No Man’s Woman in a Woman’s world

No Man’s Woman by Sinéad O'Connor || Woman by Neneh Cherry


Everyday sexism, in France, is a plague that has been rotting society spine for decades, centuries... Since the Harvey Weinstein’s report on film mogul sexual misconduct in the Autumn 2017 which gave birth to it online # Me Too following its creation in 2006, the world has woken up to the way women have been mis-treated. From the responsibility of French television in the past 50 years to women having to prostitute themselves and living a life of misery, let’s observe how social networks reveal a patriarchy system over-coated with a phallocratic dynamism in the proud land of #Liberty #Equality #Brotherhood. #Journalism #Culture #Men; No chronological dates in suspended time to worry about, but no anachronism to pinpoint... just points in time!

French daily paper Le Monde announced in Winter 2017 a special investigation cell tackling sexism, misogyny, femicide and sexual oppression after 70 years of writing inside an absent-minded territory... a woman’s world. Luc Bronner, then male managing editor composed a thread of three tweets: a task force of 15 journalists; equality matters; two female journalists coordinating the evolution of a movement. Hundreds of RTs, Likes and new followers! To this day, August 2023, sexual violence in any forms in journalism has not been a territorial priority! 

15 December 2020 a male music journalist remembers how, in 1995, music - male journalists played soccer together “Le 15/12/1995 au Parc des Princes dans les tribunes pour la passe décisive de @cbasterra à Stéphane Davet attaquants de l’équipe de la presse musicale avec @JDBeauvallet gardien et @EmmanuelTellier @peguillandans l’effectif cc @YvesBigot @Laurentbouneau @PhilippeVandel @flogazanMy twin sister @pandoravox1, a talented PHD historian in the field of Bolloxland, remarks 1 jolie liste qui explique comment les ♂ se soudent et se refilent du boulot entre eux 😎that beauty salons are located in the wild football pits where male – music – journalists exchange jobs tips! One of them has recently auctioned his urban and contemporary art collection pocketing £ 1, 650, 000 in London where he lived for two decades though he thinks four and has left the Perfidious Albion mid July 2023 for France for good forever! As Leonard Cohen put it, Don’t go home with your hard-on, it will only drive you insane as if born in a beauty salon.

Male music journalist since early 90’s Christophe Basterra  wrote on 31 July 2023 Le 11 août, les 3 albums de Lush sont réédités en vinyle et ce sera l’occasion pour moi de revenir pour @section26_ sur le parcours d’un groupe qui faisait la part belle à la parité, aux atmosphères ouatées et aux chansons beaucoup plus pop qu’elles n’y paraissaient parfois… ”: Late 80’s shoegaze band Lush fronted by female singer Miki Berenyi will have the privilege to have her parity band – parity, what a new baby word in a male’s voice – revisited by male music journalist following the band’s three albums re-issue.

Male music journalist Sophian Fanen was announced on 2 July 2022 by the online magazine he co-created Les Jours “Alors que la Cour suprême des États-Unis vient de torpiller le droit à l’avortement, @SophianF est allé voir ce que la musique dit de la bataille pour l’IVG ces dernières décennies. Avec Brigitte Fontaine, Jacques Higelin, Madonna…as visiting songs focused on abortions with Madonna’s Papa Don’t Preach guest-starring… Well, Fanen admits touring around abortion topic like a tourist in a no man’s land territory Je ne pensais pas qu'il y avait autant de chansons sur l'avortement avant de me pencher sur le sujet.”

What’s his next stunt? A pre-historic discovery of female acts singing about sexual violence where he would admit “
oh my god I had no idea women were victims of rape” his bout of ignorance? In his Nina Simone series started 20 July 2023, Fanen describes the North American Diva and civil rights activist as hysterical, incapable of dealing with daily issues and so on7 August 2023 Seule, Nina Simone est incapable de gérer sa vie quotidienne et multiplie les crises violentes, brûle en direct devant son public lors de concerts erratiques qui ont fini parêtre la seule trace de son existence médiatique au début des années 1980.” by Sophian Fanen …Voilà donc la tempétueuse Nina Simone, 52 ans…Mental health issues is so badly treated and reported that it appears more like a mockery of the female artist than a celebration of her career! ‘Journalist’ and ‘feminist’ Manon Deniau showing her full support... Her usual habitat when it comes to degrade women!

In Spring 2020, COVID was a worldwide rage trending on Twitter. Earth shut down into lockdowns apart from Number10land where BoJo and his conservative B Boys indulged in orgies. Meanwhile, French newspaper Libération culture boys club had time to remember they shared space on this planet with some other genre earthlings: Cachée dans l'un des costumes de petit soldat de plomb de cette séquence de «La petite marchande d'allumettes» de Jean Renoir, il y a Lucia Joyce, fille de James, alors au sommet de sa courte carrière de danseuse d'avant-garde male music journalist Olivier Lamm about James Joyce’s daughter Lucia. At light speed on 12 May 2020 from his homemade flying carpet, a Togo sofa, male music journalist Didier Peron reminded his colleague how she was sectioned at a young age until her death “Treated by Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung, Joyce was diagnosed as schizophrenic in the mid-1930s and institutionalized at the Burghölzli psychiatric clinic in Zurich. In 1951, she was transferred to St Andrew's Hospital in Northampton, where she remained until her death in 1982”.

On 3 July 2023 former Les Inrocks male music journalist JD Beauvallet was so pleased to receive decent reviews for his book Interviews: I replied “michka assayas (now @franceinter); stephane davet (now @lemondefr); stephane jarno (now @Telerama) etaient pigistes @lesinrocks qd j'y bossais! quel chemin parcouru!” that most of these male music reviewers freelanced at Les Inrocks when I worked there early 90’s! Male music journalist, also a former Inrocks, Christophe Conte is also pleased to be backed up by Canal+ TV co-creator – radio - Cannes Film Festival host & veteran Pierre Lescure on 14 July 2023 Le doc de @christopheconte est sur la plate forme d’Arte depuis ce matin. Avant diffusion le 21 , pour ceux que le preplay rebute…🥺 🌺” as he reports on 12 July 2023 his new music documentary for ArteTV featuring male music journalist Michka Assayas! I replied “#MichkaAssayas here & MichkaAssayas here also for #ChristopheConte @ARTEfr like #JosephGhosn here for ChristopheConte @Arte all ♂️, all ex @lesinrocks ⏭️♂️on♂️for♂️ ♀️are💩but handy” how handy to have so many male music journalists formerly at Les Inrocks featuring in his documentaries for ArteTV! Joseph Ghosn, a former male music journalist @ Les Inrocks, features in Christophe Conte’s Cosmic Trip documentary for ArteTV among an extra long list of male speakers involved in the music business. A misleading teaser for showing Black people and women (produced after the first teaser full of white men) who are underrepresented in his documentary which my fabulous twin sister tweeted aboutextrait non representatif du doc (hyper mal ficele) ou on voit les seules ♀️ et personnes noir.e.s! sinon, que des experts ♂️ blancs dont 1 ex #Inrocks #JosephGhosn par l'ex inrock #ChristopheConte (dont le dernier doc #TheKinks accueillait l'ex inrock #MichkaAssayas) #KarmaMafia” in August 2020 after complaining about it in July 2020. She is such a bAdAss

Guess who features in a music magazine called Magic? Proud to be well escorted by male music journalists, male music journalist Christophe Conte advertises his former Inrocks colleagues on 23 September 2022Bien accompagné dans le nouveau @magicrpm ! @JDBeauvallet  #MichkaAssayas

A year prior to Christophe Conte’s pride... it looks like male music journalists have to fight hard to expose themselves... as if the few French female music journalists were an armada of alien destroyers... male music journalist and Rolling Stone France’s chief editor Belkacem Bahlouli shows off his luck for being escorted by other male music journalists and sharing their time on radio 10 October 2021 “Aprem radio fort sympathique et pour la bonne cause #RadioRestos  ! Avec @eric_jeanjean @lespaule @GeorgesLangRTL et @YvesBigot” Female music journalist Sophie Rosemont congratulates them with a Tina Turner’s nod “Simply the best!”. Music male journalist ‘blames’ her for not being there as if she had been invited! And since male journalists are calling male journalists using Twitter like a Talking-Drum, a month before the all male music journalists did their bits on radio, this time the football team with an interest in music are raving about Manchester and its music scene: Factory Records, The Hacienda etc. 11 Septemebr 2021 Bref une expo qui devrait plaire entre autres à @JDBeauvallet @laurentbarge @Marc_Beauge ou @Bjjdurand...” Some bloody woman must have cursed the Mancunian town against women! Perhaps a five centuries butterfly effect from the Pendle Witches execution?

Writing this post on 15 August 2023, ladies, here is the latest escort: 22 years old male music journalists Hugo has just released on 16 August a first episode on his Musicalement Vôtre Podcast on Spotify called ‘How do music journalists work?’ interviewing FIVE male music journalists, featuring 0 female music journalists! Then, shamelessly celebrating a list of 100 female film makers while being sarcastic at male journalist Eric Naulleau for being a masculinist! 

When not celebrating how in good company male – music - journalists are with each others, they blame an outlet for not being able to share five of their male music journalists’ prose on Twitter “Cher @libe, je te lis sur iPad depuis 10 ans, et en 2020, je ne peux toujours pas partager sur Twitter les articles si souvent formidables de @efranck_dumas @christopheconte @didierperon @juliengester olivier_lamm et bien d’autres. Dis, quand cela sera-t-il possible?” Twin sister was there to rectify the situation letting him know that I, as a female – music -  journalist, I am not given any opportunity, 0 chance to exist due to being a – silence breaker - woman.

Why are the French female – music – journalists so silent or so shy? My guess is that male – music – journalists outnumber them. If they want to work, they can’t openly express their thoughts directly at those who proudly produce a higher level of testosterones. Charline Lecarpentier, once upon a time a full-time female music journalist at Libération (she left six months after Dov Alfon’s arrival as the newspaper director) is not happy about how her male counterpart describe female acts according to their traits whether for musician St Vincent or singer Lana Del Rey.

Following this Tweet / X on 11 November 2023 "Samedi, fête ses 50 ans toute la journée à la 🪩 Dès 23h, c'est la Nuit de Libé 100% DJ Sets avec / Crystallmess / et Maraboutage !", Charline Lecarpentier wrote that the newspaper broke her while working for them but yeah go dance... she eventually deleted her Tweet / X and went padlocked!

Here is a demonstration of what happens when female journalists dare complain publicly! We are both lectured and talked down, or male journalists imply we are mistaken and confused: the magazine Society (Franck Annese) created in 2015 was employing (full-time and freelancers) in 2020 44 men versus 5 women “J'adore Society, vraiment. Mais tout de même : 44 hommes pour 5 femmes dans le comité de rédaction 😱” Male boss Franck Annese explains that originally it’s all to do with football; female journalist remains in her topic while male boss diverts the topic arrogantly; random lad comes to the male boss’s rescue blaming female journalist for being a feminist harming the feminist cause having then a go at another woman; another female journalist reminds male boss that the lack of female journalists in his outlets is an ongoing issue; all female interacting are being told off and mocked when proving their points; when my twin sister says that one of Society freelancers has been plagiarising me for yearsnot featuring on the male list though, male journalist accuses me of being mistaken / confused as well as being off topic; so I send him a few links but he really has not time to read threads... that are too old...; then I’m definitely confused; my turn to mock him; he is now playing on the ill-faith chord, then informs me how he was peacefully debating with other women until I came up and he is now feeling accused... by me! Apart from male – music - journalist Adrien Toffolet being friend with my aggressors, this is how difficult it is for a woman or a female journalist to get heard!

7 March 2020 Christophe Conte:

Belle réussite @SocietyOfficiel bravo@FranckAnnese #5ans” 

And because journalism is about demonstrating a point on a specific topic, here I am, three years later from above with two men involved in music business. Same dynamism, mockery, lecturing, ill-faith, women are confused and mistaken:

26 June 2023 male in music bizz: 1994... [Mazzy Star female singer performing] 

male in music bizz: She Hangs & So Tonight = superbes albums. Mais comme @JDBeauvallet , exécrable expérience avec eux, en 1994 justement. Baltimore,  petite salle, public complètemt ignoré et Hope qui se barre backstage après 4 morceaux. Fin du concert--elle est jamais revenue. Même  pas remboursé.  

male in music bizz: Oui connue pour son côté lunatique…  

me: encore une ds l'indus du disque qui est difficile, mechante, troublemaker... mais les mecs faut faire 1 liste de ces connasses chantantes!

 male in music bizz: Ne jamais faire de liste... Juste desplaylists à la rigueur... 

me: c'est quoi la difference entre une liste de connasses chantantes et une playlist de connasses chantantes? (j'avoue ne pas savoir ce qu'est "une playlist de connasses chantantes") 

male in music bizz: 😂 la playlist éventuellement on écoute sans trop se poser de questions... Sans trop savoir...

me: la, il est qd mm question de parler d'1 ♀ (entre mecs!) ou vs etes d'accord que c'est 1 connasse chantante... dc vs vs posez des questions vitales a partir d'1 playlist 😎

male in music bizz: Non non pas de questions vitales, je réagissais juste à la remarque de @Kryg54325162  qui me faisait part de son expérience en citant JD, je lui faisais juste retour d'une réputation dont j'avais eu écho... Mais de là à faire des listes (ou playlists de "connasses chantantes", non 

me: "je réagissais juste" fin de la blague sexiste (excecrable, lunatique)!

male in music bizz: 🤔 

male in music bizz: Ça part en vrille là. 🙄 Je relate un concert de MS où Sandoval a planté son public et fais le lien avec le passage sur MS dans Passeur de JD (mais dans ce cas, il me semble que c'était Roback le plus imbuvable). Que ce soit il ou elle, un duo clairement caractériel. 

me: dc 1 mec dit que ca part en vrille qd 1 meuf parle sexisme🙄: sandoval a la reputation de;  siouxsie chante comme ses regles; dolores l'imbuvable; bjork=gros popotin⏭all made in @lesinrocks ! "je réagissais juste""je lui faisais juste""une réputation dont j'avais eu écho" MACHOS 

male in music bizz: Faut arrêter de voir du sexisme partout. Qd on dit que Murat avait mauvais caractère, c'est quoi? Ok si tu dis "Y a des clichés sur Sandoval, je l'ai vue 4 x live, jamais un pb. Mais là c'est toi qui en rajoute avec Siousxie, Bjork etc. que ni Cyril ni moi n'avons mentionnées. 

me: en bon paternaliste/mansplainist, tu me dis qd y'a du sexisme! 1 Murat pr 20 ♀ qd l'indus zik est bourree de ♂! j'en rajoute pr bien souligner que sandoval n'est pas 1 one off citee par les mecs ds l'indus zik! 

male in music bizz: Allez, bonne journée à toi. 

me: BTW, which of these mentioned women was not a victim of rape? (not sure about MURAT).

When male - music - journalists don’t ‘debate’ with women because the ladies can’t be bothered, there is beauty... in celebrating sexism / sexual oppression: 26 March 2023 “Steven Tyler, 75 ans.💋- Adult supervision is required - Walk This Way - Steven Tyler, Slash & Dave Grohl. [2014, New York]” Praising 75 years old Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler for his overindulging life that includes casual sex (rape?) while possibly not being actress Liv Tyler’s father… Oh well, he is possibly the father of so many children who have no idea he is their father… “Il a une voix et une pêche incroyables à son âge... malgré (ou grâce ?) à tous ses excès ! 🤭😁 J'ai appris dernièrement qu'il ne serait pas le père biologique de Liv Tyler. “mais ille serait de tant d’autres qui ne le savent pas.   “👍👏👌Que ça ne m'étonnerait pas ! 🤭😁

So what has changed since #MeToo in French journalism? Are there more female journalists being hired? Are female journalists in the music industry being hired following them reporting sexual oppression in the music industry? Are female music journalists better considered, more hired? You are on the verge of a big surprise:

if #MeToo has been a great tool for silence breakers, most notably female victims revealing their stories of sexual oppression, few stories in journalism in France have been emerged. However, male journalists, male editors, outlets male bosses have realised an outstanding potential in gaining credibility and money by broadcasting female stories - as already seen above with Sophian Fanen (Nina Simone / songs on abortions) or Christophe Basterra (Lush)... Male – music - journalists have adopted feminists’ vocabulary which they now inject into their prose!

JD Beauvallet reporting the lack of women visibility in festivals...

JD Beauvallet celebrating photographers who made Les Inrocks... all male around! 
[Eric Mulet, Renaud Monfourny, Franck Courtès, Richard Bellia, Patrick Messina, 
Philippe Garcia, Andrew Catlin, Kevin Cummins]

5 July 2023 “Dans le dernier "Schnock", Marlène Jobert en mode "tata flingueuse" distribue les beignes à Yves Montand, Jean-Luc Godard, Lino Ventura etc...#Schnock #beignesFemale actress Marlène Jobert is interviewed by male journalist Luc Larriba. Not a sweet pea is how they describe the 82 years old actress (who stopped her career at 40) here and there as she gives away moments she spent with famous male characters in the film industry. In 1966, she was excited to make her film debut with French-Swiss New Wave superstar Jean-Luc Godard but was quickly disillusioned for feeling physically manipulated. On Yves MontantAvec Montand, cela n’a pas été très simple non plus. Il était très exigeant, débordant d’énergie, visant toujours la perfection. Être sa partenaire a été une leçon pour moi. Pour le reste, on ne peut pas dire qu’il y avait une belle entente entre nous..Eva Green’s mother reveals a man being flirty, over energetic, great actor but she had no connection with him.

Following Sinéad O’Connor’ death and days before her funeral, 2 August 2023, male music journalist Louis Teyssedou for Section 26 interviews female film director Dominique Le Rigoleur who was Photography director for the Irish singer’s music videos.

In April 2023, I wrote about masculinist online magazine Gonzaï “[13 April 2023, (French masculinist site Gonzaï (run by masculinist Thomas Ducres aka Bester Langs ) published an interview of Les Inrocks director Carole Boinet by masculinist Albert Potiron (two books on French music critics: 25 lads versus  seven women)...11 August 2023, male ‘journalist’ Bester Langs takes advantage of summer (when girls wear short dresses?) in order to  launch a series of unknown female musicians in the avant-garde scene poorly and cheesily titled ‘Fatale Women Profitons de l'été pour lancer une série sur les musiciennes méconnues de l'avant-garde. Premier épisode avec Meredith Monk, l'Américaine au croisement entre Moondog et Camille à côté de laquelle même Nico sonne presque comme du Taylor Swift. 👀”. Rather interesting when a few months ago a female composer tweeted she was told off by a famous male composer who believed that women’s place were elsewhere but on the music composing scene 2 April 2023 “« Il n’y a pas de femmes compositrices ! » Aujourd’hui, j’intervenais dans une table ronde aux côtés de Monsieur Vladimir Cosma. Je vous laisse lire : (Et cc notamment à @SophieRosemont @alaleu @EmilieRadioFr )

5 August 2023 “Pour @libe : Après avoir vu son concert prévu au Festival de Hammamet annulé, la chanteuse, icône de la révolution du jasmin, dénonce des pressions politiques de la part des autorités à la suite de deux représentations dans les Territoires palestiniens. Iconic singer Emel Mathlouthi is not named in Libé male music journalist Tweet! I am curious to know how many female music journalists the daily paper hire.

If female journalists on social networks are easily victims of cyber harassment or ‘simply’ being told off / lectured / mocked, referred to as mistaken and confused etc., some of them are really sticking with male journalists. Over the years, I’ve had very nasty experiences with some of them. One of them is Valérie de Saint-Do, a friend with my aggressors who started following me in February 2020 

Then, someone accused her of being a Roman Polanski defender on...  

... 2 March 2020
 “ah ouais? en meme temps, elle me suit et 👏 mes agresseurs de facon reguliere! c'est beau de decouvrir que qd on l'ouvre, on est cancelled! elle est emue qd ca l'arrange cette val do!Valérie de Saint-Do has left Twitter and has been replaced… 

 dc #ValerieDeStDo deteste la flicaille mais me flique... et du coup, c'est bien elle, ami de mes agresseurs qui signe en 2009 1 tribune pro polanski  et qui grafite son mur TW anti polanski... #StabMeInThe3rdEye” 

Interestingly enough, Pierre Siankowski whom I never met @ Les Inrocks… has left Les Inrocks & Twitter

to be continued...


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