Rape Culture

[Since publishing this post, a few tweets have been deleted (from London so it seems...) but fear not I have screened painfully every single crap that my aggressors dared to invoke]

[Since publishing this post, I have updated it: updates are in aqua stabilo]

Originally a thread on 31 December 2020 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1344792324539342848/ 

TW: 23 March 2020, getting really annoyed to receive replies on my TW posts but not being able to see them https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1242080156950331392. Eventually I realised #EmmanuelTellier had blocked me and unblocked me to reply on my posts!

stalking me online or physically                                                               DRONE at my window

8 January 2020 after questionning the gloomy link between Louis Dreyfus and Gabriel Matzneff's friend Christophe Girard as well as wondering if Le Monde hired Caroline De Haas to clean their phallocratic's image https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1214856526214696960 I mentionned a drone at my window https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1214947149550641158 Then, the wife took the piss out of me https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1226794284604678144 and then Emmanuel Tellier: https://twitter.com/EmmanuelTellier/status/1239843535886696448 // https://twitter.com/sc_surveillance/status/1275102683381235712/; drone's picture by JDBeauvallet: https://twitter.com/JDBeauvallet/status/1334101889814769667 on 2 Dec 2020.

On 16 Oct 2020 I email French newspaper LIBERATION: "... Rigueur": Remy Rieffel fut mon prof de francais en 5eme, l'annee ou je faisais du air-guitar sur Hells Bells [AC/DC]!" 20 nov 2020: JD Beauvallet in French mag Rock & Folk front cover with AC/DC https://twitter.com/JDBeauvallet/status/1329854621884538881 "Si on m'avait dit en 76, quand j'apprenais par cœur ce Spécial Lou Reed qu'un jour j'aurais mon nom en couverture de Rock & Folk" [anecdote: according to Christophe Conte and another journalist, by 1991, the whole Paris knew JD translated NME or other music mag articles and made them his own].  

Still via email to LIBE on 16 oct 2020: "[le] 4 octobre [2020], je me suis rendue a 1pm dans un jardin bio communal de l'Est de Londres...  ou j'aide a planter, recolter, desherber etc. Il pleuvait non stop et il a ete decide de faire un jeu 'team building'. Un homme (45-55 ans d'apres la personne responsable du jardin) nous a pris en photo avec du materiel pro au travers du grillage: nous et non le potager/verger! Invite a nous rejoindre, il a fui sans repondre... Au meme moment, [il] twittait "Dimanche jardinage." https://twitter.com/EmmanuelTellier/status/1312737281120194560" [Email exchange between the person in charge of garden and myself "On Sunday, 4 October 2020, 16:12:59 BST, sybille castelain <sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk> wrote: 'Hi ------, This is what [he] has posted on Twitter at 1.50pm today: it translates as "Sunday Gardening" https://twitter.com/EmmanuelTellier/status/1312737281120194560; about taking pictures... and I really don't think it's a coincidence. I have never posted anywhere I had joined Robinhood. Been very silent about it. FYI, photographers should ask permission when possible and the one you spoke to seemed distant, taking pix of us from behind." "On Thursday, 8 October 2020, 18:06:12 BST, --------- <---------@gmail.com> wrote: 'Thanks for sharing this with me Sybille. It's important to be able to talk to each other. Like i said i don't know any more about the photographer but lets hope it was just an unusual event.']

TW: I keep wondering if this "une totale-barjot-défoncée-de-la-tête" https://twitter.com/E-------T------/status/1276466322050875393 11:44 AM · Jun 26, 2020 is a reply to "i'll go and happy to support my locals [cinema] https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1275810387263467523 #Interrogation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wC7_wHbWJc

[18 oct 2020 "Spéciale dédicace à toi, là, qui me lit..."    https://twitter.com/EmmanuelTellier/status/1317766150307172354: I guess he means me! They threatened to get my blog https://babylondonorbital.blogspot.com/ down via their lawyers; they asked their Twitter followers to get my account down "Tweet signalé. @TwitterFrance va laisser longtemps cette personne dérangée nous accuser de choses aussi graves sans broncher ?" https://twitter.com/christopheconte/status/1163430794964230146; they asked their friends to report my LinkedIn as fake "Merci, nous allons faire les démarches. Tout le CV donné par cette personne est faux." https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1276210555058085888 (Surveillance Sybille Castelain @SCSurveillance followed by Christophe Conte). So, their latest hope: to get me to prison "5 ans de prison et 45.000 euros d’amende" https://twitter.com/JuliaCourvoizzz/status/1317764530987061248]

Thursday 22 Oct 2020, my state agent via letter box: "This letter is to advise you that the Management will be using a drone this Sunday to take footage of the gutters..."

26 nov 2020 via email: "... je suis trackee physiquement... mais personne ne semble s'en soucier: le 7 nov 2020, je vais faire des photos ID [https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1327204933217771522/ ]- pr mes papiers ID et faire mon settled status...la machine ne rend pas la monnaie, je sors de la cabine, se trouve un homme tres grand... me doute qu'il attend... fais mes photos, l'homme est partie... deux jours plus tard: https://twitter.com/JDBeauvallet/status/1325690484002525184  ("...faire des photos pour des passeports qui ne serviront plus jamais de toute façon, c'est ok")"

Also: Thu, 8 Oct at 20:40 I wrote to ecrire.londres-fslt@diplomatie.gouv.fr in regard of my ID/settled status. Why Nadege Alezine RT Eric Albert (Le Monde's correspondent in London) https://twitter.com/IciLondres/status/1314293334379311104 & liked the French Ambassador https://twitter.com/AmbColonna/status/1314455115630288896; I spent summer/automn walking in the Walthamstow Wetlands (not located in Stoke Newington as she IG it https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNHcicHEo7/) as I live by Lea River (her again https://www.instagram.com/p/CHfZaYPl5Kr/ [& again opposite my flat early January 2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJoPLoln-Po/); she is also seen cycling or walking below my window on a regular basis; as of October 2021, she has moved in close to my location https://www.instagram.com/p/CVBPJS5IbIX/]; Why do I receive so many snail and emails from my electricity supplier since giving my electricity bill to French Consulat as a proof of address?

The 1st time I saw a drone by my window was 31 Dec 2019 at midnight. By the summer 2020, it moved its location (away from CCTV) in a hidden path where it can watch my Stenberg Soviet Constructivist posters (mentioned in my blog on 15.3.2014). [End of 2019, state agent came with an electrician to check my radiators. While in the kitchen, I saw him taking pix of my posters. A few weeks ago, 'electrician' was at a neighbour's place: he is a man with a van but no electrician].

From here https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1239610271141855232 5:51 PM · Mar 16, 2020 hal hartley's amateur but she's very bad in the film defending polanski etc.

to here while he blocked me https://twitter.com/EmmanuelTellier/status/1239843535886696448 9:18 AM · Mar 17, 2020 Aux personnes que SC aurait accusé de "viol", de "faire voler un drone devant sa fenêtre", d'être "entré dans son cerveau pour lui voler ses idées d'articles" ou d'avoir "photographié ses fesses" dans vernissages à Londres, merci de m'écrire en DM - pour infos à la juge d'instr.

Me https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1240318886446166017 4:47 pm · 18 Mar 2020

hey @Le_Figaro a quelle heure hier avez vs publie cet article

Emmanuel Tellier repondant alors qu'il m'a bloquee: https://twitter.com/EmmanuelTellier/status/1240324998155448320 5:11 PM · Mar 18, 2020 

Bien sûr je l'ai bloquée, et supportant sa haine sourde et démoniaque depuis des années, je n'ai eu d'autre choix que de porter plainte. Si vous avez des questions > DM.

Me https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1242397398179237890 10:26 am · 24 Mar 2020

first time i met manu dibango was in djibouti, early 80's. je ne l'ai pas vu, juste entendu sa voix dans le salon et je suis sortie de la chambre de mon ami, il m'a souri et puis je l'ai revu a paris et puis a londres, au ronnie scott, il m'a souri. adieu monsieur 😎

Emmanuel Tellier repondant alors qu'il m'a bloquee https://twitter.com/EmmanuelTellier/status/1242407138082934784 11:05 am · 24 Mar 2020

Replying to @Sybillebbldnrbt and @libe

Merci Mme Castelain pour ce commentaire absolument passionnant et essentiel. Je suis malheureusement persuadé que LeMonde et Society vont vous plagier...

https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1271157593852051457 8:09 PM · Jun 11, 2020

@SCSurveillance Replying to @Sybillebbldnrbt @nikitakarachoi and @SurveillanceSC

A ce niveau de maladie mentale, ça devient presque poétique. Faites vous aider, Mme Castelain, au plus vite.

https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1271827411215290369 4:30 PM · Jun 13, 2020

@SCSurveillance Replying to @Sybillebbldnrbt @BorisBastide and @ldreyfus

Tweet photographié et transmis à Mme La Juge en charge de l'enquête, comme tant d'autres tweets auparavant.

https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1271828499649695745 4:35 PM · Jun 13, 2020

@SCSurveillance Replying to @SCSurveillance @Sybillebbldnrbt and 2 others

Commission rogatoire délivrée à l'automne 2019. Enquête freinée par confinement, mais à nouveau active.

https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1271861503109615616 6:46 PM · Jun 13, 2020


Toute personne ayant des informations, ou ayant été harcelée/insultée/calomniée par Mme Sybille Castelain @Sybillebbldnrbt est priée de nous contacter. Dernièrement, plusieurs résidents français à Londres et des employé.e.s du quotidien The Guardian.

https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1271861726326263808 6:47 PM · Jun 13, 2020


Une enquête de justice est en cours depuis plusieurs mois. SC refuse de répondre aux courriers officiels qu'elle reçoit.

https://twitter.com/SurveillanceSC/status/1271895751023628288 9:02 PM · Jun 13, 2020

@SurveillanceSC [RT le 20 juin 2020 + pinned par Emmanuel Tellier]

Toute personne ayant des informations, ou ayant été harcelée/insultée/calomniée par Mme Sybille Castelain @Sybillebbldnrbt - se prétendant journaliste à Londres - est priée de nous contacter. Dernièrement, plusieurs résidents français au UK et des employé.e.s du Guardian.

https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1271912712524750854 10:09 PM · Jun 13, 2020


Merci pour l'info et l'envoi (!!!). A tous ceux ou celles qui sont concernés, portez plainte, c'est la seule solution.

https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1272077758202630144 9:05 AM · Jun 14, 2020


DM ouverts si vous avez des informations sur cette personne.

https://twitter.com/EmmanuelTellier/status/1273264702471241729 3:42 PM · Jun 17, 2020

@EmmanuelTellier Replying to @emmadefaud and @Padre_Pio

Ça ne marche absolument pas. Seul le dépôt de plainte avec constitution de partie civile puis au moins deux ans de patience peuvent aboutir...

nouveau compte TW cree le 22 juin 2020 @sc_surveillance https://twitter.com/sc_surveillance/status/1274996737044877312 10:24 AM · Jun 22, 2020

@sc_surveillance Replying to @Sybillebbldnrbt @BorisBastide and 14 others

Tweet archivé + transmis à Mme La Juge chargée de l'enquête SC en cours.

https://twitter.com/sc_surveillance/status/1275102064293695490 5:23 PM · Jun 22, 2020

@sc_surveillance Replying to @sc_surveillance @Sybillebbldnrbt and 15 others

Et nous continuerons à transmettre vos délires relevant probablement de la maladie mentale, Mme SC, aux divers cabinets d'huissiers, d'avocats, et à la Juge parisienne enquêtant sur vos actes. Vous vous croyez intouchable dans votre Est londonien ?

https://twitter.com/sc_surveillance/status/1275102683381235712 5:25 PM · Jun 22, 2020

@sc_surveillance Replying to @sc_surveillance @Sybillebbldnrbt and 15 others

En attendant, continuez à harceler les journalistes culture du Guardian, à accuser la CIA de faire voler des drones à vos fenêtres, continuez à accuser LeMonde de vous plagier (!!!), de parler de "vos agresseurs" sans que rien, jamais, ne soit étayé dans vos TW : nous notons TOUT

https://twitter.com/sc_surveillance/status/1275123974368878598 6:50 PM · Jun 22, 2020


Madame Sybille Castelain @Sybillebbldnrbt : vous n'avez jamais été journaliste. Jamais. Quiconque prendra le temps de vérifier verra que n'avez que brièvement été standardiste aux Inrockuptibles, où vous étiez détestée de toutes et tous, il y a près de trente ans !

https://twitter.com/sc_surveillance/status/1275124387751043074 6:51 PM · Jun 22, 2020


De même, vous n'êtes pas photographe - ou alors pas plus que tante Ginette avec son iPhone 4. Vous vivez des minima sociaux en Angleterre (mais jusqu'à quand ?), et n'y cherchez plus de travail depuis bien longtemps.

https://twitter.com/sc_surveillance/status/1275125488797863936 6:56 PM · Jun 22, 2020

Depuis des années, votre diarrhée verbale n'a pour objectif toxique que de salir, de calomnier, de pourrir la vie de personnes autrement plus talentueuses que vous. Faites vous aider, vite, et vraiment.

https://twitter.com/sc_surveillance/status/1275148915717935105 8:29 PM · Jun 22, 2020


Dernier message SC, et arrêtez SVP d'écrire "il", car en vérité, c'est "elle" Et ELLE va vous donner un conseil: répondez aux courriers de la Justice. Et faites le vite, avant qu'il ne soit trop tard et qu'on vienne vous chercher, chez vous (London E59SU)

https://twitter.com/sc_surveillance/status/1275182266025676805 10:41 PM · Jun 22, 2020


Toute personne ayant été harcelée/insultée/calomniée par Mme Sybille Castelain, personne vivant à Londres et se prétendant journaliste, est priée de nous contacter en DM. Dernièrement, plusieurs résidents français au UK et des employé.e.s du quotidien The Guardian.

https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1275835420526424065 5:57 PM · Jun 24, 2020

cc : @LinkedIn @LinkedInHelp @LinkedInNews @LinkedInFrance 

le profil de cette personne est totalement délirant et malhonnête, elle n'a jamais été journaliste (elle ne l'est pas) pour @lemondefr @lesinrocks @SocietyOfficiel ... #mythomanie

https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1275483037023731714 6:37 PM · Jun 23, 2020

Toute personne ayant été harcelée/insultée/calomniée par Mme Sybille Castelain, personne vivant à Londres et se prétendant journaliste, est priée de nous contacter en DM. Dernièrement, plusieurs résidents français au UK et des employé.e.s du quotidien The Guardian.

https://twitter.com/EmmanuelTellier/status/1276466322050875393 11:44 AM · Jun 26, 2020

@EmmanuelTellier Replying to  @ChatonVert38 https://twitter.com/ChatonVert38/status/1276418885567352832 and @jujusete

Ceci dit, je connais au moins une totale-barjot-défoncée-de-la-tête qui doit penser à peu près ça. #satan #covid #persécution #maladie

RETOUR DE SES VACANCES: https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1293864814809436161 11:59 am · 13 Aug 2020

Mme Sybille Castelain poursuit ses activités de "stalking" et harcèlement en ligne sous pseudo @pandoravox1. Dernièrement ciblés : des journalistes en France et en Angleterre. Si besoin, nous contacter. #LinkedIn a radié son compte (CV entièrement bidonné).

https://twitter.com/SCSurveillance/status/1293869017036402688 12:16 PM · Aug 13, 2020 "D'après nos infos : brièvement standardiste, acariâtre, agressive, et affichant des prétentions à devenir photographe alors qu'il n'en avait jamais été question et qu'elle n'était pas qualifiée. Sa présence sur la photo a dû relever d'un élan de charité de la part des rédacteurs.

On 17 Oct 2020, ex Inrocks - ex Telerama Emmanuel Tellier praised himself to Ligue Du Lol's Alexandre Hervaud for his silence and discretion in the past 18 months "Depuis 18 mois, j'ai choisi le silence, la réserve, et le travail de fond avec mon avocate. La courte parenthèse de partage public se referme donc ce matin. Mais on peut me contacter en DM." https://twitter.com/EmmanuelTellier/status/1317397676372201472

Let's take Thomas Andrei's example. [Since 9 (?) October 2021, his Tweeter  bio indicates he is "Award-winning journalist

Vidéo sans commentaire incroyable. Quelle fête. 10.10.2021)
 (giving no indication when or what topic made him such a brilliant journo!) As of 2 November 2021, he is no longer an award-winning journo... 
Over the years I have posted on Twitter and blog about my 'relationship' in the 90's with music band Alabama3... TA, again, is covering them on 18.10.2021 https://twitter.com/Thomas_Andrei/status/1450071422559195137 (that Tweet has been deleted by 19.10.2021 but here is the Alabama3 mention via SoFilm - "Les Soprano by Sofilm" https://twitter.com/So_Film/status/1450069154757812227/) Oh well, he does mention on 10 Nov 2021 he writes about The Sopranos's music score https://www.instagram.com/p/CWGLa-csIs8/ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW3LikcBL68 // from the 90's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke_Up_This_Morning that Thomas Andrei is using every single stuff I wrote about)]. He is a white male (30 y.o?) who seems to have arrived in London in 2013 to study journalism https://uk.linkedin.com/in/thomas-andrei-8a8b7b81/en-us. By Jan 2015, he already had written / ITW Gary Numan, Pedro Winter, Baxter Dury, Mogwaï and so on. By April 2016, he was writing for my ex employers Les Inrocks. In February 2017 (a week after my article https://babylondonorbital.blogspot.com/2017/02/exhibition-david-hockney-9-february-29.html), he also wrote on David Hockney at Tate https://www.lesinrocks.com/2017/02/15/arts/arts/hockney-tate-londres/ As I found similarities in his approach/angle to my article (at the time, it was 100% available), I sent some TW https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/832952831892127747 (1 seems to be missing) challenging him (though not on his inaptitude to write on the exhibition). 

[over  the years, I wrote on his abilities to copy [my] work/experience/ideas https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1022916390200717312 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1026497955317121024 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1042378338327822336 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1042378812116410369 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1042379388803854336 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1048196075398598657 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1052482930323415040 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1090617904024961024]

In May 2018, he wrote on a documentary http://www.slate.fr/story/161886/irlande-du-nord-mere-fils-tirer-dessus-ira which I've never been able to finish reading. By the end of 2018, he had written a few articles for Le Monde including this https://www.lemonde.fr/football/article/2018/06/06/samis-tamouls-barawanis-et-kabyles-ont-leur-coupe-du-monde-a-londres_5310560_1616938.html.

December 2020, he is correspondent in London for SoPress (Society, So Foot, So Film, Etiquette, etc), SlateFR, Tsugi, Rock & Folk, Liberation, Trax.

I have no idea if his prose has improved (mind you, I had some serious issues with his article in LIBE in Jan 2020 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1213792428278341632). One needs practice to be a decent journalist. Like a moped, you need a break-in period. Once you learn your gears, you can speed up and develop an autobahn of contacts. You get invited here and there. 

His male editors keep giving him a chance! He has, by now, all keys to drive around and make a name for himself! In the history of journalism as a correspondent, never has anybody managed to work for no many outlets (in no time)! If he's not naturally gifted, he knows where to pick stories out: early March 2019, I liked a post featuring a pub that The Prodigy's Keith Flint, who had just died, owned https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1105745064033165312 (I should know, I lived through the 90's in London/UK). Within days, Thomas Andrei was on the story for Tsugi https://twitter.com/Thomas_Andrei/status/1105549383863541760 (making me really vulnerable https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1105854433592860676), on the 14 March 2019, he visited the local https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu--cehh7Ti/! Didn't he shout out his victory... over death!

Being a male journalist with white privileges in the culture spectrum: your brain keeps being entertained as you receive visuel/audio from PRs. If finding hard to make ends meet, at least you save money and are still up to date with the latest film/music realeases. Those left struggling to make it... are on an arrested development mode https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1275871622654812162 

Women / female journalists have to go through being patronised and undermined: Marc Beauge (ex Inrocks, now at Le Monde, BangumiProd, SoPress) is an expert in the field: https://twitter.com/Marc_Beauge/status/1034859385275736065 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1052483347753119744 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1052483557770371072 https://twitter.com/Marc_Beauge/status/1089363583689994241 https://twitter.com/Marc_Beauge/status/1316418803383894017

As for me, once again I get informed that I am mentally disturbed (for asking https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1083400592272359427): https://twitter.com/FranckAnnese/status/1058065802556071939 https://twitter.com/FranckAnnese/status/1084925438135357442 https://twitter.com/FranckAnnese/status/1085074355934121985 https://twitter.com/FranckAnnese/status/1085337092140552192 Other ladies have it hard on Twitter when they dare criticising Franck Annese for his sexism! [side note: Marc Beauge & Franck Annese have some great support in the names of Luc Bronner & Louis Dreyfus in Le Monde]

Men with a high profile in journalism also get better credibility to publish books. Here I am, challenging Fabrice Arfi of Mediapart https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1037048842330497024 on being interviewed by Les Inrocks. I wonder if being published at Editions du Seuil and meeting same (mainly male) journalists on France Inter radio https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1341705304225046528 years after years helped Luc Bronner publish his book on Editions Du Seuil https://www.instagram.com/p/CF1RBrOqWXi/? I mean, when male journalists meet up to play soccer https://twitter.com/pandoravox1/status/1339482342264549377 surely it helps to get good jobs. How many of them struggled professionnally in the past 25 years https://twitter.com/nplommee/status/1338789959571025921? (an ex Inrock got a sack in 2019 in Telerama for sexist behaviour / sexual harassment, but still... he worked for 30 years & was sent all over the world to report on many topics!)

Here are 6 journalists https://twitter.com/Arnaud_Laporte/status/1289503730589605888:   1 male worked for France Inter radio (now in France Culture radio as well as Vanity Fair and five others (1 female only) work for LIBE. Radio guy used to invite same guys on his prog! What subliminal information does it send to women in general and to the Latinas, Afro-French or Asian-French communities? I'm not even tackling the disabled or LGBT+.

Here is an edited correspondance with someone who started being a journalist at Les Inrocks after I left in 1992, then he became an editor for that same title. He helped launch Mediapart, had a radio programme on France Culture and was for a short period of time an editor in chief at LIBE. In 2015, I had already being plagiarised many times by a few French magazines and felt quite vulnerable, lack of confidence. I decided to contact him: "pensez-vous que mon dossier envoye en PJ puisse interesser Edwy Plenel ? Si non, a qui me conseilleriez-vous de l'envoyer ? Pourquoi pas vous sur votre blog ? Pushing my luck: puisque je vous vois sur mon twit, y trouvez-vous des choses interessantes (mon billet sur #JeSuisCharlie ;  ce que j'y poste) ?" HIM "Je ne sais pas je ne vous ai pas lue encore. Ouvrez un blog !" ME "Tous mes articles sont sur mon blog: films, expos, musique. Je ne suis pas payee et j'aimerais l'etre. Quand puis-je vous recontacter pour avoir votre opinion? Pour le papier sur la satire, j'aimerais vraiment le co-ecrire. Donc, si vous pensez que ca puisse interesser quelqu'un?" HIM "Je regarderai ds les prochains jours mais je vous dis je suis désormais journaliste indépendant, je ne prends pas de piges." ME "Merci. Je vous recontacte ds qq jours. Peut-etre pourriez-vous me guider vers qui je peux me tourner par rapport au papier satire ? J'oubliais: vous etes le seul a qui j'ai envoy la PJ. Donc, j'attends votre retour (ds qq jours) pr savoir si je l'envois ailleurs." HIM "Cela me gene. Vous pouvez l'envoyer à d'autre, je ne suis pas sur d'avoir le temps ds les jours qui viennent. Mieux vaut ne pas compter que sur moi." ME "Le  papier sur Charlie n'est pas long. La PJ fait 3 petits paragraphes. C'est moi qui suis genee d'etre pushy en fait. Donc, je realise bien que vous n'etes pas interesse, mais je ne suis pas sure de savoir a qui envoyer quoi. je ne vous demande pas les contacts directs, des noms ou le nom d'un journal?" HIM "Pushy on peut le dire oui. Si je peux vous donner un conseil ou deux : ne le soyez pas tant et apprenez à bien connaitre comme lectrice la presse pour savoir où éventuellement envoyer un papier." ME "Il me semble qu'il s'agit bcp de connaitre tel ou tel [homme de presse] que je ne connais pas personnellement. Mais merci." HIM "Votre texte que je viens de lire est typiquement un post de blog. Impubliable à mon sens dans un journal. Trop ésotérique et personnel. Ce n'est pas un texte de journalisme. Cela releve du journal perso, donc aujourd'hui du blog." [of course, a very good friend with Les Inrocks old school and Luc Bronner of Le Monde.]

A few months after this exchange, in May 2015, I wrote Le Diable ecoute The Smiths: a text about sexual harassment I suffered at Les Inrocks. In Autumn 2014, I contacted JDBeauvallet, hoping to meet him and talk things through: He didn't know me, then yes he did, then he was insisting on how busy he was interviewing a Sex Pistol member as well as Nick Cave and then told me to piss off! We are two and half year before #MeToo when I sent my prose to various French journalists in May / June 2015... hoping to be heard/listened to. Though I never asked anybody to write about it, I was hoping to get a job. Le Monde's group (Le Monde, Telerama, Courrier International etc) with Jerome Fenoglio and Louis Dreyfus at its head sent their friend and colleague to Nepal in Nov 2015, a childhood dream of his https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1327204107371876352 instead of believing my trauma with him. In March 2016, he wrote on the Sherpa and Himalaya for Telerama! (in 2013, I started writing on Mount Everest...). In May/June 2019, they sacked him for sexual harassment/ sexist behaviour in Telerama as an investigation took place in the magazine https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/medias/harcelement-sexuel-a-telerama-deux-journalistes-licencies_2081814.html but never mentioned his name in their Sexual Harassment section https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1211970012094894080

Since Ronan Farrow's investigation in the New Yorker on Harvey Weinstein sexual predation in Oct 2017 https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/from-aggressive-overtures-to-sexual-assault-harvey-weinsteins-accusers-tell-their-stories, Le Monde via Luc Bronner decided to investigate https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/946105846966210565 (not on journalism as they had their own internal issues; while searching for my flaws to give themselves excuses on 'ignoring' my case)! Their cynism hooked them up with @bangumiprod https://www.francetvpro.fr/contenu-de-presse/182191... who copied me https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1211969973842780160

By the end of July 2018, Le Monde, LIBE, Mediapart had written few articles on sexual harassment in journalism https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1023589520602800130! If Le Monde never quite dedicated a page on the subject (prior to autumn 2017, they had two articles on a sexual harassment page) of sexual violences in general, Mediapart seems pretty active since at least 2011 https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/france/190511/anne-mansouret-au-ps-tout-le-monde-savait. Howerver, it doesn't look like their focus was in journalism, but I might be wrong... 

In Jan 2017, it looked like Caroline De Haas dismissed my trauma for she responded my email distantly! In the Autumn 2018, a woman called Caroline via Nous Toutes on FB, who never heard of my case, informed me of Paye Ton Journal (PTJ): a site dedicated to sexual violences in journalism. According to Biba, PTJ exists since Jan 2017 https://www.bibamagazine.fr/lifestyle/societe/paye-ton-journal-la-page-qui-denonce-le-sexisme-dans-la-presse-20527.html. Upon reading the women fates, why neither De Haas or Turchi / Bredoux for Mediapart investigated more amply on their stories?  Caroline De Haas via her company Egae was hired by le Groupe Le Monde early 2019 and also trained its staff on preventing / triggering awareness on sexual violences at work up until summer 2019 https://twitter.com/GroupeEgae/status/1120590281999626240!

Have Luc Bronner, Louis Dreyfus and Jerome Fenoglio hired her to dust their media empire off their giant ship on their shoulders? How avant-garde of me in summer 2018 to question unscrupulous men in the media manipulating ambitious women https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1017076632614506497! I have always found De Haas far too corporate towards Le Monde ever since they hired her, but backing up Franck Annese was definitely a step forward to absurdity https://twitter.com/carolinedehaas/status/1274373637689282561!

In 2020 alone, I have read / seen many French male journalists praising their male counterparts, raising them to a rank where they become gods or gurus, or worse of it all, heroes (https://twitter.com/lucbronner/status/1233330659709591552 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1271713260497252353). Three years after Me Too hashtag birth, these very men have not grown/developped human wise. They can admit women have it hard, and just because they might not be guilty of rape, sexual harassment or sexist behaviour, doesn't mean they are innocent! https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1234030732319895553: backing up impunity. Just because they never lift up a girl's skirt at recess doesn't mean they never took a peep remotely! Most of these male journalists today have an army of solicitors, twitting them: a tool for intimidation (culture in Libe, investigation on sexual violences in Le Monde = friends with pedocriminal Gabriel Matzneff's sollicitor)! Investigating on women's fate seal their names in history https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1218541194063548424. No apologise for plagiarism/ dismissal on women's suffering that is now a business. No job offer either. With such extravagant power in their hands, they refuse to move on! They could:  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/21/business/lynn-conway-ibm-transgender.html 

lady gaga https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1092509070735622144

que des mecs ITW par Bangumi, le monde https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1224340641326555137 qui + tard seront reunis pr un doc feminicide... qd ls utilisent les femmes https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1224773189319954432 // https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1225711751775297536 pr leur score ou leur donne des bons points https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1224769726028664834 

By the end of 2020, I also wanted to tackle women's eagerness to achieve their dream no matter what, despite women's traumas! Some go as far as discredit them, just for fun so it seems! Then I thought I made a point with Caroline De Haas's feminism-when-it-suits-her but decided to go against writing more about it.

On 5 Jan 2021, journalist (?) Jennifer Padjemi twitted: "... Enlevez Internet aux boomers soixante-huitard (et pas que) svp" 11:43 AM https://twitter.com/jenniferpadjemi/status/1346422021358542849 . This bunch of young female journalists having a go at ageing people (and calling for their riddance at times) is quite a recurrent exercise in France! Both accounts @pandoravox1 @sybillebbldnrbt got blocked by that intolerant human being for saying at 12.24pm "je suis menopausee, ne defend en aucun cas le coupable, p-e avez-vs des prejuges ageist?" https://twitter.com/pandoravox1/status/1346432279158128640 (and did she get her spokesperson to interfere!). Padjemi got published to London outlet Gal-Dem in 2020 thanks to an old bitch... that is me! On 21 Oct 2016, I received a Gal-Dem invit' for an event taking place at V&A on 28 Oct. Hours later following the event, I showed my enthusiasm on TW! I am pretty convinced Fleur Burlet (who raped most of my articles for Les Inrocks) started TWing about that collective gals, but for sure she wrote about them in Les Inrocks in 2017: https://www.lesinrocks.com/2017/08/21/style/style/londres-le-collectif-gal-dem-appelle-plus-de-diversite-dans-les-medias/. According to their 'likes, RT and comments" it seems that Padjemi and Burlet are (very) good friends. Under web editor David Doucet's reign, in Feb 2019, ageist Padjemi wrote her first article for the mag that sexually harassed me in the past century https://www.lesinrocks.com/2019/02/04/style/style/ou-est-le-cool-special-mexico-city/ (weeks later David Doucet will get a sack for his involvement in Ligue Du Lol). For a year, she wrote for my ex employers under Marie Kirschen' 'spell' who took over Doucet! Wasn't Kirschen raving about Padjemi on TW... you bet! In Aug 2020, Padjemi wrote for Gad-Dem https://gal-dem.com/author/jennifer-padjemi/. Coming back to my TW that got her to seemingly erase me from the Globe's surface, I find interesting Le Monde M le mag's editor Boris Bastide and music journalist Sophie Rosemont running to her rescue within an hour or so, on another topic: https://twitter.com/SophieRosemont/status/1346454568801103878 / https://twitter.com/BorisBastide/status/1346449279121055744. Bastide, also blocked both accounts (as mentioned above) for reminding his persistent link with sacked guy over sexual misconduct at work in Le Monde https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1271847915431120896 / https://twitter.com/pandoravox1/status/1284770776055517188/ . So he sees some dubious TW and supports their creators! As for Rosemont, she obliged to ex Inrocks - now at newspaper LIBE's  Christophe Conte to report me on TW and get my account down https://twitter.com/SophieRosemont/status/1163503184314339335!

What's with ageing in French journalism? Do they know that in the decade that saw me going from being a child to being a teenager and eventually blossoming to adulthood whether in various places in France or Africa my brain got positively challenged by the likes of Rachid Taha or Tracy Chapman as well as Joy Division or Eurythmics? Do they know I loved fashion but hated the fact catwalks didn't represent bodies in their diversities whether fat, disabled, non-white or wrinkled? We didn't have an electronic social network to show off how well-thought we were, so we screamed it aloud in the ruins of Le Chateau Gaillard or over the Lake Assal! I'm horrified as well at how I've been politically incorrect in my days and nights on Earth. I am glad younger generations can teach me a few things so I can re-adapt my vocabulary or my way of thinking. I am, at times, angry and give bloody names to bitches and fuckstards (we all have the right to be stupid - as long as, perhaps, it's not a calculated act that creates constant friction), but I really hope I never called (and campaigned) for people to disappear from the surface of our already endangered planet or block anybody out of vanity!

Here are in disorder some samples over the years on violent acts by these (young) female journalists (some use my prose and / or TW scream at me because of my age, being sexually harassed in a mag). When Rose McGowan says in 2017, a month after #MeToo revelations on Harvey Weinstein's predation "It’s quite simple, all who have worked with known predators should do 3 simple things. 1) Believe survivors 2) Apologize for putting your careers and wallets before what was right. 3) Grab a spine and denounce. If you do not do these things you are still moral cowards.", 18 months later, Marie Kirschen accepts to work for Les Inrocks and pinned for a year "Je suis très heureuse de rejoindre l’équipe @lesinrocks en tant que rédactrice en chef du site" https://twitter.com/mariekirschen/status/1110229125762084865; in March 2020, she asked via DM to be told what happened to me, then blocked both TW accounts! Over the years from summer 2017, after being plagiarised by Le Monde's Florian Reynaud on Grenfell Tower, I wrote various times to the then editor Luc Bronner and its manager Jerome Fenoglio (never to receive a single reply) as well as their London correspondents that would include topics on poverty and Elephant & Castle social housing's disappearance https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1011529306881830912 / https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1017076157823545344 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1022694788079013904 and challenged Amandine Alexandre (London correspondent for Valeurs Actuelles / Mediapart) on how she copied my topics: in no time, ex UK correspondents Manon Deniau & Manon L'Hour RT her when (still in) London correspondents Sonia Stopler (LIBE), Eric Albert (Le Monde), Elodie Goulesque (LIBE etc.) liked her. They usually seldom notice her!

When in summer 2018 I challenged Le Monde, Mediapart, LIBE etc on their lack of investigation on #MeToo in journalism https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1019444352270127105 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1023589257598959617 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1024174748681547776 "if journalists don't investigate on #MeToo in journalism, nobody will do it!", Lenaig Bredoux of Mediapart had no issue on parroting me in Louie Media summer 2019 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1211970016888930306: that summer, approaching two years after the sexual violences (at work) wake-up call, only about five cases https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1023589520602800130 were written about! To this day in 2021, they investigated perhaps on two to three cases in the journalistic field! Victims are renown though! 

Perhaps they only write / investigate on spotless victims as journalists? Perhaps, they only employ journalists through recommendations (as opposed to recruiting them) which makes them protecting the recommender, therefore protecting the culprit! A French world of entre-soi in journalism that I've been describing for over three years now...

2020: Faking surprise but insulting // invisibilising by deleting their own TW // ignoring me https://twitter.com/lucieazm/status/1221484790505005058 https://twitter.com/Arnoediad/status/1221487937797414913 https://twitter.com/Arnoediad/status/1221489088219570177 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1221848762575966208 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1221904244565073921 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1221924718464421888 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1221928159035129857 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1222088060499873793 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1222112118893432832 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1224373479610494978

Being monitored by London based Philippe Marliere (PM)'s female friend & blocked https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1225818503833407488 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1234381https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1341088057471188993485404282880 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1234730832109146113; PM first following gal on TW implies I support rape culture https://twitter.com/OSEMY777/status/1337313935305928704, then blocks me : PM has written for Les Inrocks and is a semi-regular for Sylvain Bourmeau https://aoc.media/auteur/philippe-marliere/ [I am in search of a job in London! Wonder his influence]; also highly motivated to jump at my throat (does she react each time someone interfers?) https://twitter.com/EmilieRadioFr/status/1239229620295254018 https://twitter.com/EmilieRadioFr/status/1239241317298962432 

in Summer 2018, I denounced a world of virility's norm https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1030505646024781824 and was privileged to private view in Feb 2020 Masculinities: Liberation Through Photography at Barbican weeks before London first lockdown https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1231510220532264960. If I influenced L'obs of Le Groupe Le Monde in investigating on masculanities https://twitter.com/GregLemenager/status/1337049042812080130 via Marie Vaton (journalist who followed me, unfllowed me within hours to follow ex Inrocks and poster collector JDBeauvallet https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1346429138207387648), why financial director Louis Dreyfus of Le Groupe Le Monde who has so many contacts, who likes photography, who keeps TWing same stuff after I TW them, doesn't hire me? Is it my age? Am I not sweet enough https://twitter.com/pandoravox1/status/1330596355350335490 because I'd rather buy a silver gun in a White Snow outfit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_EYmtHbiZ0 or shoot a man  down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEhy-RXkNo0 rather than being forgiving like his girlfriend writes in her book about incest? https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1346406406715551745 https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1346232632468713473 Perhaps hiring me would remind him of his incompetence over hiring some dodgy journalists, distributing his elite contacts to the happy few https://twitter.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1346012220925349889


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