Talking to docs

 End of 2018, I asked my GP to put me in touch with a therapist. I got assessed in 2019 in a hospital in Shoreditch, East London.

 Never heard anything after that!

I searched elsewhere, filled countless applications, lockdowns + semi-deafness meant I was on hold, then I got some weird emails from therapy associations…

Back to GP in Spring 2022: dropped by an association on sexual violence… Back to assessment at a therapy room in hospital in Shoreditch on 29 April 2022 where the guy insisted in schizophrenia & so on… Funnily enough, Christophe Conte (ex colleague at Les Inrocks) was in Shoreditch the day before... The very one was said I was a psychopath and I suffered from persecutory delusions Then this =

3 May 2022
3 May 2022

4 May 2022

4 May 2022

4 May 2022

then I stopped communicating with him, but he came back via snail mail 10 May 2022.

GP told me I suffered from persecutory delusions on 11 May 2022, just like Christophe Conte in August 2019, just like Emmanuel Tellier's solicitor Emmanuel Pierrat in Spring 2019 (weeks before Emmanuel Tellier got a sack for sexual harassment in Telerama).

Bobby came back to me 23 May 2022... and I responded

24 May 2022
24 May 2022

Then his female supervisor started to email me:

Shoreditch Hospital

To: '' Wed, 1 Jun 2022 at 13:09

Dear Sybille,

I am contacting you regarding your recent experience with us here at xxx as I am aware that you are not happy with the outcome or communication following your assessment. I would like to provide further support in this matter and try to find a resolution for your difficulties.

I wondered if you would be available and willing to come into the service for a face to face meeting with myself to discuss any concerns you have further?

Please let me know if this is something that would interest you and we can try and arrange a suitable date for this.

I will be out of the office next week, but I will be returning on Monday 13th June therefore can follow his up upon my return.

I look forward to hearing from you

Your sincerely

Xxx - Senior CBT Therapist / Supervisor

My reply on 1 June 2022 at 13:31:


Could you please explain to me how my story of sexual violence became to you and Bobby something you related to persecution / banal harassment?”

She to me Mon, 6 Jun 2022 at 09:05

Dear Sybille,

Thank you for your response. I really would like to answer these questions thoroughly and would like to give you the space to do this face to face.

If you would be willing to come into the service to discuss this further I would be more than happy to meet you. Please let me know if this is something you would consider and we can arrange a date and time.

As mentioned, unfortunately I will be out of the office now until Monday 13th June and I can follow this up further upon my return.

Me to her Mon, 6 Jun 2022 at 09:10

If you don't want to clarify via email, perhaps I shouldn't trust you!”

She to me Fri, 1 Jul 2022 at 10:58

Private & Confidential         Date: 24 Jun 2022

Dear Sybille

Again, I can only apologise that we have not met your needs and that we have used terminology that does not reflect what you have said. As a result, it appears that your trust in this service has been impacted. 

I would like to meet to discuss further and to hopefully work out a satisfactory plan with you as often it is easier to thoroughly understand the needs of an individual when discussing this face to face.  If this is not possible or you do not wish to do this, we will close your case for now.  However, if you feel able to meet in the future then please contact me.

If you would like to make a formal complaint you are encouraged to do so via our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). This is an independent service for those who have concerns about the care they or a relative have received. You can email them at,, or write to them at the address below:”  

Me to HER Fri, 1 Jul 2022 at 16:29

I think one of us needs to be sectioned

Your 'letter' goes all over the place... hard to follow.

Perhaps you need some holidays? Thu, 7 Jul 2022 at 08:28

To: Lenaig Bredoux marine.turchi @ Mediapart

NHS is struggling, but something is not right here:

1 June 2022 early morning: I send two emails to a psychiatrist in hospital in Homerton where I’ve been referred by my GP (I can’t find anything online on him and I want to know if he’s competent to deal with victims of sexual/psychological harassment)

1PM, Senior CBT Therapist / Supervisor from hospital in Shoreditch emails me (after ‘ditching’ me a few times as well as trying to send me to a centre for psychotic peeps): she wants to meet me! – me “Could you please explain to me how my story of sexual violence became to you and Bobby something you related to persecution / banal harassment?”

2 to 5 June = Platinum Jubilee Celebration

6 June 7AM, in French “... a qui j'ecris en precisant etre malentendante. TOUTES ces assos m'ont repondue, voulant me  telephoner juste pr 1 minute…”

9AM Senior CBT Therapist / Supervisor from hospital in Shoreditch (from her holidays in Ivory Coast?) insists on me meeting her – me, a few minutes later “If you don't want to clarify via email, perhaps I shouldn't trust you!

9PM “... i've had serious problems for GP appointments in the past 5 years (each appointments was cancelled at last minute!...)”

7 June 10AM, me sending an email to physiotherapist department in hospital in Shoreditch following their phone call “At 9.16AM today, I believe you called me for 1mn 06s. Am HOH [Hard Of Hearing]. You know that. Is there any fun calling HOH peeps? You have just txtd me for a further appointment two months after 'promising' to be seen by a psychology team... No thanks

8 June at 12PM emailing psychiatrist in hospital in Homerton, “… I'll take it he has no competence on victims of sexual harassment, so please cancel appointment I have with him. Hopefully someone will benefit of that space.

9 June at 9.30AM, email from psychiatrist in hospital in Homerton: doesn’t seem to have any specific competence on sexual /psychological violence. I’m really fed up with having to tell my tale, so minutes later “Thx. Please cancel my appointment.” 15 minutes later, they offer another appointment with another psychiatrist which I refuse. I check that psychiatrist & lucky me he is all over Youtube: he is far too enthusiastic with a special interest in psychosis who gives over stretched out of subject replies to straight forward questions as well as semi-mocking mental health sufferers for drinking/taking drugs. I sense he is the kind of guy who might tell a patient “it’s all in your mind, move on / forget about it / get a grip

12.30PM, physiotherapist department in hospital in Shoreditch sends a text, she wants to meet me. I email saying I have no time for people who disrespect disabilities.

Meanwhile, Christophe Conte is on France Inter all summer, Emmanuel Tellier is Culture Editor at Marianne, JDBeauvallet is probably writing a (self-published) book on Joy Division when I'm poor, on a court case for eviction & so on!

They ignored all my correspondence with them!
A fleuron of me being mentally disturbed according to ex colleagues journalists at Les Inrocks, 30 years after I left them:



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