Elucubrations clownesque II


This a follow-up from Elucubrations clownesque I

Caroline Woodley, Mayor of Hackney since November 2024, has achieved a lot in one year!

I have revisited my correspondence since winning Court Case against landlord and flat agent on 7 September 2023 and put in (almost) all together: correspondence with Hackney Council (Housing/homeless/Council Tax), my ward Cllr, landlord, Caroline Woodley.

I’m realising the heaviness of dehumanisation that’s been ongoing; my brain is constantly occupied with never ending aggressions. The cruelty or even criminality of those involved in preventing homelessness is savage!

At no point, any of these female social actors offered a decent job! Instead, they relentlessly conducted a sort of vulgar war on a victim of sexual and sexist violence!

The read is far too long, so I divided into two sections: one, from court case win to end of 2023; the other from January 2024 to (so far) October 2024.

Due to its length, I highlighted in bold what’s relevant or what’s super relevant in larger letters in bold. Anything to do with mental health issues is stabilo-ed in purple whether it’s describing the condition, the triggering or the acceptance of pain from other parts. I have also stabilo-ed in blue comments that were not part of emails. I guess it doesn’t make the reading too easy.

Though revisiting the whole process is sickening, it gives a great bird view on how to become homeless. It is Hackney but it could be anywhere... I don’t know, it’s my experience with a background of abuse of power!

Caroline Woodley has banned me from going to my local community garden invoking unpredictable behaviour and abuse of language; is making me homeless, has booked without my consent a RDV with a rat laboratory expert in psychosis and schizophrenia for deaf and menopaused women!

Woodley goes a lot to events posing here and there, if you see her, ask her why wasn’t it possible to make a deal with landlord of a year stay at £1046 a month with Hackney incentive; find me a safe place in housing for women aged 55+; redo the landlord flat for £5000






On Tuesday, 9 January 2024 at 12:02:58 GMT, London Borough of Hackney wrote:

Dear Councillor G

ME - DHP Team 22182597

RE: Ms Sybille Castelain of 152 Riverside Close, London, E5 9ST

I am writing in response to your query received on 21 December 2023, regarding your constituent's housing situation.

I am advised that Josie C - Tenancy Sustainment Officer, has spoken to you about Ms Castelain's case and advised that she had asked if the Council could increase the landlord incentive in order that Ms Castelain could retain some of her compensation, however, this was not agreed. Ms C explained that the view was that we would be keeping her in a property that is not affordable and this would not be sustainable long term.

Ms Castelain is aged 55 so if she was potentially homeless, we have more chance of finding her an over 55 property through Bridge Housing, this would be Housing Association, long term, and at an affordable rent. [Funnily, this was not an OPTION discussed while Josie C and ward Cllr were in my flat 19 December 2023 willing to help... there were two options: letting the landlord keep my compensation money or I would face homelessness]

In any case, Ms Castelain decided she did not want us to go ahead with the incentive offer to the landlord and that she would appeal the rent increase at a tribunal. Ms C remains available should Ms Castelain have any further queries. [Josie C savagely messed with my life between 2020 until court case in 2023 backing up landlord and flat agent; again in December 2023: how can I possibly trust a woman who pleases men!]

Read in Court Hearing - July 2023:

 In the meantime, I have arranged for a Housing Register application form to be issued to Ms Castelain in order that she can apply to join the Council's housing waiting list and bid for homes suitable for those aged over 55. A web-link invitation to apply will be sent to her email address: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk within the next 10 days.

I trust that I have clarified the position.

Jennifer W Assistant Director -  Benefits and Homeless Prevention Service


On Friday, 12 January 2024 at 13:51:49 GMT, London Borough of Hackney wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain 

I am writing in response to your email sent in reply to my communication with Councillor G. 

Ms C has advised me that it was made very clear that no deal had been struck with the landlord. Ms C had only explored the options that were available to you so that you could decide what you wanted to do. 

The Council has limited funding for homelessness prevention and one of the criteria for an incentive payment to the landlord must be that the tenancy is sustainable long term. The proposed rent increase means that your accommodation is not considered to be sustainable long-term and the Council would be unable to agree a homelessness prevention payment to your landlord as an incentive to retain you as a tenant

Ms C has further informed me that in her emails she explained that you have the right to reject the rent increase and apply to the First-Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber - Residential Property), which is what you have decided to pursue.

Following you advising Ms C that you do not wish to use any of your compensation money to help retain your tenancy and prefer to contest the rent increase, Ms C informed the landlord who has agreed to issue the £2000 compensation payment to you

In the event that the rent tribunal hearing does not find in your favour and consequently, you are threatened with eviction or evicted due to rent arrears, Ms C explained the homelessness process. She further clarified the scarcity of affordable private rented properties, although it is hoped that the Council would be able to assist you to secure a social housing or fair rent home suitable for those aged over 55. 

As stated previously, I have arranged for a Housing Register application form link to be sent to you by email. Please ensure that you complete the application since if it is successful, you will be able to start bidding for available one bedroom social housing homes in Hackney, suitable for those over age 55, through the Council's Choice Based Lettings scheme. 

If you have any further questions, please contact Ms C on Tel: 020 8356 xxxx  Email: josie.cxxxx@hackney.gov.uk

 I trust that I have clarified the position.  
Jennifer W Assistant Director - Benefits and Homeless Prevention Service


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk  To: ward Cllr, London Borough of Hackney, caroline.woodley mayor of Hakney @hackney.gov.uk

Sat, 13 Jan at 12:56


"Ms C has advised me that it was made very clear that no deal had been struck with the landlord" I have never ever said /written / complained about a deal been struck; I have always written about making a deal in my back without my consent!

"Ms C had only explored the options that were available to you so that you could decide what you wanted to do." There is only one option... me giving out my compensation + her narratives are very conflictive! 

I have attached RENT INCREASE I: correspondence from mid November 2023 when landlord wants a 40% rent increase; RENT INCREASE II (with my comments [ ]): correspondence when Josie C totally changes her mind mid December 2023!

"The proposed rent increase means that your accommodation is not considered to be sustainable long-term and the Council would be unable to agree a homelessness prevention payment to your landlord as an incentive to retain you as a tenant." This is the original deal from 30 November 2023 to landlord: “In this case we could offer a one off payment of £2000 if the rent was maintained at the maximum she would receive in Housing Benefit which would be £1046.46 per month." as featured in RENT INCREASE I. I guess this is no longer available? Or is it?

"Ms C explained the homelessness process. She further clarified the scarcity of affordable private rented properties, although it is hoped that the Council would be able to assist you to secure a social housing or fair rent home suitable for those aged over 55" When she came to mine on 19 December 2023, she said I was making myself homeless if I refused giving up my £2000 compensation! Regarding Housing Association for over 55s, Josie C only mentioned it on email after visiting my flat, not on that day. I had no idea such thing existed which is why I mentioned a Council Flat in my flat, both Josie C and M G said the waiting list is 10 to 12 years (my neighbour just got one after waiting one year). It looks like it's a 4 year waiting list from the link Robert C has sent yesterday.

This is great https://twitter.com/hackneycouncil/status/1745475878073565685 but so far Hackney Council has only acted in favour of landlord and flat agent; have put me in rent arrears; is treating me as a delinquent!

Sybille Castelain - 


On Thursday, 25 January 2024 at 14:28:50 GMT, London Borough of Hackney wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain

I am writing in response to your further email submitted on 13 January 2023.

Ms C's role in tenancy sustainment is to try to prevent homelessness and make every effort [this is so sickening to read / digest] to ensure that a private sector tenant's rent is sustainable going forward. As part of her role, she or another member of the team is expected to negotiate terms with the landlord. This is not a matter of making a deal behind your back or without your consent. It is for the reasons I have explained.

Often, the Council is able to agree terms with a landlord which do not require the tenant's consent, other than a tenancy agreement signature, usually through offering a financial incentive in return for the landlord fixing an affordable rent for two years. [Hackney Council website stipulates a one year contract: “Our requirements - We ask that you: rent your property for at least 12 months”]

In your case, through speaking to the landlord, it was established that he would accept an incentive payment from the Council of £2500 [from one email to another, the amount varies...] in addition to your waiver of the £2000 compensation payment that he was obliged to pay you, in return for fixing your rent at the rate of £1046.46 (lower than current market rents and LHA rates https://lha-direct.voa.gov.uk/ [It makes landlord looking like a really nice man innit when the flat has not been upgraded and is in derelict state – FACT!]) for a period of two years. A two year agreement is required in order for a Council incentive to be paid. [Hackney Council website stipulates a one year contract: “Our requirements - We ask that you: rent your property for at least 12 months”]

This proposal was therefore extended to you. You rejected the proposal to waiver the landlord's £2000 compensation payment, which is your right, and consequently, this option is no longer available. Therefore, landlord is obliged to pay the £2000 compensation due to you and he is able to increase the rent on the property, which he has done, and you have decided to contest the proposed new rent at a rent tribunal.

Your current rent, if your tribunal hearing is unsuccessful, is unsustainable and this would adversely affect the Council's decision to assist you with a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) to help with the shortfall between your Housing Benefit and your rent liability. It is possible that the Hackney Money Hub https://hackney.gov.uk/hackney-money-hub may assist for a short period of time with the shortfall whilst you seek another home, however, this is not guaranteed.

With regard to your comment that Ms C said you would render yourself intentionally homeless if you did not accept the proposal and waiver your compensation. Ms C states that she did not say this. Ms C is obliged to inform you that if you are evicted in the future due to rent arrears and present to the Council as homeless, you may be considered intentionally homeless. Ms C would not make the homelessness decision in such circumstances, any future homelessness decision would be made by the officer who would deal with your approach. Furthermore, rent arrears would not be the only factor under consideration. Any homelessness assessment is conducted in accordance with the relevant legislation and would consider whether you are any less capable than an ordinary person of seeking your own housing (not vulnerable/considered priority need). If you were considered not to be in priority need, the Council would have no duty to provide temporary homelessness accommodation. In such a circumstance, the Council would only be obliged to assist you to seek an alternative home.

With regard to social housing, prior to your reaching age 55 on 12 August 2023 [Josie C and my ward Cllr came to mine in December 2023! I was therefore eligible but that option was strangely not offered!], you had no eligibility to join the Council's housing waiting list. Furthermore, since you are of working age, do not work and are subject to the government's Benefit Cap, it would be extremely difficult to source an alternative, affordable, private rented one bedroom home for you in Hackney or indeed within the Greater London area. [Private renting people on benefits are asked to move out of London!]

If you require help with seeking work, in order that you are not subject to the government's Benefit Cap, you may find this resource helpful: https://app.opportunities.hackney.gov.uk/support

It is noted that Ms C did not immediately recognise that you are now aged 55 [So, the woman and my ward Cllr comes to my flat offering different options: On Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 18:30, Ward Cllr wrote “: ... ask Josie to join us for a meeting so we can have a 3 way discussion around different options”; On Wednesday, 13 December 2023 at 17:00:09, Josie C wrote:”M and I very sincerely just want to help you” – but both missed out the one option that could really help me!] 

Now you are aged 55, the Council may be able to assist you to locate a social housing home suitable for those aged over 55 that is affordable. The location of a potential affordable home cannot be guaranteed, but this is a possible option. It is recommended that if your rent tribunal is unsuccessful, you arrange an appointment with the Council's Housing Advice Team to start your search for an alternative home by telephoning 020 8356 2929 and apply for a DHP to help with your rent costs whilst you search. You should also make every effort to seek employment in order that your Housing Benefit entitlement is not restricted by the Benefit Cap. 

 As stated previously, I arranged for an application invitation to join the Council's housing waiting list, so that you can bid for social housing homes suitable for those aged over 55. I cannot provide waiting list timescales for this category of home since they are not separately recorded. The waiting time for older persons homes however, is considerably shorter than those waiting for a general needs one bedroom property, which is currently 3 years for priority Band B and 6 years for Band C: https://hackney.gov.uk/housing-register

I hope that I have further clarified that the Council was and is trying to assist you. If you have any further queries you can contact Ms C or arrange an appointment with the Council's Housing Advice Team.

 Jennifer W Assistant Director - Benefits and Homelessness Prevention Service.


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: London Borough of Hackney

Cc: caroline.woodley Mayor of Hackney @hackney.gov.uk ward Cllr @hackney.gov.uk

Fri, 26 Jan at 09:30


"In your case, through speaking to the landlord, it was established that he would accept an incentive payment from the Council of £2500 in addition to your waiver of the £2000 compensation payment that he was obliged to pay you, in return for fixing your rent at the rate of £1046.46 (lower than current market rents and LHA rates https://lha-direct.voa.gov.uk/ ) for a period of two years. A two year agreement is required in order for a Council incentive to be paid.": I was never informed you were giving £2500 nor the period was two years. Again: do all tenants on benefits have to participate to incentives? If not, why me? You haven't responded.

Have you given the landlord £2500?

"With regard to your comment that Ms C said you would render yourself intentionally homeless if you did not accept the proposal and waiver your compensation. Ms C states that she did not say this": she said that if I didn't give my £2000 to the landlord, then I would make myself homeless and asked me if I had ever been homeless explaining that it's not funny!

She mentioned PIP (Personal Independence Payment) on an email on 30 November 2023. I said I would be happy to be helped and informed her that the person who could help didn't; I asked her again about it when she came to my flat on 19 December 2023: she said she was not an expert. I don't know more about it, nobody has been in touch.

Sybille Castelain -



Re: Satellite Dish and Door Locks

On Tuesday, 16 January 2024 at 09:22:07 GMT, Landlord wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain,

(1) Satellite dish: I am currently in correspondence with management company about this. CCTV operator has indicated that it may be discussed at their next meeting in February. Once I have more information, I will update you again.

(2) Door locks: Before Christmas I had a telephone conversation with Lola L [from Incentive team, she negotiated a deal with landlord to let him keep my compensation money] from the London Borough of Hackney about rent and the issue of new door locks was mentioned. Ms L instructed me not to use Dxxx Security on the grounds that they were uncompetitive on price. Their quote was more than double those of other local locksmiths. I have therefore obtained a quote from RS Locks & Sxxx, and I will be using this company to replace the main lock cylinder and mortice lock. I have been given at date of next Wednesday 24 January 2024 at 11.00am. The job should take about 30 minutes. Is this convenient for you? If not, could you give me some other dates, preferable keeping to 11.00am.



On 16 Jan 2024, at 13:12, <sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

Hi Landlord,

1) So the satellite dish won't be removed in January as you initially mentioned!

2) Before Christmas you said you spoke to Dxxx people and you didn't mention their high price, though you had RS Locks & Sxxx' quote already.

Why has "Ms L instructed me not to use Dxxx Security on the grounds that they were uncompetitive on price." Lola L got a say in this?

Why, when I told you I wanted security and I don't feel comfortable with RS Locks & Sxxx from Riverside Close doing the job... why isn't this taken into account?

Sybille Castelain -


On Tuesday, 16 January 2024 at 18:53:43 GMT, Landlord wrote


Since my last email, the management company have asked me for more information about the satellite dish complaint. I’ll contact you separately tomorrow when I’ve established exactly what they’re asking.

With regard to the locks, when I tried to arrange a visit by Dxxx Security before Xmas, I had nothing to compare their price with. After that I spoke to Ms Lola L (London Borough of Hackney) who advised me, and instructed me not to accept Dxxx’s quote - which was clearly excessive. I only received the R&S quote yesterday, hence my message to you this morning.

R&S have a good reputation and can guarantee to use brand new locks and keys. The boxes will be opened in our presence. They are also able to guarantee an arrival time due to their close proximity.

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find a better local option. Would you like me to continue searching or shall we get this sorted next Wednesday with R&S?



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Landlord

BCC: ward Cllr, Caroline Woodley mayor of hackney @hackney.gov.uk

Wed, 17 Jan at 12:48

Over the few months, I have repeatedly shown concerned over my security/safety;

Yesterday, I asked "Why, when I told you I wanted security and I don't feel comfortable with RS Locks & Sxxx from Riverside Close doing the job... why isn't this taken into account?" you haven't replied! I have instructed Hackney Council to reply to you regarding front door locks!

You seem to be making things difficult! I'm guessing Satellite Dish won't be removed despite your ongoing promise since Spring 2022. Another email from you to come tomorrow!

You wanted to evict me and took me to court; you have tried to settle out of court a few times on the condition I leave your flat; you have negotiated with Lola L for me to stay another two years in your flat. What's the plan? [Landlord’s next email is in July 2024 about... satellite dish!]

Sybille Castelain -


Re: abuse in robin hood garden, clapton (Ref: 21780462)

 September 2021: Caroline Woodley opened

a few times my articles on abuse:

23 January 2024: Caroline Woodley, now Mayor of Hackney

opens again my article on abuse:

Caroline Woodley knew from my Mailchimp article I was a victim of ongoing psychological harassment following sexual harassment: what’s her intent?


On Friday, 26 January 2024 at 11:31:15 GMT, Mayor (Shared Mailbox) mayor@hackney.gov.uk wrote:

Dear Sybille

Thank you for your email regarding Robin Hood Community Garden (RHCG) which I received on 4 December 2023. I am sorry to hear about your experiences and apologise for the delay in responding.

I have made enquiries with the Council’s Parks and Green Spaces service who have confirmed that the volunteering sessions are indeed advertised as weekly sessions on Sundays, between 1pm and 4pm on the Council’s Parks Volunteering webpage - further information is linked here.

Officers have confirmed that the garden is locked to the general public except on the specified opening day with Robin Hood User Group (RHUG) members on site. It is the responsibility for RHUG, who manage the site in partnership with the Council under a Service Level Agreement, to ensure that the site is unlocked and locked as required and advertised. [no idea why this has to do with abuse I reported!]

I am advised that officers have contacted RHUG who confirm that they still aim to deliver the Sunday volunteering sessions alongside their Garden Guardian’s initiative. The Garden Guardian’s initiative enables small teams of volunteers to access the garden at different times to maintain the site in accordance with their lone working policy (which has in fact increased the hours of volunteering and access). [no idea why this has to do with abuse I reported!]

I understand RHCG have also been working hard to create opportunities for visiting groups and so far have hosted school groups and student groups from UCL and City University. [no idea why this has to do with abuse I reported!]

I am advised that the RHCG is building a new website for the garden, which will have more flexible listings of times for volunteering and training opportunities. Further information is available on the following webpage: www.robinhoodgarden.org.uk. [no idea why this has to do with abuse I reported!]

RHCG have confirmed that they have had no reports of any incidents in relation to access to the garden reported to them. [Women who don’t report rape means women don’t get raped then!]

I hope that this response helps clarify the position and that you can attend the sessions again as advertised and have a much more enjoyable experience. [So Caroline Woodley is “I am sorry to hear about your experiences” but wishes me to “have a much more enjoyable experience” -  This is my report on 4 December 2023 about sexism, racism, ableism, discrimination]

Sent on behalf of Caroline Woodley Mayor of Hackney


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Mayor (Shared Mailbox), Casework (Shared Mailbox), Ward Cllr

Fri, 26 Jan at 12:11

Hi Caroline,

The Robin Hood Garden has been mostly closed on Sundays between June and December 2023, opening once or twice a month.

But this is not the object of my complaint initially, so I am not sure why everything else has been ignored. [It’s called gaslighting]

Plus I am banned to go to the garden! [So Caroline Woodley is “I am sorry to hear about your experiences” but wishes me to “have a much more enjoyable experience” in a sexist- racist-ableism-discriminatory world!]

Sybille Castelain -

I wrote to my ward Cllr to let her know how in distress Caroline Woodley is getting me into:

On Friday, 26 January 2024 at 15:17:15 GMT, Ward Cllr wrote:

Hi Sybille 

I have my surgery 2mrw at 10.00am . Would you like to come along.


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward Cllr

Fri, 26 Jan at 15:24

Hi M,

I've been to so many surgeries and meet you and nothing seems to have progressed... Are you going to tell me something relevant, that can help me? If so, I'll come. Is it at The Mount?

Sybille Castelain - 


Re: Draft Email to Jennifer W about Housing... again

On Sunday, 28 January 2024 at 21:35:23 GMT, Ward Cllr wrote:

Dear Sybille

I just wanted get your input into this draft email to Jennifer W

Dear Jennifer

I am writing on behalf of my constituent Sybille Castelain.

As you know last year Ms Castelain received a notice from her landlord increasing her rent from £975.00 to £1350.00 pcm from the first of January. [Ward Cllr writes correctly my rent amount, but filled Section 22 making up £931 – Was it deliberate?]

Ms Castelain has submitted an application to the rent tribunal appealing against  the rent increase and has so far not had a response.

Ms Castelain's rent has been covered by housing benefit and she is unclear whether payments cover any of the increase which she does not have the means to pay.

In any event Ms Castelain has outstanding repairs in her property [ can you add details]. Please can you clarify if any additional payments have been made to Ms Castellains landlord by LBH.

Additionally & urgently  Ms Castelain has been advised that her hearing loss means that she may be eligible for Personal Independence Payment which would make a significant difference to her. She will require assistance completing the application. Please note that she will need a face to face appointment because of her disability and that she is only contactable by email and does not have a phone. There may be some delay on her part in responding to emails as she does not have wifi at home so needs to use public wifi to connect to the internet.


I will also be speaking to the council's ASBO officers and parks department before making an approach to Robin Hood Garden on your behalf.



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward Cllr

Mon, 29 Jan at 09:49

Thanks M,

Regarding this bit "In any event Ms Castelain has outstanding repairs in her property [ can you add details]." I don't think it's relevant because Josie C came on 19 December and found the flat fine...

Regarding this bit "There may be some delay on her part in responding to emails as she does not have wifi at home so needs to use public wifi to connect to the internet." Apart from Sundays, I check my emails and respond to everything quickly. I don't think it needs added.

Regarding "I will also be speaking to the council's ASBO officers and parks department before making an approach to Robin Hood Garden on your behalf." You said you would speak to them, you also said that Christopher Kennedy (Voluntary Sector) and Joseph Ogundemuren (Mayor's Hate Crime Champion) were investigating Robin Hood Garden... Robin Hood Garden, its Chair Abigail Hopkins who banned me from going to the garden, has not respected the law: they should have detailed the abusive language I used; ask my version of facts; not conclude without proof that I display unpredictable behaviour! Also, I was constantly denied access to activities... On a more collective level, racism, discrimination and shoutings should have been investigated months ago I feel.

Sybille Castelain





Solicitors for my housing matter

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: caroline.woodley Mayor of Hackney @hackney.gov.uk, ward Cllr

Tue, 20 Feb at 12:32


I just heard from my solicitor's office regarding payment from landlord he was supposed to pay them: They did send him an email on 3 October 2023 telling him he was supposed to pay them my compensation money with their bank details. He ignored it!

Also, I did pay near £2000 to Legal Aid as my solicitors asked me to do so when they took my case on.

This is a big mix up and wonder how many Hackney Citizens on the dole have the same fate!

I can't go to my local community garden due to discrimination, racism, sexism: I have reported for a whole year; I am not taken seriously; I won my case and yet I'm soon to be homeless; my jobcentre wants me to join a work program where I won't be able to go to R Community Centre and give (and have some) food to vulnerable people...

This is extremely brutal. I have no joy! Never! I have stopped filling any paperwork to get a social flat in Hackney!

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1

Neither Caroline Woodley nor ward Cllr replied!


MARCH 2024


Re: abuse in robin hood garden, clapton (Ref: 21780462)

Re: Robin Hood Community Gardens (Ref: 23024385)

On Friday, 22 March 2024 at 09:59:36 GMT, Mayor (Shared Mailbox) wrote:

Dear Sybille

Thank you for your further correspondence in relation to Robin Hood Community Gardens and your recent experience, and apologies for the delay in providing you with a response. [From my email dated Fri, 26 Jan at 12:11]

I have been informed that officers from the Council’s Parks and Green Spaces service have been in touch with Robin Hood User Group (RHUG) again to fully understand the access and volunteering opportunities to the garden. It is the responsibility of RHUG, who manage the site in partnership with the Council under a Service Level Agreement, to ensure that the site is unlocked and locked as required and advertised and is safe for all. The RHUG has clarified that the opening has only been for one Sunday a month between June and December 2023 [Caroline Woodley, Friday, 26 January 2024 at 11:31:15 I have made enquiries with the Council’s Parks and Green Spaces service who have confirmed that the volunteering sessions are indeed advertised as weekly sessions on Sundays, between 1pm and 4pm”], as per volunteer capacity. The RHUG will ensure they regularly update their communications and site signage to ensure up to date information is available on this. [October 2024: no signage on the gate, no signage on their website either!]

Robin Hood Websitehttps://robinhoodgarden.org.uk/events/

Trustees of RHUG have also confirmed to officers that the garden is locked to the general public except on this specified opening day with Robin Hood User Group (RHUG) members on site. Only the volunteers, who access the space outside of Sunday to carry out ongoing and scheduled tasks have:

access to the code and garden;

inductions based on this policy; and

access to a WhatsApp code-holders group where they have to log their entry and exit times. 

I believe you were given the opportunity to enter the induction process but may not have completed the process. [Best way to believe is to ask!]

The RHUG Trustees have communicated to officers that they unfortunately made a decision to not allow you to volunteer in the Garden for the foreseeable future. We understand this decision was taken following an incident on the afternoon of Sunday 3 December 2023 [I reported abuse giving evidence! This is no bal incident but I am the one blamed because Caroline Woodley funds racism], which led to what was considered a serious breach of their Robin Hood Garden Volunteer Policy - please see a copy attached. The Manager reported unacceptable behaviour towards her which continued from the garden to her home. The Trustees felt strongly that this was not acceptable behaviour and have indicated that they communicated this to you via email. There was a further offer to meet you and explain the decision in person. 

Officers would be happy to help coordinate such a meeting if you would like to proceed with this, but please be mindful that there is a Service Level Agreement between the RHUG and the Council to manage the Gardens and they have made a decision based on a breach of their policy for safely in operating the Garden, which is within their discretion.

If you would like to proceed with a meeting to discuss this matter further with the Robin Hood User Group, please contact parks@hackney.gov.uk.

Sent on behalf of Caroline Woodley - Mayor of Hackney


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Mayor (Shared Mailbox), Casework (Shared Mailbox), parks@hackney.gov.uk, ward Cllr

Fri, 22 Mar at 10:24

Dear Caroline,

I have reported many incidents in the past years and more officially for a year.


 "The RHUG has clarified that the opening has only been for one Sunday a month between June and December 2023, as per volunteer capacity." I was never told this;

"I believe you were given the opportunity to enter the induction process but may not have completed the process." This is incorrect. I had the code, then the code changed and I was told I wouldn't have it, therefore I was not given an opportunity to enter an induction process!

"We understand this decision was taken following an incident on the afternoon of Sunday 3 December 2023, which led to what was considered a serious breach of their Robin Hood Garden Volunteer Policy" I reported on the 4 December 2023 to you and other Labour party about the abuse against me on that day; they contacted me in January 2024 accusing me of using abusive language when I used freedom of speech; not using abusive language.

"but please be mindful that there is a Service Level Agreement between the RHUG and the Council to manage the Gardens" I understand that whatever I would say, they win, so how do we move on from here?

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


APRIL 2024


Re: abuse in robin hood garden, clapton (Ref: 21780462)

Re: Robin Hood Community Gardens (Ref: 23024385)

Re: Robin Hood Community Gardens (Ref: 24317017)

On Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 21:29:01 BST, Ward Cllr wrote:

Dear Sybille

I apologise for the delay in getting back to you following our meeting at my surgery. 

I know you were very disappointed with the Mayors response and if I have understood correctly dont think there has been a proper investigation of discrimination against you and others. I have been considering the options available to you in relation to Robin Hood Gardens if you want to pursue this further.

As you know the Mayors office has offered to facilitate a  meeting with the gardens. If you want to pursue this I would be happy to attend with you and although the councils options are limited by the service level agreement it would at least be a way of you putting forward what happened before witnesses.

Another option maybe following a meeting is mediation . There are some organisations below which offer this some for free.




Beyond Feelings - a Community Counselling Service C.i.c.

Address: Flat 7, Clissold House, Lordship Road, STOKE NEWINGTON, London, Greater London England, N16 0PS Mobile 07774 967119

Let me know if you want me to take this or anything else forward.



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward Cllr

Fri, 12 Apr at 10:35

Hi M,

Following our meeting on 23 March 2024, once again I disagree with mediation. You have pushed this idea since early December 2023 - by email and at meetings we had in December 2023 + January 2024.

Christopher Kennedy, Labour Cllr in charge of Voluntary Sector

15 May 2024: Cabinet member for health, Cllr Chris Kennedy uses gardening to help clear his mind when feeling anxious or overwhelmed. What technique works best for you? Share your experience this #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek below 👇 For local support please visit: https://orlo.uk/eCSEi

You might remember that in Spring- Summer 2023 (we first met at your surgery on 22 April 2023), I emailed you saying I only go to RobinHood Community Garden (RHCG) as a way to find peace at growing vegetables (which all crops were destroyed by RHCG 'gardener' Peter Moore); to report on discriminations / abuse... as a non masochist person I would have left otherwise! I have many times stressed verbally and on my reports that the abuse issue is regarding / affecting the entire community!

It has been of extreme stress to deal with RHCG for me and the community in E5 as I have reported constantly. I have taken the trouble to write a detail journalistic article about it at the end of August 2023 https://risingvoicesbehingwalls.blogspot.com/2023/08/soleil-o.html. Further to that article, we met on 23 September 2023. I took the trouble to then write to Sadiq Khan, his team and the Labour party.

Caroline Woodley, Mayor of Hackney was aware of what was going on! On 26 January 2024, she emailed me: “RHCG have confirmed that they have had no reports of any incidents in relation to access to the garden reported to them. I hope that this response helps clarify the position and that you can attend the sessions again as advertised and have a much more enjoyable experience.” I wonder what she intended here apart from dismissing my journalistic skills? Was she hoping I would go to RHCG telling arrogantly the abusers that the Mayor says I can go? Then entering a new conflict that would prove me to be on the wrong side? Caroline Woodley knew perfectly well I had been a victim of sexual harassment, ongoing psychological harassment, insults, threats... on emails, online and through my letter box! She also knew I was out of a court case against landlord and flat agent! Why did she then write on 22 March 2024 I was the one being abusive and she banned me from going to RHCG?

Before being a Mayor, Caroline Woodley was in charge of families, parks and greens in Hackney. I’m guessing she knows quite well Vicky, RHCG manager who also does board games for children & families in parks; or Abi Hopkins, Chair of RHCG who, apart from being a ‘therapist’, she deals with children, schools etc.

EcoActive is one of RHCG partners; they seem to know Caroline Woodleyshe seems to be happy they got a grant of £250000 from Heritage Fund RHCG organised pollinator’ sessions in Spring-Summer 2023 I was not invited to – EcoActive have vacancies on these topics I can’t apply for due to inequality in treatment at RHCG! Caroline Woodley “... has offered to facilitate a meeting with the gardens. If you want to pursue this I would be happy to attend with you and although the councils options are limited by the service level agreement it would at least be a way of you putting forward what happened before witnesses.” My response to her on 22 March 2024 was “I understand that whatever I would say, they win, so how do we move on from here?

I would add today that the whole thing is so brutal, violent and insulting! You obviously take their side!

Why don’t you give me a job?

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


On Thursday, 18 April 2024 at 14:57:24 BST, Mayor (Shared Mailbox) wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain

Thank you for your further correspondence to Mayor Woodley regarding Robin Hood Community Gardens (RHCG).

As outlined in Mayor Woodley’s response, officers would be happy to help coordinate a meeting between you and the Trustees of RHCG to establish if there can be an acceptable resolution to this matter. [This is crazy how they insist! The abuse affects the entire community and they deny this]

If you would like to proceed with this please, do not hesitate to let us know and we will arrange for officers to make contact with you.

Member Casework Team


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Mayor (Shared Mailbox), Casework (Shared Mailbox)

Thu, 18 Apr at 15:34

I don't sit with abusers!

Stop funding racists; disability discrminative; transphobix!

Stop being prejudiced!

Stop protecting your friends!


Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


Re: Housing Register Application reference c78588c23b


On Wednesday, 24 April 2024 at 17:12:42 BST, Kevin M @hackney.gov.uk wrote:

Dear Ms Sybille Castelain,

Please see the attached letter regarding your application to the housing register.

Kevin M - Benefits and Homeless Prevention Officer - Housing Register Team


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Kevin M from Hackney Council

Thu, 25 Apr at 11:23

I think Hackney Council has a real issue with communication...

Anyway, this is what I wrote 20 February 2024 (nothing to do with lack of interest but how brutal your system is): "to: caroline.woodley Mayor of Hackney @hackney.gov.uk, ward Cllr Tue, 20 Feb at 12:32 ...This is extremely brutal. I have no joy! Never! I have stopped filling any paperwork to get a social flat in Hackney!"

No energy to fill anything; I'm not paying the extra rent I'm supposed to, so I won't fit your indecent criteria!

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


On Thursday, 25 April 2024 at 17:31:47 BST, Kevin M @hackney.gov.uk wrote:

Dear  Ms Sybille Castelain,

Thank you for your email.

The email I sent you on 24/04/2024 was to request the information that we require from you in order to assess your application to the Housing Reigster.

Please provide the information in the attached letter within one month so I can assess your housing register application.

Kevin M - Benefits and Homeless Prevention Officer-Housing Register Team


From:sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Kevin M

Thu, 25 Apr at 17:34

the email i sent you indicates clearly enough my answer to your email!

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1

Kevin M called me (02083560018) on 26 April 2024; I didn’t pick up; my answer machine says “please don’t leave a message I’m deaf”; he left a message (which I didn’t listen); then he emailed Tue, 20 Aug at 16:17Dear Ms Sybille Castelain, I am writing with regards to the letter we sent to you on 24/04/2024 requesting that you provide further information to be able to assess your application for social housing. Unfortunately, you have not yet provided all the information requested”; he emailed again Fri, 6 Sept at 12:28Dear Ms Sybille Castelain, I am emailing you regarding your application to the Housing Register. Please see the attached cancellation decision letter.”


MAY – JUNE 2024


Tribunal for Rent Increase

On Fri, 31 May 2024 at 11:17, sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk wrote to ward Cllr:

Hi M,

Today was the hearing regarding the rent increase.

You sent me section 22 to fill.

The judge said If I had to contest about the rent increase I had to fill section 13.

There is no way I can contest a rent increase with section 22.

I'll be soon in the streets!

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


On Sunday 2 June 2024 at 12:21:02 BST, Ward Cllr wrote:

Dear Sybille

I'm very sorry to hear that & surprised that the tribunal was not prepared to  allow you to correct an error on the form which was not your fault. [Is she serious or does she live in TeletubbiesLand? I mean she’s a lawyer FFS!]

I would suggest you consider re approaching Hackney Benefits and Homelessness prevention service to discuss if they can offer you any further support . I would be happy to make a referral for you if you would like me to do so. [Is she serious or is she seriously taking the piss?]



From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: ward Cllr

Mon, 3 Jun at 10:06

I have no interest in your sorry-ness!

Tribunal knew the error was not my fault. Do you think they care?

Please do not suggest anything: I don't trust you; I don't trust Hackney Council; you all misled me!

For one year, I have seen you and written to you about racism and abuse in RobinHood Garden: you and Caroline Woodley have banned me from going there because of my behaviour.

For one year, I have seen you and written to you about my dodgy landlord, abuse I was victim: you made me homeless!

If anybody in BCC wants to speak to you, fine!

Leave me alone

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


JULY 2024


Re: Satellite Dish (again)

On Tuesday 16 July 2024 at 09:45:45 BST, Landlord wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain,

Just a quick note to say I’ve heard from the management company regarding the satellite dish. They initially stated they are not prepared to move it, but I've asked for a meeting and I'll be seeing a Director next week.

Regarding the rent, I’ll write to you shortly outlining the current situation.



On Tuesday, 16 July 2024 at 10:13:13 BST, sybille castelain wrote:


Following the Tribunal advice, I have sent you a letter on 4 or 5 July 2024 regarding appealing the Court decision.

Following your first visit in flat in Spring 2022, you said you would have the satellite removed if you were selling the flat as the flat wouldn't sell with such an eyesore: I have had it for 10 years!

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


On Tuesday 16 July 2024 at 10:46:15 BST, Landlord wrote:

I haven't received anything from you in the post. Please send a copy of your letter via email.


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Landlord

Tue, 16 Jul at 10:49

find attached

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


Re: 152 Riverside Close - Rent Arrears

On Tuesday 30 July 2024 at 10:54:45 BST, Landlord wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain,

Please see attached letter and statement regarding rent arrears which have also been copied to the London Borough of Hackney Benefits Office.



Rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive, rent market value, derelict flat From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk

Wed, 31 Jul at 13:08

To: josie c Cc: caroline woodley - Mayor of Hackney

BCC to housing/social journalists, my MP, French ambassador, London Assembly,  Foreign Secretary, Labour Housing and Communities.

Good afternoon,

Yesterday, my landlord emailed as below about my rent arrears: I’m attaching one of his documents: a word document from his PDF (hiding his personal information).

The arrears document (in figures - not attached) is vague as is his wording “I must stress this calculation is based on the rent being £975.00 per calendar month. The actual arrears are likely to be considerably higher, but can only be calculated once the rent has been determined.

Incentive: “Following negotiations with the London Borough of Hackney Benefits Office (LBH), I offered to hold the rent at a much lower rate for 24 months subject to me receiving an incentive payment.”: Josie C in CC (benefit & homeless officer) & Lola L (incentive officer) negotiated in my back my compensation money landlord owed me following losing his court case against me!

They wanted me to participate to incentive money that Boroughs give to landlords – I’m on Benefits and never has a borough asked an unemployed person to give money towards incentive! Why me? Because I’m European?

They knew a new budget was being calculated in Spring 2024, why didn’t they ask landlord to wait till then: as far as I understand from a specialist in Housing working with Hackney Council, they can cover up to £1500/month; mine is £1350 since January 2024!

Why is my rent below market value? Because my flat is in derelict state and hasn’t been upgraded since the 80’s: Josie C and my ward Cllr came visit me on 19 December 2023. They said the flat was very nice... lecturing me how to shower because water goes everywhere!

For two hours, they pressured me to give up my court case compensation money: they wanted landlord to keep it... if not I was making myself homeless!

Upon refusing, Cllr filled Section 22 for Court Case instead of Section 13 + most of info she put on file was wrong! I sent her my flat contract on 11 December 2023 stipulating a rent at £975, she put £961!

Since 2020, Josie C has constantly defended landlord, undermined me; Jennifer W (head of benefits and homeless speaker) has cut my benefit a few times for 0 reasons!

In the Autumn 2023, Josie C, ward Cllr and mayor Caroline Woodley have received many emails from me being in distress, being afraid of landlord... yet they negotiated me to stay at the flat for an extra two years with a landlord that wanted me out of the flat as part of his out-of-courts settlements!

I can’t go on my knees to a woman that has constantly backstabbed me / defended landlord!

I have nothing to say to a landlord that has no shame to rent a derelict flat that can’t sell as high as any flats in Riverside Close due to its poor condition!

I’m homeless, in despair and the Hackney Borough can’t care less!

I am everyday monitored by Riverside Close CCTV operator who informs maintenance guy who comes across my path as soon as I leave my flat (as attached) - They play psychological games... when do you think I'll commit suicide? [This is a rhetorical question... the topic of this email is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive, rent market value, derelict flat, Hackney Council, Caroline Woodley-Mayor of Hackney and her friend my ward Cllr getting me in distress! Two days later, Caroline Woodley booked me without my consent with a shrink expert in psychosis and schizophrenia who has an interest in menopaused and deaf women...]

Feel free to speak to C or Woodley!

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1



UPDATE: Rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive, rent market value, derelict flat:

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Josie.C @hackney.gov.uk, caroline.woodley mayor of hackney @hackney.gov.uk

BCC: to housing/social journalists, my MP, French ambassador, London Assembly, Foreign Secretary, Labour Housing and Communities.

Thu, 1 Aug at 10:40

Good Morning,

I managed to have a look at the arrears: I don’t understand much but it looks like it’s from October-November 2023 when Jennifer W suspended my benefits... FYI: I didn’t pressure landlord to pay compensation though Judge told him to pay within two weeks following her verdict on 7 September 2023.

I asked Josie C how much I had to put up each month to cover what the Benefits didn’t cover; she told me the Benefits paid the entire rent! So, a year later, landlord asks me to pay £700 out of £90/week I get from Jobcenter...

In Autumn 2023 I sent C and my ward Cllr G (a lawyer) how my mail was opened: I showed the difference how I open them (attached) VS how landlord? / flat agent / CCTV operator?/ maintenance guy (they all have my building keys) open my mail (attached)! There is a note by the letter box asking postman to get the mail in: he never does! On Monday, my mail was open again as attached, but they opened the way I open though they started with an envelop knife... I have no privacy nor do I have intimacy: I have reported numerous times how they enter my flat in my absence because they know via CCTV when I leave, when I'm on my way back!

Upon all the stressful and depressing emails they received, why did they [ward Cllr & Hackney Borough] force me to stay in a dangerous (physically and psychologically) place for an extra two years?

Today, I left my flat at 8AM: I didn’t see maintenance guy, Police car was by Co-op / in red, where maintenance guy lives – as attached

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


Despite reading my Mailchimp on abuse, sexual violence, threats and insults, none of her ‘offers’ below relate to abuse! Caroline Woodley, Mayor of Hackney is deliberately omitting to give Hackney contacts for abused women! Though, the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears and incentive

On Friday 2 August 2024 at 15:05:44 BST, from Mayor (Shared Mailbox)

Dear Sybille

Thank you for contacting Caroline Woodley, Mayor of Hackney [email dated 31 July 2024].

It sounds as though you have a lot to deal with at the moment and we want to ensure that you get the right help. [Caroline Woodley banned me from going to my local community garden (I joined Robin Hood for mental health issues) invoking my supposedly unpredictable behaviour as well as using abusive language with no proof of it; she is getting me homeless...]

We have shared your email with Hackney & City Mental Health Single Point of Contact and Council’s Adult team to ask them to reach out to you directly and provide support. [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

In the meantime, we also wanted to share some information with you about where you can get support. [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

Most importantly, if you are feeling desperate to the point of suicide, please do speak to someone who can help. [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

Your GP can talk through options with you [She did: since May 2022, she has tried to section me; sent me to two psychiatrists expert in psychosis and schizophrenia!] . Alternatively, if you have a care coordinator, you can reach out to them and ask for help. [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

If you’d rather speak to someone else:

The City & Hackney Mental Health Crisis Line is available 24 hours a day every day of the year and is free to call - 0800 073 0006. [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

Single Point of Contact: https://www.elft.nhs.uk/services/city-hackney-single-point-access   [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

NHS 111  [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

From 2 April 2024, people living in the London Borough of Hackney will be able to call 111 and select option 2, putting them through to a fully trained and qualified mental health professional team based in ELFT’s crisis hub in Tower Hamlets. Existing local crisis lines in each borough will still be running. 111 is a freephone number that provides urgent health advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to people of all ages. [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

City & Hackney Walk-in Crisis Café  [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

As well as offering a welcome cuppa, the Crisis Cafe is a safe, supportive, and therapeutic place for anyone struggling and not coping with life. [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

The Café is at: The Raybould Centre, City and Hackney Centre for Mental Health, Homerton Row, E9 6SR and is open from 6pm-9pm Monday to Friday, and from noon-4pm on Saturday and Sundays. For more information, call 073937 62366. [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

Samaritans: helpline is free to call on 116 123 and available 24/7 365 days of the year. https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/  [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

Maytree Respite Centre (Finsbury Park) https://www.maytree.org.uk/: accommodation and support for people who are suicidal. Please call them direct on 020 7263 7070 or  email maytree@maytree.org.uk with your name and number and they will get back to you. [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

If you are at serious risk of injury, please call 999. [REMINDER: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

We appreciate this is a lot of information however, we wanted to assure you that there are many people out there with the experience and expertise to be able to help you. It may feel overwhelming but please do reach out to them as you don’t need to do this on your own. [REMINDER I: the topic of emails dated 31 July-1 August 2024 is about rent, rent increase, rent arrears, incentive]

[REMINDER II: On Fri, 26 Jan at 12:11, I wrote to Caroline Woodley “... But this is not the object of my complaint initially, so I am not sure why everything else has been ignored.[It’s called gaslighting]]

[Fun Fact: women have the right to dress the way they like without having to feel afraid or guilty of rape! Women have the right to commit suicide! Their body, their life!]

Kind regards [FUCK OFF]

Member Casework team


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Mayor (Shared Mailbox)

Sat, 3 Aug at 10:20

you are dismissing the entire point!

you are gaslighting me once again!

woodley has forbidden me to access Robinhood garden i joined for mental health issues inventing me having unpredictable behaviour!

my crime: telling vicky she is racist, insulting deaf people like me

woodley finances Robinhood garden

woodley is friend with garden manager vicky + abi hopkins chair of robinhood

woodley has sent me very rude emails

as for GP, woodley knows she tried to section me for being psychotic/schysophrenic; other option i had was seeing that creep

hackney is racist, brutal and violent!

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


Council Tax; a survey; RobinHood Garden; Caroline Woodley

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: London Borough of Hackney, caroline.woodley Mayor of Hackney @hackney.gov.uk

BCC to housing/social journalists, my MP, French ambassador, London Assembly, Foreign Secretary, Labour Housing and Communities.

Wed, 7 Aug at 11:22

Good Morning,

On Friday 2 August 2024, I received a notice from Hackney Council by email regarding my email sent to you 31 Jul at 13:08 GMT: they are looking at it.

Council Tax

On 18 July 2024, I received a reminder about not paying my Council Tax for July 2024 – Letter attached: I paid on 23 July as attached. I’m also attaching a Council Tax reminder from 2023 because I) they were very rude II) I did pay my Council Tax! I’m also attaching a letter received in 2023 where Hackney Council is taking money off my benefit for no reason stipulating they had already written to me (which they didn’t).

Following a survey I filled yesterday, I received a Council Tax reminder by email: very vague as it doesn’t say which month I haven’t paid… as attached: another threatening email by Hackney Council. Disclaimer: I haven’t paid yet August Council Tax: I’m waiting my Jobseeker Allowance money which is tomorrow.

Survey Yesterday I noticed a 5 August 2024 Hackney Council X – previously Tweeter – about a survey “We've created a new policy to better support Council tenants with additional needs - but we need your help to make sure we’ve got it right. 📲 Fill out this survey and tell us what else needs to be done to support our residents who need extra help. ️ https://orlo.uk/2MVE5” (https://consultation.hackney.gov.uk/housing-strategy-and-policy/ac25d871/). Following filling that survey, I received an email confirming filling it at 11.36AM… followed by a very abrupt email at 12.30PM regarding ‘unpaid Council Tax’! As attached



             Why is survey so vague? I felt so insecure about answering that I left all important questions unanswered as attached

II)            Why use only Tweeter / X?


III)           Why not send a hard copy, an email, WHatsapp etc?


IV)          How many Hackney residents are missing out an opportunity to voice their concerns?

Robin Hood Garden - RHG

Today, I met randomly a RHG volunteer – I haven’t seen them for about two years. They stopped going because of Vicky’s abuse: we both witnessed how Vicky was totally abusive towards her gardener (who left for being abused). They live right above the garden: apparently it’s a total mess, no progress, nothing growing, few volunteers attending. They complained about Vicky not letting volunteers expressing themselves – letting them grow what they want. I told them I wrote an article referencing to a dictatorship / colonialism aspect!

I keep meeting randomly volunteers who have stopped going to RHG for abuse and racism. I am banned for saying to Vicky she’s a racist. I reported to Caroline Woodley in December 2023. Woodley banned me for supposedly having unpredictable behaviour; Woodley finances RHG! Woodley is friend with Chair and ‘therapist’ Abi Hopkins; Woodley is friend with Vicky (garden manager). The gardener is misogynist and sexist!

I joined RHG for mental health issues: I received threats – death threats – insults on and on – stalking online and physically. I’m a victim of humiliation and sexual violence!

Caroline Woodley

Isn’t it cynical that Woodley sent me – as attached – an email faking feeling for me as well as sending unrequested advice from my email dated 31 July 2024.

Why is she dismissing my point / the general issue? Is she pushing me to suicide?

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


Council Tax

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: council.tax.recovery@hackney.gov.uk, caroline.woodley Mayor of Hackney @hackney.gov.uk, London Borough of Hackney

BCC to housing/social journalists, my MP, French ambassador, London Assembly,  Foreign Secretary, Labour Housing and Communities.

Fri, 16 Aug at 09:31

Good morning,

Following my email dated 7 August 2024 (featuring below my signature) stipulating I was going to pay my Council Tax once I received JSA - I paid £13.06 on 9 August 2024 at 8.30AM (as attached); I understand payment should have been received by 10.30AM on that day – I received a severe letter from Hackney Council Tax Office cancelling instalment, as attached.

So, yesterday 15 August 2024, I received that horrid letter dated 13 August 2024; I went into panic once again, high level of anxiety… I rushed to Hackney Centre between 3PM and 4PM.

I was told Council Tax officers work from home and I have to call them; I said I was deaf; they told me to email them; I showed the letter telling them there were no email address alternative; they gave me a paper (as attached) featuring an email.

I didn’t have that email: why can’t emails feature in Hackney Council administrative letters / emails? Why are deaf people / people with speech impediment treated as inferior beings?

Why does Hackney Council offer their residents to justify a late payment and still go abrupt by interrupting their organised instalments?

If Hackney Council tax office keeps their instalment organised to me, I’d like to warn them that next payment of £13 is due 1 September 2024, but I’ll pay on 5 or 6 September 2024 once I received JSA. Would that be a problem?

FYI I), this morning I woke up with mouth ulcers. After waiting eight months for a tooth extraction next week at hospital, I might have to cancel it due to mouth ulcer!

FIY II), by refusing to give out my compensation money to landlord you bullied me to, you saved £2000 + over £100 monthly! You make my life hell for £13!


Benefits and Homeless Prevention Chief in Hackney Council investigates on herself and finds out she did a good job...

[15 July 2024 from a BBC report: Hackney temporary housing deaths cause concern]


On Monday 19 August 2024 at 15:22:03 BST, London Borough of Hackney wrote:

Dear Ms Castelain

The email which you sent to Mayor, Caroline Woodley and Benefits & Homeless Prevention officer, Josie C on 31 July 2024, was forwarded as a complaint [On Friday 2 August 2024 at 15:05:44 BST, from Mayor (Shared Mailbox) responded to that email dated 31 July 2024: Dear Sybille, It sounds as though you have a lot to deal with at the moment and we want to ensure that you get the right help”; she then booked an appointment with a shrink!]. I have since conducted an investigation at Stage 1 of the Council's complaints procedure and my findings are set out below.

Be aware that issues over one year old will not be investigated under the Complaints Procedure, in accordance with published protocol. [Are residents on benefits aware of this? Nope]

Summary of your Complaint

I understand that you remain dissatisfied with the conduct of Benefits & Homeless Prevention Officers, who negotiated with your landlord, in order to assist you in maintaining your current tenancy. Your comments regarding the incentive payment and your compensation have been noted.

You have accrued rent arrears and have cited issues with the condition of your property, which you describe as 'derelict'.

 My Findings 

Concerning the negotiation with your landlord to assist you in maintaining your tenancy; the Council's position was outlined in a response to Councillor G on 9 January 2024, as well as further responses which were sent to you direct on 12 January 2024, 25 January 2024 and 30 January 2024. I have enclosed further copies of these for your reference.

Your Housing Benefit claim is being assessed based on a monthly rent of £975.00. You currently qualify to receive the full eligible rent, which equates to £225.00 per week.

Since you had disputed the landlord's proposed rent increase via the First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber - Residential Property), you would need to provide evidence of the outcome, to enable Housing Benefit records to be updated. Please ensure you cite your Housing Benefit reference number (60643378) on all evidence you provide in relation to your claim. [Why do I have to provide this?]

Your Council Tax Reduction (CTR) award from 1 April 2024 is £21.60, which is the full eligible amount. Note that for working age applicants CTR can only cover up to 90% of the Council Tax liability. Residents in receipt of CTR, but who are struggling to meet their remaining liability may wish to apply for additional temporary support from the Council Tax Reduction Discretionary Hardship Scheme:


The correspondence you have sent relating to Council Tax recovery will be responded to separately by the Council Tax team. The balance showing as outstanding on your Council Tax account (no.310164873) at the time of writing is £65.10, which is for the current financial year. [She added 0.10p]

Be aware that the Council's Private Sector Housing team are able to assist residents who have outstanding disrepair issues, which they are unable to resolve with their landlord. The team is responsible for ensuring that people who live in accommodation not owned by the Council have a safe and healthy home.

It enforces minimum legal standards and provides advice to ensure that both tenants and landlords know what is required of them and what they should expect from each other. The service can assist with:

* national minimum standards for privately rented homes

* disrepair

* drainage and sewerage defects

* some pest control issues

* disconnection of gas or electricity by your landlord

* fire, gas and electrical safety

* sharing of amenities

An email has been sent to the Private Sector Housing team to ascertain if they have any open case for you.

Finally, it is important that any resident suffering from mental health issues is able to access the appropriate help, secure in the knowledge that support services do not attach any stigma to those suffering.

Working collaboratively with partner organisations, there are many places offering support that the Council is able to endorse. Further information can be viewed on the Council's website via the following link: https://www.hackney.gov.uk/mental-health


I am satisfied that the Council's position in relation to the issues raised has been comprehensively explained to you in previous responses, copies of which are enclosed for reference. The support available to you has also been outlined and given your situation, I would urge you to seek assistance from one of the agencies listed.

Your complaint has now been investigated at Stage 1 of the Council's complaints procedure and I hope that you are satisfied with the response.

If you remain dissatisfied and would like your complaint reviewed at Stage 2 of the complaints procedure, please reply to this email without amending the subject line. It would help if you could set out your reasons for escalation to Stage 2.

Please note, if you wish to escalate your complaint, your request must be received within 6 months of the date of this response.

Jennifer W  Assistant Director - Benefits & Homeless Prevention Service


Stage 2 complaint please - (Re: Complaint (ref: 27329457))

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: London Borough of Hackney, caroline.woodley Mayor of Hackney @hackney.gov.uk, Diane Abbott MP

Tue, 20 Aug at 10:17


If I’m correct, you are investigating on yourself… and I am extremely dissatisfied! You constantly put me in an extremely anxious position and you advise me to get help from your sector… I have o trust!

You keep writing that everything is clear, but it’s not:

You have accrued rent arrears and have cited issues with the condition of your property, which you describe as 'derelict'. ” I described the property as derelict and not updated since the 80’s;

My Findings 

Concerning the negotiation with your landlord to assist you in maintaining your tenancy; the Council's position was outlined in a response to Councillor G on 9 January 2024, as well as further responses which were sent to you direct on 12 January 2024, 25 January 2024 and 30 January 2024. I have enclosed further copies of these for your reference.I never asked to maintain my tenancy – I sent many desperate and anxious emails complaining about the landlord harassing me; how is this section supposed to clarify anything? Why would you let a tenant who feels in danger stay for another two years! When I asked you if other people on benefits participated to incentive, you never replied anything clear!

Your Housing Benefit claim is being assessed based on a monthly rent of £975.00. You currently qualify to receive the full eligible rent, which equates to £225.00 per week.” Josie C wrote my rent was fully paid – this is part of an email she sent “On Friday, 29 September 2023 at 13:40:25 BST, Tenancy Sustainment (Shared Mailbox) <tenancysustainment@hackney.gov.uk> wrote: ...This is based on the rent of £975 per month. The weekly rent is calculated by multiplying the monthly rent by 12 to get an annual amount and dividing this by 52 to get the weekly amount (975x12/52 = 225). We are paying the rent 4 weekly payments of £900. This is different to the monthly amount but over the full year the full rent is covered by Housing Benefit. I have shown this below:

£225 x 52 weeks = 11,700. £975 x 12 months = 11.700”;

So is my rent fully paid?

 Since you had disputed the landlord's proposed rent increase via the First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber - Residential Property), you would need to provide evidence of the outcome, to enable Housing Benefit records to be updated. Please ensure you cite your Housing Benefit reference number (60643378) on all evidence you provide in relation to your claim.” Two copies attached – please note that my ward Cllr filled a section 22 instead of section 13 + my surname is Castelain, not Castellain – she got everything wrong!

Your Council Tax Reduction (CTR) award from 1 April 2024 is £21.60, which is the full eligible amount. Note that for working age applicants CTR can only cover up to 90% of the Council Tax liability. Residents in receipt of CTR, but who are struggling to meet their remaining liability may wish to apply for additional temporary support from the Council Tax Reduction Discretionary Hardship Scheme: https://hackney.gov.uk/discretionary-hardship-schemeI have no idea why you put this?

The correspondence you have sent relating to Council Tax recovery will be responded to separately by the Council Tax team. The balance showing as outstanding on your Council Tax account (no.310164873) at the time of writing is £65.10, which is for the current financial year.Why send me an horrid reminder then when I have paid my Council Tax so far?

Be aware that the Council's Private Sector Housing team are able to assist residents who have outstanding disrepair issues, which they are unable to resolve with their landlord. The team is responsible for ensuring that people who live in accommodation not owned by the Council have a safe and healthy home.Josie C visited my home and said it was in perfect condition!

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1




Re: Council Tax 310164873

On Tuesday 3 September 2024 at 10:08:29 BST, from Council Tax Recovery


Many thanks for your email dated 16 August 2024.

Please be advised the council tax instalments have been reprofiled into a payment plan for the 28th of every month, starting in September for £13.00.

Please accept our apologies for any stress and inconvenience caused by the matter noted in your email. Please do not hesitate to contact our recovery office, by email, should we be of any assistance.

Revenues Officer - London Borough of Hackney - Finance and Corporate Resources Directorate


From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Council Tax Recovery, caroline.woodley Mayor of Hackney @hackney.gov.uk

In BCC to: MP Diane Abbott; UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy; French Ambassador and her advisor

Wed, 4 Sept at 10:57

Good Morning,

I’m following up your email dated 3 September 2024 @ 10.08AM as below.

I note your apologies on the distress it causes me. Was it necessary to cause distress?

I’ll make a summary further down.

Strangely, a fake account in my name announced in Spring 2021 that I was evicted https://x.com/SCSurveillance/status/1388113754521493505 which was retweeted by Emmanuel Tellier https://x.com/Sybillebbldnrbt/status/1549285816849006594 as image shows.


I am also using this opportunity to stress the ongoing stress and distress Hackney Council has caused me over the years for absolute no reason! Landlord took me to court invoking non payment when Hackney Council reversed payment to my bank account in April 2021 without telling me - making me into arrears; suspending therefore my benefits without telling me! If Josie C had visited my flat in Summer 2020 [as she promised], she would have noticed I had no bath, no shower, no heaters, no oven...

Recently, Jennifer W emailed me regarding her investigation on herself stating she did a good job… How is it possible to make a complaint when staff investigates on themselves?

Regarding Council Tax – regarding August 2024:

[I forgot to pay my Council Tax in July 2024 - I received a reminder – I paid my July Council Tax by the 23 July as requested]

Following an email I sent to Mayor of Hackney Caroline Woodley and others on 31 July 2024 complaining about Hackney Council and her Labour friend my Cllr M G, CW replied on my rhetorical question regarding suicide on 2 August: making an appointment to a rat laboratory expert without my consent!

6 August 2024, I received a nasty email reminding me I didn’t pay my (July?) Council Tax! I proved I paid my July Council Tax.

15 Aug: I received a FINAL NOTICE from Council Tax office dated 13 August 2024 [I paid my August Council Tax 9 August]; I went into panic once again, high level of anxiety… I rushed to Hackney Centre between 3PM and 4PM. I was told Council Tax officers work from home and I have to call them; I said I was deaf; they told me to email them; I showed the letter telling them there were no email address alternative; they gave me a paper (as attached) featuring an email. I didn’t have that email: why can’t emails feature in Hackney Council administrative letters / emails? Why are deaf people / people with speech impediment treated as inferior beings?

16 Aug: I woke up with mouth ulcers – Twice in my life before I had mouth ulcers due to long distance moving: in 2005 and in 2008 – I’m over half a century old! Mouth ulcers meant I had to consider cancelling a hospital appointment I waited for eight months for a tooth extraction.

Jennifer W emailed on 19 August 2024 at 3.22PM (Complaint (ref: 27329457) saying I was in huge rent arrears and the investigation she carried on herself showed she did a good job!

20 Aug: Jennifer W admitted I didn’t have any rent arrears... In the night, I woke up to vomit; I have seldom vomited in my life; I hardly slept.

21 Aug: I went to Homerton Hospital for my tooth extraction at 9AM – after injecting a first shot at 1PM to numb my gum, I unexpectedly cried (I haven’t cried for years); I had to sit up because I was loud, I couldn’t stop, my body was shaking and it had nothing to do with the injection!

23 Aug: I received a text from Mental Health practice Caroline Woodley booked an appointment for me to be seen by a psychiatrist specialised in psychosis and schizophrenia! My GP tried very hard to do so from April 2022 to July 2022 using different techniques!

Regarding my rent:

My rent was initially £931. A year later it went up to £975 and has remained so until now (though landlord wants £1350 as for January 2024). For 10 years, Hackney Council has not put a single penny towards my rent when residents on benefits in Riverside Close, E5 living in one bedroom flat (similar to mine) have had a rent up to £1250 paid by Hackney Council – That’s a lot of saving on me! Math is not my territory but if my rent had gone up £50 a year for 10 years, it would be around £1400 monthly. I understand from someone dealing with Housing in Hackney that my rent would be covered by the benefits. Market rent for a flat similar to mine is £1800!

In December 2023, Hackney Council asked my compensation money I won at Court Case against landlord in order to participate to the Borough Incentive securing me to stay in flat with rogue landlord for two years! According to the Hackney incentive scheme, the stay is for a year; tenants on benefits are not requested to participate to incentive scheme!

I am attaching documents. Please note I have received indecent and nasty emails – letters from Hackney Council from August 2020! I live in a dangerous place, physically and psychologically (i.e: my post was open and we live surrounded by CCTV, why wasn’t I taken seriously? Why go all sad about Grenfell Tower when we are treated so badly?

I remain at your disposition if anything is needed!


October 2023: 4 attachments

December 2023: 1 attachment - section 22 filled by my ward Cllr: my surname is wrong, my floor is wrong, she should have filled section 13!

Josie C on my rent increase in Nov 2023 and in Dec 2023: 2 attachments

Between Autumn and Winter 2023, I sent images of derelict flat: 5 attachments

details of landlord harassments sent to Hackney Council + ward Cllr in Autumn/Witner 2023/2024: 2 attachments

July 2024: 1 attachment

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1


Re: Council Tax 310164873

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: Council Tax Recovery, caroline.woodley Mayor of Hackney @hackney.gov.uk

In BCC to: MP Diane Abbott; UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy; French Ambassador and her advisor

Thu, 12 Sept at 11:18

Good Morning,

Following my email dated 4 September as below, I have received yesterday a new Council Tax payment arrangement…

I only asked if I could pay on 5 or 6 September instead of 1 September as seen in attachment IV)

Why re-arrange?

Why not accept payment on 5 or 6 September?

Why charge me extra money on this new arrangement?

[Am I psychotic or can Caroline Woodley see her team charging me for no reason?]


I) Payments for April-May-June 2024 including payment for September 2024

II) Original Council Tax Bill payment arrangement for 2024-2025

III) New Council Tax Bill payment arrangement for 2024-2025

IV) Email sent 16 August 2024 asking if I could pay 5 or 6 September 2024 instead of 1 September

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1



harassment with psychiatrist 'expert' in psychosis [Re: v a & others]

From: sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk To: caroline.woodley Mayor of Hackney @hackney.gov.uk, EAST LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST, Diane Abbott MP

Wed, 2 Oct at 11:55

Good afternoon,

On Monday XX September 2024 I went to sign on. My next signing on appointment is a phone appointment (as attached): I am DEAF! There is a note on their computer but still, I have to be near my phone and if I don’t hear the person checking on me, my benefits will be suspended because I won’t be able to understand /hear / answer.

As Mark Stephens, Human Rights lawyer puts it “appalling”!

After being judged and labelled as psychotic and schizophrenic by Mayor of Hackney Caroline Woodley who made without my consent an appointment with rat laboratory expert Natalie Shoham... she CW is now attacking me on my deafness!

One year ago, I won my Court Case against landlord and flat agent, two lads high on testosterone: I’m attaching some samples of the crap I went through. It hasn’t stopped one year on: from Philip Glanville to Caroline Woodley! Has Josie C ever been sacked on a previous job? From a Council? If she won is it because she saved money for the Council driving residents on benefits to homelessness? We are so delinquents “... legislation expected to save the UK taxpayer £1.6bn”! [I have given more evidence to investigators on how Hackney is treating its residents!]

BTW, I still have no idea why I’m being charged on my Council Tax following them changing dates!

Below is how my GP Lindsey Angel from Spring Hill Practice insisted on me being seen by psychiatrists in 2022. THIS IS HARASSMENT!

Sybille Castelain - @sybillebbldnrbt / @pandoravox1

[Series of emails in June 2022 with psychiatrists practice booked by my GP after she tried to section me in March-April 2022:

Wed, 1 Jun at 07:12

Hi, How often has V A treated victims of sexual violence?

On Wednesday, 1 June 2022, 11:43:34 BST,

Hi, How often has V A treated victims of sexual violence?

Sent: 06 June 2022 09:09

Hi,1 June 2022 I contacted you on two separate emails, as below. Any way you could reply?

On Monday, 6 June 2022, 10:34:01 BST, EAST LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST wrote:

Hi Sybille, I have forwarded these emails to the doctor; however, we have not received a response. Apologies for the delay, I will follow this up with the doctor.


Hi, Thx for your reply. I'll take it he has no competence on victims of sexual harassment, so please cancel appointment I have with him on 16 June. Hopefully someone will benefit of that space. Sybille

On Thursday, 9 June 2022, 10:11:16 BST, EAST LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST wrote:

Hi Sybille, Thanks for your email. Would you be happy to attend if we can re-arrange the appointment with a Consultant Psychiatrist who oversees the other medical staff too? His name is Dr M S and there is a slot available on Friday 8 July 2022 @ 09:30 to see him at xxxx House. Please confirm and we will re-book the appointment for you. Team Administrator

On Thursday 9 June 2022 at 10:16:09 BST, sybille castelain <sybillecastelain@yahoo.co.uk> wrote: Thx. I don't want another appointment. Sybille

Why has Caroline Woodley tried to section me / entered my aggressor’s psychological games (such a patriarchy game) they started in 2020-2021 addressing to me as... psychotic, disturbed and so on?]


23 September 2024, I received a letter to apply for Universal Credit. If I don’t do it by 20 December 2024, all my benefits will stop. How funny it coincides to the near exact day (19 December) when my ward Cllr and Josie C of Hackney Council came to mine to bully me upon giving out my compensation money to the landlord...

When I signed on next, I told the lady who registers me I won’t fill the application. She then said my next signing on would be on the phone despite being deaf!

12 October 2024, I received a letter from Jennifer W telling me I was chosen RANDOMLY: I have to provide my bank statements:

Usually, Hackney envelops have thei address at the back, here it seems a bit dodgy...

On people dying in her ‘care’, she admitted there were "huge amounts of people that we cannot provide appropriate accommodation for”; “We don’t have provision for anybody in temporary accommodation, regardless of their protected characteristics" (people with mental health issues). If I don’t fill the papers she sent me by 9 November 2024, my benefits will stop the day Caroline Woodley celebrates her first anniversary as Mayor of Hackney!

Going through all these emails, I realise how often I described lacking privacy, being invaded by personal requests. Why does Jennifer W want to know how I spent my money and when? This is pure cruelty, pure dehumanisation. So my benefits will stop six weeks before I anticipated with the Mayor of Hackney Caroline Woodley’ approval!

15 October 2024, EAST LONDON NHS FOUNDATION TRUST sent me a text “You have an appointment at 10.30AM on 17 October. Please check your appointment letter for details” – on 23 August 2024, after cancelling that appointment with rat laboratory expert made by Caroline Woodley (with the help of my GP that I haven’t seen since May 2022), I wrote in total distress to Diane Abbott, David Lammy etc “I am just out of https://www.elft.nhs.uk/services/city-hackney-single-point-access... Doctor Shoham is specialised in psychosis! THIS IS TOTAL ABUSE OF POWER; OF MY TIME; OF MY ENERGY! GP IS TOTAL OBSESSED WITH ME ISN'T SHE? Why isn't Spring Hill Practice not putting a stop to it? HOW MUCH MORE CRAP WILL I RECEIVE?



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