour contribuer au débat.; 14 June 2022 Mediapart on sexual violence from a politician; 24 June 2022, Mediapart on sexual violence from a Youtube influencer; 13 September 2022, Mediapart on incest; 30 September 2022 justifies their #MeToo investigation; 4 October 2022 #MeToo, five years on; 18 November 2022, Mediapartadmits’ being backwards in regards of #MeToo; 25 November 2022, peeling #MeToo ; 4 February 2023, How Mediapart works on #MeTooMarch 2023: Mediapart publishes a series of worldwide investigation on femicides in politics || ||; They explain how they investigate at the 104 in Paris; April 2023, Marine Turchi explains on Radio France how she investigates on sexual violence. 11 April Marine Turchi publishes a two year investigation on Gérard Depardieusexual violence while on film set which has been translated in English which El Pais has translated in Spanish13 April, three victims of GD are live on Mediapart; 14 April, Marine Turchi is saddened by a complete silence following Festival de Cannes press conference; 17 April, French filmmakers league shows support to film technicians & actors who spoke up against GD; 19 April, Marine Turchi RT about how French journalists have always celebrated GD; 24 April, FranceTV condemns wrong doings in French cinema; 2 May 2023, Marine Turchi writes that Charlotte Arnould (GD’ silent breaker) condemns a world of silence regarding sexual violence in the French cinema sphere… Few in the film world have reacted to Mediapart’s investigation remarks Turchi! 4 May, Lénaïg Bredoux promises an access all areas pass regarding Mediapart investigations on sexual violence, this time their target is comic book author Florent Ruppert [the comic books sphere ‘reacts’]; 7 May, Marine Turchi is on France Inter explaining how they investigate on sexual violence... believing is not a priority but checking facts are; 15 May, Marine Turchi ‘reveals’ how the film opening Cannes Festival by Maïwenn (Luc Besson’ ex wife) was going to be performed by GD instead of Johnny Depp; 16 May, Marine Turchi says that Cannes Festival mocks women [Festival Director Thierry Fremaux clearly doesn't give a toss]; 1 June, Edwy Plenel (Mediapart founder, director, manager) deplores that following his online disclosure on GD’s sexual misconducts, the film industry keeps silent about it due to being an entre-soi milieu.

In May 2023, Mediapart’s Marine Turchi / Lénaïg Bredoux (sexual violence investigators) have R-tweeted various international information regarding sexual violence / women’s [degradation] rights: domestic violence in Spain; sexual abuse in USA; abortion centres closing down in Italy; forgotten resister women in Poland; rise of politician women in Japan; rise of femicide on Native women in CanadaJohnny Depp vs Amber Heard; Tariq Ramadan found not guilty in Switzerlandworldwide femicideis Johnny Depp innocent?; once more.

On 30 May 2023, the New York Times reveals how British superstar journalist Nick Cohen (NC) has been protected for his sexual misconducts: The Guardian gave him a pay-off in January 2023The Financial Times cancelled its publication for 2023 on NC investigation! No French journalists gave it a mention! No French feminists gave it a mention! Yet Jane Bradley who finally broke the story gathered over 3000 RT and made it to the paper front page the following day... within a week, 30 outlets have covered the story that has been read by half a million.  

[On 2 June, French TV program Quotidien only mentions ITV superstar presenter Phillip Schofield following his abrupt departure late May2023 for his alleged affair with an underage colleague. Same day, a list of French journalists, feminists etc sign an open letter in support of Amber Heard following a similar letter signed by VIPs  in November 2022 - The French adding their names in June 2023 on that original VIP list. Do the French support Amber Heard? Do they want to rub shoulders with some international names? (It worksDo they use a victim (AH) in order to throw their middle finger at Maïwenn for using Johnny Depp in her film opening at Cannes Festival? (some of the French ‘VIPs’ never tweeted or wrote anything meaningful over the course of JD vs AH’s trial between April to June 2022 - with the exception of Constance Vilanova who actually wrote a piece for Le Monde); 6 June, Cécile Ducourtieux, UK correspondent for Le Monde, chooses to write about Phillip Schofield as being (unfairly) media lynched that made it to Le Monde Twitter’s sphere while omitting Nick Cohen’s sexual abuse case who was superstar guest in Le Monde five years ago.  According to London based French journalist Marie Le Conte, NC was known for his sexual antics 10 years ago & such a ‘good chap’… Surely Eric Albert (UK correspondent for Le Monde) and Philippe Bernard (former UK correspondent for Le Monde) knew it! (They know me without meeting me!) Perhaps Le Monde’ s boss Louis Dreyfus having shared some seats with Financial Times & The Guardian mid-May is the reason why they keep silent… business is business with international outlets!]

From 8 March 2023, film director Sarah Polley is in France for Women Talking release and apparently, as she told Le Monde Magazine, three French male journalists asked her if feminism is going too far « Depuis ce matin, trois journalistes hommes m’ont demandé si je pensais que le féminisme allait trop loin ! »” (2220 visitors in 118 cinemas); Badass Andréa Bescond (AB), a victim of paedocriminality, tells Secretary of State Marlene Schiappa (MSof her incompetence regarding her actions on sexual violence and advises her to resign... when MS finally leaves abruptly... Also in the program, a victim of domestic violence discloses the shocking fees of ‘fashion’ female solicitors (since that embarrassing moment in French women history an investigation has been carried on about French solicitors taking advantage on abused women; also, AB is on magazine front cover for a feminist magazine; when MS front covers Playboy in the name of liberty: mocked by Quotidien for sharing Playboy pages with some criminals & extreme right wing voices & by Christophe Conte (CC) who ‘forgets’ his friend & disgraced solicitor Emmanuel Pierrat - who sent me far too many emails in 2019 while my aggressor (CC’s friend) was being investigated unbeknown to me  – also appears ‘with’ MS). How many women (in France) have to talk for them to be believed & seen as victim(s) ?|| women have condemned Quotidien (a French TV program) for inviting TV journalist superstar PPDA without giving a voice to the women accusing him of rape, sexual assault, harassment. If I understand the journalistic mistake from Quotidien, dismissing/denying a women response, I find PPDA’s position a revealing epitome of manipulation, playing innocent, narcissism, impunity ingrained & pure DARVO gamer! Mid March: Marie-Helene Smiejan who co-created Mediapart with Edwy Plenel & Godefroy Beauvallet (same family as JD Beauvallet?) retires while Plenel might leave next year (?) while JD Beauvallet leaves UK for France... 

[in his new French 'hood in May 2023 
to be interviewed by his local journal
while pretending to have co-created Les Inrocks
while being surrounded with pricy art.y... facts!
by Banksy, Alexander Calder etc.]

... auctioning some of his art collection (I’m guessing here) on 29 March 2023! How many French female journalists in the music industry can afford to collect art from Banksy, (Space) Invader(s), Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, David Hockney, Feng Zhengie and so on? Nearly 300 pieces… some are estimated at £200,000 a piece (they’ve reduced it to £110,000 - £130,000)! From leaving Les Inrocks in 2018, JD Beauvallet seems to have bought art pieces from 2019 to 2023 for a vertiginous sum that could range from £226,450 to £313,700 (I doubt that artists’ market value has risen drastically between its recent purchase and March 2023) while sipping collectible wine surrounded with collectible vinyls in one of his properties! In 2023 alone (from January to March as I’m writing this), he might have spent a minimum of £50,000 in urban & contemporary art pieces! On 16 March, Carole Boinet, the new director for Les Inrocks (house-trained by JD Beauvallet) is proud to announce a ‘how to deal with / against patriarchy in the music industry’ article… when a week later, she front covers Les Inrocks with a Lana Del Rey interview made in JD Beauvalletland himself on a self-congratulating mode “Merci Lana Del Rey, always a joy and an enlightenment to talk to you.”. A 60 years old male in turmoil fronting a 37 years old anti-feminist female act. I guess no decent (and precarious) female journalist was available to talk to LDR! How much did he pocket for that interview? How much would a female freelance music journalist have got? 

Is this really what a hero does as Olivier Laam of Libé believes? 

Is this what a good person does as Matthieu Suc of Mediapart believes?

Is this what you call nostalgia … as Dan Israel of Mediapart believes? 

Some women, freelance music journalists, have to keep working whether sick or giving birth (SR is friend with JDB, Christophe Conte, Emmanuel Tellierfor a mere sum of €150 for 8000 characters (EG is friend with JDB)! The rare female journalists who were lucky to be regular / full time in the culture department at Libé have become freelance two years ago… six months after Dov Alfon’s arrival as the newspaper director… just fucking why? How difficult is it for the Mothers Teresa of #MeToo in Mediapart to investigate on sexism in the music industry? I can’t help thinking that the Mother Teresa of French feminism is outrageously optimistic as of 25 March 2023As for Mediapart saying they don’t publish anything without victims’ consent... some of them seem to be thinking otherwise for some time now: || ||[days later after writing this: Edwy Plenel ‘announced’ suing for being spat at by Maiwenn (Luc Besson’s former partner who has been accused of sexual violence) whose film with perpetrator of violence Johnny Depp will screen at Cannes Festival 2023; KI (friend with Luc Besson’s victim Sand Van Roy) went padlocked]. It looks like a few journalists ‘expert’ on sexual violence put some pressure on victims...  A French hobby! Perhaps French journalists tackling discrimination / sexist / sexual violence issues should take a look on how Matthew Anderson of the New York Times conducts his interviews about making social changes. It’s unequivocally straight forward. Until France wants to achieve a radical social change on discrimination, they will have to deal with machismo / toxic masculinity. Not à la Jean-Paul Belmondo nor à la Aldo Maccione, but a mild arrogant soft spoken / smooth operator masculinity à la Michel Denisot (MDthat is far more destructive for journalists to be in general, for female / non-white / [ageing] / LGBTQ+ & disabled journalists to be in particular as he says, surrounded with his acquiescing Canal+ colleague Pierre Lescure (PL) [& other lads at the table], success in journalism is about hard working with little talent. Is there more profoundly insulting for vulnerable / under-represented communities in journalism? Out of all female journalists who started with MD & PL, how many are still visible today, 40 years after C+ launch? How many have they made tripped to their fall and failure under their bloodied smokescreen elegance?  How many female / non white male journalists who started at Les Inrocks have had equivalent opportunities in the past 35 years than JD Beauvallet, Christophe Conte, Emmanuel Tellier etc?  Excerpt from my piece on Carole Boinet in January 2017, pre #MeToo:

How many of you gals @ Les Inrocks are doing as well as JD Beauvallet (Editor for Les Inrocks, TV progs @ Arte etc.); Christophe Conte (music journalist @ Les Inrocks; music reviewer for France Culture and France 4 TV; music presenter @ Radio Nova; as of September 2017, cultural presenter @ Europe1; since leaving Les Inrocks in summer 2018, he's been busy @Liberation); Pierre Siankowski (ex music journalist @ Les Inrocks, ex Editor @ Canal+, now Editor @ Les Inrocks/Radio Nova + a publishing outlet); David Doucet (journalist @ Les Inrocks since 2011 and editor since 2015), Frédéric Bonnaud (ex film critic for Les Inrocks, ex film critic for France Inter and Canal +, ex daily presenter on France Inter, ex reviewer on Europe1, ex editor for Les Inrocks, now Director @ La Cinémathèque); Joseph GhosnSylvain BourmeauSamuel Blumenfeld (ex film critic @ Les Inrocks, film editor @ Le Monde) etc.

I have to add Marc Weitzmann (MW),former editor-in-chief for Les Inrocks, today working on Radio France who thinks that rape is a sexual urge opposite Iris Brey (IB) who has been writing for les Inrocks since 2016… a year after I disclosed being sexually harassed there as well as being constantly humiliated while working and still am 30 years on! MW has contributed in shaping Les Inrocks’ sexism & misogyny, IB has accepted money for their ongoing harassment towards a woman (me) while criticising them for being... out of touch with rape culture! Flawless gem! Who needs Jean Anouilh, Eugene Ionesco, Courteline, Raymond Devos [(I can’t think of any women)(12 April 2023, days after mentioning Ionesco, Thomas Andrei mentions Ionesco “...cette anecdote sur Eugène Ionesco...”]  when absurdity is live on a dead serious French TV program? ! Anybody out there to investigate on the recurrent machismo in French journalism? ≠ £1,000,000auction result from Urban & Contemporary art pieces as of 31 March 2023 that I believe belonged to JD Beauvallet. In May 2022, I hesitated telling my GP about someone who tried to kill me in 2019, about drones at my window, about threats I received via emails & snail mails, about being stalked online and in the street... I thought if I needed help I ought to trust her, she seemed nice and listening. When I finished my tale, she looked at me straight and said that maybe she is no expert but she felt that if anybody wanted to kill me, they would have done so long ago. At best they want to intimidate me. After all, they are basic journalists, not millionaires, they can’t possibly hire a hitman... Perhaps, she said, I am a bit paranoid, psychotic. Perhaps I suffer from persecution mania. She said she had a good friend who happens to be a psychiatrist who can see me in Homerton Hospital, Hackney, London! 

How to eliminate a woman:

The woman behind the cat is me at Les Inrocks
the only woman working as a full time employee in 1991-1992. 
JD Beauvallet has been posted that picture for decades when this one exists

 “V) 9.9.2017 sur TW 11 RT dont #LesInrocks & ex inrocks @Bruston1 ; 118 ‘like’ dont l’inrock ‘féministe' #FannyMarlier & ex inrock @ThomasBurgel; commenté sans sourciller par @Mancioday & #JDBeauvallet ‘91 à priori…’ (TW ‘indispo mais visible en cliquant)

On 7 June 2023, another auction took place with similar artists and œuvres d’art reaching £650 000 (interestingly enough, this time the auction results dropping box is empty...), a month before JDB’s official (?) departure from London!

JDB shows his empty place in London
"So long London" on 13 July 2023...

... when days later I was due to appear in Court and being evicted from my London flat: The Claimants (landlord & flat agent) couldn’t prove much, ending their insults by blaming the metric system! After six hours of hearing, the Judge decided to adjourn the eviction case to a later date so she can scrutinize deeper evidence. A week following my eviction case, Emmanuel Tellier seems quite concerned & protective of landlords when six months prior to receiving my eviction notice in Autumn 2021, he happily RT my eviction! 

Do the Mothers Teresa (Marine Turchi / Lenaig Bredoux) of Mediapart know if spending £50,000 in art pieces before 5 April 2023 is deductible from tax return? If it is and then JDB auctions/sells the art in that same year, he makes more money than the artist themselves for a single piece! In some similar event, this thread in French is the experience of a female artist who hardly gets paid for her workDo they know if my aggressor’s solicitor (now banned to profess) has bought some Andy Warhol pieces from his friend JDB? (same man who celebrates Khali - a statue I have in my bedroom which was photographed early July 2022 in my absence!) Maybe my fever is causing me to rave because JDB is not on solicitor’s side but on a crack dealer’s one that helps kids

French journalists investigates on stories that are credible...

8 February 2023, JDB thinks he defends women!
JDB comes to the 'rescue' asking 
if she would be better dead... 
like Janis Joplin or Karen Carpenter 
who both died ODed!)

2017My take on Carole Boinet

[2022] Changer les Inrocks, rester les Inrocks!

#CockSuckingJournalism: April 2023

Blanche Gardin refuses 200k from Jeff Besos
but defends Bastien Vives - child pornography cartoonist
(BG could give money to charities!)

Prenons La Une: 'feminists' & 'journalists 
who have mocked my story of sexual harassment
@ Les Inrocks but 
like the ladette on ego-trip house-trained in Les Inrocks

Helene Devynck, victime of censorship 
for revealing being a victime of PPDA 
Michele Creoff challenges Sophia Aram
using 'tags' instead of censorship against Beigbeder 

Michka Assaya: former Inrock journalist 
(never greeted me when coming in the office), 
now at France Inter; Sonia Devillers (Media critic on 
France Inter) approves similar Tweet!

June - July 2023
I have never registered to receive these emails 
from Carole Boinet; I have blocked so many 
of them in the past eight years!

July 2023

16 July 2023, Jane Birkin dies; Emmanuel Tellier
shows off said interview in Les Inrocks; 
male music journalist for Le Figaro 

Following Sinéad O'Connor's death on 26 July 2023,
Carole Boinet republishes a 1997 interview between
the singer and my aggressor where "he describes [her] in his first paragraphs as morphed by maternity as well as a pacified woman... an artist on her way to maturity when nobody thought she would be capable one day of such writing clarity due to be a tormented soul! Following her death, the former Inrock journalist, sacked journalist, continues his indecency with an anecdote, bragging about being in Letterman's green room and keeps his publicity vivid! (Torments for victims of sexual violence [term he refutes via RT] in journalism never ends as death of an interviewee is an opportunity for predators to be re-born / re-promoted!)"

23 August 2023: Carole Boinet reveals Les Inrocks' new front-cover featuring Jane Birkin... as Emmanuel Tellier wished?

1 December 2023, hard-core cock-sucking

January 2024
Her former colleague at Les Inrocks,
Christophe Conte thinks Sofia Coppola's Priscilla
all along this long article, I have demonstrated how
Les Inrocks, Christophe Conte, Carole Boinet
JD Beauvallet are a joke when it comes to define feminism, 
but others do too on their replies:

From 17 January 2024 to me:

24 January 2024,
Carole Boinet back on #CockSuckingJournalism

To today 27 January 2024... blocking again:

7 February 2024, Carole Boinet has revealed she invited JD Beauvallet to write about The Smiths in Les Inrocks

8 February:
why have 🇫🇷 journalists given him such a platform when i screamed in agony?
#Jobless soon to be #Homeless"

14 February 2024 @ 4.03PM GMT: 

[7March 2024]

In 2016, NME wrote about (The Libertines’ frontman) Pete Doherty’s new video “shot by Roger Sargent at a French festival called Hello Birds”… a festival in Etretat, Normandy, France that started in 2013 thanks to Christian Fevret (Les Inrocks co-creator with Arnaud Deverre) and his lads “EMMANUEL BROCHEC / CHRISTIAN FEVRET / BENOIT JOLLIVET / SEVERIN MERAD / ANTOINE MORELLE / JULIEN SORRENTI / FRANCOIS VASSEUR AND MANY MORE” - no visible women! 

More men and still no women! 

Just a bunch of lads gathering together every summers in Etretat hyper posh seaside...

19 February 2024, Les Inrocks wrote about Katia de Vidas’s documentary Stranger In My Own Skin about Pete Doherty’s drug addiction… a documentary initiated by Christian Fevret

Katia and her husband Pete live in Etretat [When I worked in Les Inrocks in 1991-1992, I knew Fevret was ‘from’ Etretat]. Katia worked for Les Inrocks

Ondine B, then music journalist @ Les Inrocks from mid 00’s to mid 10's along with music journalist veteran Christophe Conte from 90's (who only makes music documentaries interviewing men), is stunned that he only started to follow her in Autumn 2023 after I firmly criticized him for being a lad ignoring women in music journalism!

Is Carole Boinet a feminist and an independent Inrocks’ Director or is she the puppet of an old boys club?

Carole Boinet goes to Etretat in order to interview
Pete Doherty / The Libertines for
Les Inrocks' festival:

Surely, she has never addressed my case of being sexually harassed in Les Inrocks;

8 February 2024, TV journalist Celine Kallmann reveals 
when she was 20 and he just left Les Inrocks

nor has she  so far admitted Les Inrocks responsibility in contributing to / denying sexual violence in the cinema industry via Les Inrocks film critiques / interviews; 

[8 March 2024, new Twitter / X account on French media hypocrisy...

in cinema: Adieu le Cinema]

she has neither criticised the lack of female music journalists, female music photographers in Les Inrocks. But being an utter hypocrite, she can: (23 Feb 2024) (23 Feb 2024: "« les petites filles sont des punks » #judithgodreche notons l’absence totale de soutiens dans les discours. 23h37. #Cesar2024")

Promoting macho photograpaher Renaud Monfourny & Les Inrocks for their use of photos from 1986… when eight men were photographers [Eric Mulet, Renaud Monfourny, Franck Courtès, Richard Bellia, Patrick MessinaPhilippe Garcia, Andrew Catlin, Kevin Cummins

out of eight! Why no female photographers? They make problems, dixit Christian Fevret

L'indecence d'une sotte! 22 February 2024

Praising on 5 December 2023 NME mentioning Les Inrocks "Quand @lesinrocks sont dans le @NME story of a magazine 😘"… 

As mentioned in my article on Sinead O’Connor’s death, Boinet has rehabilitated all men in Les Inrocks using Kurt Cobain, NME and so on!

Following two months of tranquility:
14 April 2024
19 April 2024


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